What you do in your house is worth as much as if you did it up in heaven for our Lord God. We should accustom ourselves to think of our position and work as sacred and well-pleasing to God, not on account of the position and work, but on account of the word and faith from which the obedience and the work flow. ~ Martin Luther

Monday, January 31, 2005

It's about time I did something with myself.... :-)

Well, I have a mind full of things to do today. I think it has been far too long since I have made anything with my hands. I just made a bunch of invites for Elizabeth's shower....but that doesn't count...I am talking bonafide PROJECTS. I guess I was so busy making things for Christmas, now I am suffering withdrawal! The other day I saw pretty floral flannel on sale for $1.00 a yard at Walmart...I think I might get a bunch of it and make some flannel nightgowns for Corynn next winter. I have never made anything "wearable" so I will have to investigate... (On this topic, I wanted to add a message to Abby-At target there are those "big girl footed sleepers" onsale for 60% off. Since you devoted a blog post to it...I thought it might be something you may like to know about...)
A big feat for me to accomplish but one that I have aspirations for...would be to make myself a bathing suit...the store ones never fit me and the ones that do look UGLY! If I can start with the basics (nightgowns), perhaps I will be ready to get down to the nitty-gritty of bathing suit material....eek. I am also currently knitting a scarf, and working on a project of the secret type...for Matt's upcoming birthday. That's all I can say about that since he reads this blog....but, boy OH boy-is it grand! I finished making door stops for the cold air a few weeks ago... I have lots of scraps of material...I really want to start a quilt too (what a project THAT will be...)
Until I can try and teach myself how to do all of the above stated *STUFF*, I will keep myself busy on the fluff stuff. I love to decorate the house for different holidays-it livens things up so much! Even Matt likes the nice change it brings! THe house looks so plain and boring since we took down our Christmas decos. BUT, it can be very expensive to decorate for all the holidays. So, I have been racking my brain for cheap things to do for Valentine's Day. I am so excited. I am going to make deco's out of a Victorian Angel calendar and some red and pink tissue paper and doilies. I think I will also drape some floral garlands around here and there. And I went to the dollar store today and got some pink and red candles. No room is complete without candles! :-) I also saw these adorable little Valentines that I am going to make with Corynn. I can't WAIT until she gets as excited about stuff like this as I do...and can actually DO stuff to help! Those days will come...


Abigail said...

here's a thank you for making me rue my home's lack of artistry. together with my sister (who's decorated her new house beautifully, or so says everyone), you have succeeded in making me give up my excuses of "oh, everything's in storage..." and "we won't be living here for too much longer, anyway...".

well, here's a toast to my lackluster home.
(and i've heard many compliments from others on how beautiful YOUR home looks, too. perhaps someday we'll even see it!)

Abigail said...

oh! how i want one of those fuzzies! if john can take me there sometime this week after work, i will search every rack for one!

the last thing i've made is a batch of homemade wipes, so you're eons ahead of me in the homemaker department. again, thanks!

(lastly, my guess is that you're making matt a longrifle.)

Rebecca said...

Handmade wipes? Do you mean BABY wipes? IF we are both talking about baby wipes....I have some questions for you...
Do you make them from paper towels or do you make them cloth? I couldn't imagine cloth ones...yuck! THat is the last thing I need to wash....
What do you think of them? Are they just as good as store ones? Overall, are they worthwhile? I had read in the book Misery Moms that she did this, but I thought-it can't be worth it. I love my baby wipes. :-) So I am very interested to have a first hand opinion....

Abigail said...

yup, i meant baby wipes. i JUST ran out of the vast supply given to me last august when we went to john's folks' house, which lets one surmise just how vast that supply was, and now i'm back to making my own flimsy, little bottom wipers. they aren't as nice as fancy wipes, of course, because they're made of paper towels instead of some magical cloth/paper substance, but they do work. i think it's worth it if only to not feel guilty for buying a candy bar (because, hey, i saved a few bucks by not buying wipes!) i know that defeats the purpose of penny-pinching, but Lent begins next week, and money saved on wipes will not be used toward
my sugar cravings.

On a related note, after celebrating Advent this year, of a fashion, to turn our minds toward Christ's birth in anticipation of our Christmas celebration, I can't speak highly enough of celebrating Advent and participating in Lent. It makes so much sense to me, after years of important days (e.g. Christmas and Easter) popping up for one day and then vanishing, to prepare for these days, so that when they do arrive, I can celebrate them with a ready mind and heart. I found it also permits me to enjoy the "fluffier" aspects of our celebration without guilt, as they are placed within their proper context. well, i was going to write a bit more, but millie wants to cuddle....

Abigail said...

MISERY moms? now that sounds like an encouraging read!