What you do in your house is worth as much as if you did it up in heaven for our Lord God. We should accustom ourselves to think of our position and work as sacred and well-pleasing to God, not on account of the position and work, but on account of the word and faith from which the obedience and the work flow. ~ Martin Luther

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Is it Saturday?

I couldn't tell.

In fact, I can rarely tell the weekends from the weeks...and even more rarely, do I know when it is a HOLIDAY weekend versus a plain 'ol run-o-the-mill weekend.

Why? Because poor Matt doesn't ever get a day off it seems! Cows don't take vacations. Dadgummit.

They don't get weekends off. Blast!

And they wouldn't know a holiday if one hit 'em right between the eyeballs.

I guess I should feel bad for the girls.

But hey-they are kinda used to it. Besides, what ELSE do they have to do besides be milked? What would they do? Play croquet? Barbeque shrimp? Nope. They just chew their cud and line on up to be 'relieved' of the 80 pounds of milk they've been holding onto for the last who knows how long.

I feel bad for ME, for the kids, and most especially the poor guy livin' it~ My man. The man who is mine, all mine. That man is the hardest workin' man I know. But even He is getting worn down. 120 hour payperiods? That's just messed up.

I realized it was Saturday around 11:00 today. So I packed a lunch (FINALLY, SUN!) and headed for a picnic at the park. It was incredibly busy. There is a reservoir with TONS of huge fish and there were people there all over the place. Mostly men with their kids, fishing.

Made me feel bad for my kids, who are always stuck doing stuff with ME and not their Pops.
And made me feel bad for Mattie, who works so hard and gets so few rewards. Misses out on times like that, because by golly-when you work so hard, the only free time you have practically, is to get rested up for the next day.

Here's hoping there is a change in the forecast soon.

And plenty of rest on the horizon.

It sure would be nice for my hardworking man. And me.

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Sarah Taylor said...

I completely understand! I too did not realize it was Saturday until nearly noon! I've been lurking here for nearly a year and thought it was finally time to comment! I thoroughly enjoy your blog and look forward to getting to know you!

Grandma Bibby said...

I love that picture of the kids fishing. It is adorable. I will be praying for you this week. :-)

Tracy said...

Well, you aren't alone. For the first six years of our marriage, Verne worked 72 EACH WEEK! Yes, when our youngest three were very little, they were always in bed when he arrived home each night. And they survived. And so did I.

He's still working 60 hours a week. He leaves at 5 AM, and returns at 5PM. Bleh!!!!

The good news? I think you sound like a fabulously fun mama, and I bet your kiddos are thrilled to be with you even though they are missing their papa.

Hang in there, Rebecca. I'm praying that God shines down on you and gives you strength to handle your days in a pleasant way. I know how weary a pregnant mama can get when she's alone alot.

Andie said...

You have a wonderful, hard working husband. I pray he gets a day off soon! Let those cows milk themselves! :o) Your children are blessed to have a mom who cares so much and does such fun stuff with them even though you have to do it on your own most days. They are blessed to have a daddy who loves them enough to work so hard to provide for their needs, and who loves to spend time with them when he can. I feel so sorry for the kiddos who don't have a daddy around at all, whose moms have to work just to put a roof over their heads and food in their tummies.

Hope you get to spend time with your ENTIRE family soon!
