Greetings from the sticks!
2011 has been a most interesting and in some ways, excruciating year! Some years pass and you lament their passing and some years you say GOOD RIDDANCE. For me, this year is the latter! ;-)
Matt took a giant leap of faith this May and began his own home-based business called The Network Dragon. For 5 months, He was successful, He was home, and it was bliss. Then a most wonderful Dream in which we would purchase (as in FINALLY OWN) our own home became reality~ on land that has been in the Newman Family for generations. A joy beyond measure!
That Joy, while such a blessing, brought along with it a mortgage and responsibility to pay it off A.S.A.P so Matt made the hard decision to return to a reliable, steady-paying position at Dairy One.
And then of course, there was the emptying of two houses (the one we were living in and the one we were moving to) and the MOVING of a household~ with lots of repairs and cosmetic work sandwiched in between~ all within a months time.
And with four children, buzzing about all the while.
There were quite a few times Matt had to hug the desperation out of me, I admit.
But we are now on the other side of the moving deadline and settled in quite nicely and ready for that long nap of winter, being all holed up and cozy.
We are adjusting to Matt’s new work schedule as well, and thankful for the means to pay off a Mortgage (our own!).
If God taught me anything in 2011, it was to rejoice always. Always. Not just when all was well and wonderful and just how I planned it~ gratitude comes so freely then~ but to be thankful at all times, in everything. even in those things we can not change, can not understand, and wish were not our portion.
1 Thessalonians 5 16-19 is going to be the Newman Motto for the coming year:
Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. Quench not the Spirit.
A lesson I am sure to have to relearn every day of every year to come.
A merry, merry Christmas to all!
Us Newmans
Matt, Rebecca, Corynn, Andrew, Adele’ and Judah
Merry Christmas, Rebecca!
Merry Christmas Newman Family!
love to your beautiful family & thanks for the treasured glimpses of your beautiful life!
b in va
Merry Christmas and a very blessed New Year!
Merry Christmas!
- Bobbi
Merry Christmas!!!!
Okay, that's it. WE need a family photo!!! (Notice I made this all about me. :)
God's peace to you both now and for the coming new year. ((hugs))
(I meant we need to TAKE a family photo of our family. It's been years. We got yours. Lovely.)
Love it. I always envy your family Christmas pictures!
Plus, the porch is gorgeous.
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