What you do in your house is worth as much as if you did it up in heaven for our Lord God. We should accustom ourselves to think of our position and work as sacred and well-pleasing to God, not on account of the position and work, but on account of the word and faith from which the obedience and the work flow. ~ Martin Luther

Friday, March 27, 2020

TBT: The Big Belly

I am a lot better at posting Throw Back Thursday pictures on Friday, apparently.

Being late seems to be how I roll.  But- I am getting more caught up on posting outdated photos every week, regardless if they come on a Thursday or Friday...sooooo... it's all good.

The week before Cricket was to arrive, Matt and celebrated our 17th anniversary. 

I remember that Sunday feeling like I had nothing to wear to church so I put together this ensemble and asked Matt if it 'worked'.  He cocked his head, raised his eyebrows and said "ummmm.... I don't think so."  And I said "Well, I guess that's too bad then, isn't it!"

What an adventure those 17 years have been.  What an adventure to come!

Matt brought me home flowers on the way home from work for our anniversary.  From a magical someplace that he wouldn't tell.  I think it must have been from a roadside stand because the variety was too lovely to be of the grocery store variety.    The prettiest flowers I've ever been given...it reminded me of an actual wedding bouquet.

Two days before Cricket  became a Moses, I took this picture, knowing it may be the last time I would get the pleasure of a large baby belly.  One cannot take these things for granted.

Also- does grass get that green?  Do herbs flow out of stone patios?  

Green days are coming!


Anonymous said...

Rebecca, grass does get that green! Ours is! :) we’ve had to both mow and weedeat! It will come your way soon. This week our temps got to 91F. Wow. It will be a doozy this summer. Furthermore I love the outfit and was immediately drawn to it before I even read Matt’s comment! I get so big myself...we have that in common...not saying you are big but i know you, too, have big babies! You looked radiant!

Don’t feel badly for not posting on time, you have quite a bit to do daily! :)

Mary P said...

Hi Rebecca - I love your “big belly” photos, especially as that’s how I look right now! Due in two weeks and PLENTY big! You can expect baby photos in the next few weeks :-)

Abigail said...

JUST as lovely as you were the first time around.

This post is making me long for sun and green on this gray day. And Matt gets a blue ribbon for that bouquet! Wow.

Rebecca said...

Monica- 91 degrees?!?! wow. I can hardly imagine that! What must your summers be like?

Mary-yay! I'll be praying for you in the coming weeks...and popping by your blog to meet the wee one!

Abigail- it must have been an Ithaca roadside stand. They were remarkable. Big bellies are beautiful...but they are one of those strange things that never FEEL beautiful at the time to the person sporting it. Not even a year later, I can look back and see the beauty of that belly and almost long for it back, knowing full well I was sick to death of it at the time. Funny thing, that.

Mary said...

Beautiful Moses belly!:) If our men only knew how much time and energy it takes to get clothes on and off at that stage! :)