Here is a link to the hospital photo for's his best one yet!!!! You can't miss this one! His eyes are open!
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Brag Board
I am a proud Mama and have to gush a bit. All these "firsts" for Corynn are "firsts" for me in a way too! This past week has been full of learning for Corynn. She has tripled her vocabulary in just a few days! She is an ambitious little one! She asks all the time, "What's this?" and when I tell her-she tries to say it back. She is really very good at repeating sounds! Some children say words that are only a little bit similar to the original word-but everyone knows what they mean. Corynn hits the nail right on the head most times...Some of the words she says perfectly are No (yikes!), Don't (double yikes!), shoe, stars, door, pretty, turtle, toe, sock, eye, nose, and hair. She has even begun to say Thank you and please (which was an accomplishment since I taught her those signs...every time I would say "Say thank you" she would give me the sign and not the word.)
This week she has actually started calling me Mama (she hadn't called me by my name until now!) and she calls herself "Wyn". Here is the most exciting thing though. Last night we were singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and looking out at the window to see the stars. I told her about them. I taught her! I know I have taught her many things already-but this was the first "catechism" of sorts. Now, when asked where the stars are, she will say "Stars!" and point up to the heavens. When asked "Who made the stars?" She will say, "God!" and then clap. For all that hard work, she expects to hear Twinkle Twinkle sung to her-but, isn't it just amazing!?!?! I am just so happy with her! She is really growing up!
At the hospital, everyone was so amazed at how intent she was with the baby, how much she loved him already. I let her hold him and she was gentle...she started rocking him and singing! She looked right at his face and just LOOKED at him. It was like she was a little mother. Every where little Samuel went, Corynn was sure to follow. I didn't think she would get the idea-but boy was I wrong. When I took the baby away from her, she threw a fit and couldn't understand why she couldn't just hold him forever! When we left she gave him a kiss (without any coaxing!) and said "Bye Doll!" (I have since taught her to say Samuel".)
Anyway-that is my bragging moment.
This week she has actually started calling me Mama (she hadn't called me by my name until now!) and she calls herself "Wyn". Here is the most exciting thing though. Last night we were singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and looking out at the window to see the stars. I told her about them. I taught her! I know I have taught her many things already-but this was the first "catechism" of sorts. Now, when asked where the stars are, she will say "Stars!" and point up to the heavens. When asked "Who made the stars?" She will say, "God!" and then clap. For all that hard work, she expects to hear Twinkle Twinkle sung to her-but, isn't it just amazing!?!?! I am just so happy with her! She is really growing up!
At the hospital, everyone was so amazed at how intent she was with the baby, how much she loved him already. I let her hold him and she was gentle...she started rocking him and singing! She looked right at his face and just LOOKED at him. It was like she was a little mother. Every where little Samuel went, Corynn was sure to follow. I didn't think she would get the idea-but boy was I wrong. When I took the baby away from her, she threw a fit and couldn't understand why she couldn't just hold him forever! When we left she gave him a kiss (without any coaxing!) and said "Bye Doll!" (I have since taught her to say Samuel".)
Anyway-that is my bragging moment.
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Three Cheers for God's Miracles...
Samuel Ethan Jonathan Brown
Born on April 25th, 2005 at 12:41 pm
7 pounds on the NOSE
21 inches long
Samuel Ethan Jonathan Brown
Born on April 25th, 2005 at 12:41 pm
7 pounds on the NOSE
21 inches long
At three thirty in the AM, Elizabeth called to have us come and pick up
the kids. We had Samantha and Wayne all day long-and all of us
were on pins and needles until we heard the news that little brother
Samuel was born!
are some photo's I took at the hospital and one while the kids were
preoccupying their minds with dress-up. All are doing
well-Elizabeth looks like a million bucks-never has she been so
radiant. If you would like to contact the proud parents, their
email address is...
the kids. We had Samantha and Wayne all day long-and all of us
were on pins and needles until we heard the news that little brother
Samuel was born!
are some photo's I took at the hospital and one while the kids were
preoccupying their minds with dress-up. All are doing
well-Elizabeth looks like a million bucks-never has she been so
radiant. If you would like to contact the proud parents, their
email address is...
Here are the photo's....
Since HELLO is ignoring me again, I am ignoring it and using a different photo blogger place. Sorry the pictures are so small...I made a boo-boo but since I have already spent WAY TOO much time monkeying with this stuff, and dinner needs to be made, I am going to STOP and call it a night. When Hello is up and running, I will hopefully post a few more pictures using HELLO and then they will be better sizes!

Monday, April 25, 2005

Here is Matt working on the floor of his dad's garage. We have spent the last two weekends building a windmill for my Mom and Dad in celebration of their 30th wedding anniversary. She has wanted a windmill for about that long, too. To make matters even more complicated~we did this puppy from scratch since it seems Matt refuses to use plans for anything he makes.

Friday, April 22, 2005
Hello is being a good little program now...
And would like to offer it's humblest apologies for the inconvenience it created by offering these photo's for your enjoyment! (ugh! how presumptious!!!) :-)

This is our garden. I got the idea to take a "before" picture after I had removed all the spent plants from last year, and half way done weeding the thing. Better late than never...

This is our garden. I got the idea to take a "before" picture after I had removed all the spent plants from last year, and half way done weeding the thing. Better late than never...

Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Dying Happy and Sleeping Well
Today my mom came over and brought with her all five kids. We had a picnic lunch and then walked to the Candor school where there is a WONDERFUL playground. It was a fun day-it broke up my time since Matt won't get back until probably 10:00 tonight. It was surprisingly stress-free considering there were six kids here all under 7. I think it was because we were outside most of the day. Mom has asked me to watch all three of her kids from May 5-7. I am not looking forward to that.
I am surprised at how observant Corynn is-and how able she is to keep still and watch. I have been teaching her about birds lately, and she is fascinated with them. This evening she was sitting on my lap in the yard and we were watching birds at the two feeders we have out. She hasn't learned to be "quiet" yet but the birds are brave enough to come out and play even with her ramblings. She is perfectly content to sit and watch until I am ready to get up. She spots birds before I do sometimes. She always points them out as they fly away and today, as a bird sat eating at the feeders, she said "Birds eating!" I am so thankful to have a child so "in tune" with nature, so observant and interested, so content to be a "watcher". It is nice. I hope to be able to sit and enjoy God's creatures and creation with all my children, it really is such a calming and unifying experience.
I took some great pictures today. I hope to post them soon. I have been trying tonight but it just won't work. I am having problems with Hello. I am having problems with our computer. Our computer has been doing some crazy things lately, and let me tell is driving me (and Matt) crazy. I hope it doesn't give out completely, because we can't afford a new one...but I do really enjoy "computer time".
I have been so unmotivated to lost weight (after gaining back 10 pounds I had already lost). I feel just plain crappy about myself and I am taking it out on my poor hubby. Think of all the pressure he has to make me feel good about myself when I don't. Not an easy task-and truly, it isn't his responsibility. I keep rationalizing and justifying me NOT exercising because I think, "well, hopefully, next month I will be pregnant and then I won't be able to fit into those shorts anyway." But, the Lord hasn't made me in the pregnant state yet-so I have got to stop using that as an out. And I have to stop depending on Matt to make me feel good about myself and DO something about it myself.
I find myself looking at tiny baby clothes at the store, and have even bought several very good condition things from salvation army. I am so tempted to get out Corynn's newborn clothes...but I fight off the temptation because I know I will start to feel sad. I try not to think about it too much and push out the longing when it does come with busy-ness. I never thought I would have to be concerned with getting pregnant, I worried quite the opposite-that I would get pregnant TOO MUCH if I left it in the Lord's hands. He has certainly shown me a thing or two. I always remind myself when I am feeling down in the dumps, (and if I keep talking like this, I am headed there fast...) that I have experienced everything I ever asked for. As a child, (probably about 8 or 9) I prayed one night to God asking him to please just let me live long enough to get married, get pregnant, and have a baby. I remember praying that because I was always so scared of dying. I just wanted to experience those things, and I would be content. Well, He has given me those things which I asked, which are more than some have received who had my same yearning...and so I must count myself blessed and gaurd myself against discontentment. Easier said than done-but true, none-the-less. I am really am truly blessed, even if I will forever be in the state that I am now.
Last weekend, I visited Gram at her house. It was such a nice time. She really enjoyed Corynn and I enjoyed her. She gave me a cross stitch wall hanging of Psalm 23-it is about 1/3 done. I am looking forward to finishing it-I have been looking for a special project. We ended our visit with her playing the organ for me, per my request. She played me several tunes, including one that she used to play every evening as Grandpa Leigh headed upstairs to bed. I love being a part of Matt's family, and I love his Gram like my own.
Well, it is 9:00. Matt still isn't home so I will go work out, shower, and then pick up where I left off with Jan Koran's "At Home in Mitford", a book Matt's mom got for me....or I might opt for "How to Write a Children's Book and Get it Published". Hope all is well with everyone this night-little ones snug in there beds with visions of butterflies dancing in their heads...and each grown up enjoying the world around us and all the good therein. Sleep well, and good night!
I am surprised at how observant Corynn is-and how able she is to keep still and watch. I have been teaching her about birds lately, and she is fascinated with them. This evening she was sitting on my lap in the yard and we were watching birds at the two feeders we have out. She hasn't learned to be "quiet" yet but the birds are brave enough to come out and play even with her ramblings. She is perfectly content to sit and watch until I am ready to get up. She spots birds before I do sometimes. She always points them out as they fly away and today, as a bird sat eating at the feeders, she said "Birds eating!" I am so thankful to have a child so "in tune" with nature, so observant and interested, so content to be a "watcher". It is nice. I hope to be able to sit and enjoy God's creatures and creation with all my children, it really is such a calming and unifying experience.
I took some great pictures today. I hope to post them soon. I have been trying tonight but it just won't work. I am having problems with Hello. I am having problems with our computer. Our computer has been doing some crazy things lately, and let me tell is driving me (and Matt) crazy. I hope it doesn't give out completely, because we can't afford a new one...but I do really enjoy "computer time".
I have been so unmotivated to lost weight (after gaining back 10 pounds I had already lost). I feel just plain crappy about myself and I am taking it out on my poor hubby. Think of all the pressure he has to make me feel good about myself when I don't. Not an easy task-and truly, it isn't his responsibility. I keep rationalizing and justifying me NOT exercising because I think, "well, hopefully, next month I will be pregnant and then I won't be able to fit into those shorts anyway." But, the Lord hasn't made me in the pregnant state yet-so I have got to stop using that as an out. And I have to stop depending on Matt to make me feel good about myself and DO something about it myself.
I find myself looking at tiny baby clothes at the store, and have even bought several very good condition things from salvation army. I am so tempted to get out Corynn's newborn clothes...but I fight off the temptation because I know I will start to feel sad. I try not to think about it too much and push out the longing when it does come with busy-ness. I never thought I would have to be concerned with getting pregnant, I worried quite the opposite-that I would get pregnant TOO MUCH if I left it in the Lord's hands. He has certainly shown me a thing or two. I always remind myself when I am feeling down in the dumps, (and if I keep talking like this, I am headed there fast...) that I have experienced everything I ever asked for. As a child, (probably about 8 or 9) I prayed one night to God asking him to please just let me live long enough to get married, get pregnant, and have a baby. I remember praying that because I was always so scared of dying. I just wanted to experience those things, and I would be content. Well, He has given me those things which I asked, which are more than some have received who had my same yearning...and so I must count myself blessed and gaurd myself against discontentment. Easier said than done-but true, none-the-less. I am really am truly blessed, even if I will forever be in the state that I am now.
Last weekend, I visited Gram at her house. It was such a nice time. She really enjoyed Corynn and I enjoyed her. She gave me a cross stitch wall hanging of Psalm 23-it is about 1/3 done. I am looking forward to finishing it-I have been looking for a special project. We ended our visit with her playing the organ for me, per my request. She played me several tunes, including one that she used to play every evening as Grandpa Leigh headed upstairs to bed. I love being a part of Matt's family, and I love his Gram like my own.
Well, it is 9:00. Matt still isn't home so I will go work out, shower, and then pick up where I left off with Jan Koran's "At Home in Mitford", a book Matt's mom got for me....or I might opt for "How to Write a Children's Book and Get it Published". Hope all is well with everyone this night-little ones snug in there beds with visions of butterflies dancing in their heads...and each grown up enjoying the world around us and all the good therein. Sleep well, and good night!
Thursday, April 14, 2005
Time and Mind consumers....
My Oma fell last week and broke several ribs. My Opa is left to care for her and himself (when he is pretty much used to being waited on...). We keep trying to convince them to move closer to us (they live in Lewsiton, NY), for their health and for our enjoyment. They refuse for a number of reasons-mostly just because they are established and don't want to admit they can't take on the world. It is SO frustrating to me because I just don't know when they will say, "Enough is enough. It is better for us to move." They just need HELP but we are all too far away to help! Besides that, I enjoy their comany so-I would love to be able to spend more time with them! Then, yesterday, Matt called his father and found out that Gram is in the hospital again for high blood pressure, and having a "poor spell". We so often take advantage of having her close that we don't go and visit her as we should. I wish we were in a position to be neighbors with our older loved ones. It would be a blessing indeed. Call me silly, but I hope Matt and I will be able to live next door to our children at some point. Or at least down the street.... :-)
The other day Matt and I went to the church and cleaned the salvagable stuff. Mostly chairs but some shelving units and stuff too. I guess I didn't realize all the wreckage...but pretty much everything is junk-highchairs, tables, chalkboards, you name it. We are left with only ONE usable table for downstairs. We are trying to think of a new layout for downstairs that will better serve our purposes, after all, now is the time. On a brighter note, though, the inside of the church looks amazing compared to what it did! It looks as though nothing happened (almost...). Matt and I were discussing it, and we think not many people within the congregation will know just how badly we were affected since many haven't gone to see it. My sister took some photo's and we will probably make a poster or something so everyone can see what it DID look like. Matt hopes to be worshipping there again by the beginning of May. Since the whole basement is cleared out, we will take this opportunity to at least paint the floor of the basement. I am also working on making some wall hangings to replace the framed verses on the walls.
I have been busy this past week switching our clothes around-replacing cold weather gear with the WARM stuff...YIPPEE! It is a big job, though. Especially since it involves many side jobs too. Laundry of things getting packed AND unpacked, for one. I plan to have a yard sale somewhere around the end of May-so I am sorting through things that no longer fit (yes!, I am finally letting go of those clothes that I know I will never fit into again...), that we don't need, and non-clothing items that are just taking up space. I hope to put on a good spread and have a big turn out. Then I am also deciding on things that might make a better profit on Ebay.
My first round of ebay listings will hopefully be up today. Depends on how many I can get done by the end of naptime-and it's already close to the end so I better stop lollygagging and get to it. I want to get outside for a little while today too.
The other day Matt and I went to the church and cleaned the salvagable stuff. Mostly chairs but some shelving units and stuff too. I guess I didn't realize all the wreckage...but pretty much everything is junk-highchairs, tables, chalkboards, you name it. We are left with only ONE usable table for downstairs. We are trying to think of a new layout for downstairs that will better serve our purposes, after all, now is the time. On a brighter note, though, the inside of the church looks amazing compared to what it did! It looks as though nothing happened (almost...). Matt and I were discussing it, and we think not many people within the congregation will know just how badly we were affected since many haven't gone to see it. My sister took some photo's and we will probably make a poster or something so everyone can see what it DID look like. Matt hopes to be worshipping there again by the beginning of May. Since the whole basement is cleared out, we will take this opportunity to at least paint the floor of the basement. I am also working on making some wall hangings to replace the framed verses on the walls.
I have been busy this past week switching our clothes around-replacing cold weather gear with the WARM stuff...YIPPEE! It is a big job, though. Especially since it involves many side jobs too. Laundry of things getting packed AND unpacked, for one. I plan to have a yard sale somewhere around the end of May-so I am sorting through things that no longer fit (yes!, I am finally letting go of those clothes that I know I will never fit into again...), that we don't need, and non-clothing items that are just taking up space. I hope to put on a good spread and have a big turn out. Then I am also deciding on things that might make a better profit on Ebay.
My first round of ebay listings will hopefully be up today. Depends on how many I can get done by the end of naptime-and it's already close to the end so I better stop lollygagging and get to it. I want to get outside for a little while today too.
Monday, April 11, 2005
Seeds, seeds, and more seeds...
~Martin Luther
Today I received a package in the mail from a friend who was willing to share some leftover seeds. I now have in my possession 20 packets of Morning Glory seeds! I will only use a few, so if anyone would like me to send them a packet or two, I would be happy too. Just let me know. Little did Ruth know, that by her actions-she could be the next Miss Rumphius!
~Martin Luther
Today I received a package in the mail from a friend who was willing to share some leftover seeds. I now have in my possession 20 packets of Morning Glory seeds! I will only use a few, so if anyone would like me to send them a packet or two, I would be happy too. Just let me know. Little did Ruth know, that by her actions-she could be the next Miss Rumphius!
Saturday, April 09, 2005
Frustrations and Contemplations
Today the church held a "work-day" at the church. Women and children were not advised to go because of the sewage waste contaminating the whole area. Think of all the things that go down a toilet and then think of it all mixing together and spreading throughout a building...and you will have a good idea of what our church is like. It was suggested that we bring in professional cleaning people because of the danger of contaminants-but our church doesn't have the financial means for such a move. The stinking insurance has managed to weasle their way out of the responsibilities they were SUPPOSED to have. So-we are left to do it on our own.
I am an able bodied person and was anxious to do my part-but I had no one to watch Corynn as her Grandma Newman threw out her back. So I met my sister and my mom and we went shopping together. Boy do I feel like a bump on a log. All day my hubby and who knows how many others have been working hard-and I have been just twiddling my thumbs... I have been thinking of them all day-but what good does thinking about them do? Everyone assures me I shouldn't be there, that it is best that the "menfolk" deal with this mess until it is cleaned up a bit more. Maybe it's best...but it just doesn't feel right. Next weekend, regardless of what is "suggested", I am GOING to be there-working along side my husband to help get our church back to where it once was.
Anyway-thinking on these things and seeing this past week unfold, I have come to some conclusions.
For one thing...I think that men have a better tolerance for stress than women. My hubby has gone to work at 3 or so in the morning each day this week, has been gone until four or later most days, is home for just a few minutes and then heads to the church to work until long after dark. The minute he comes home, he can't rid himself of the situation because people call in order to find out details and ask questions. The poor guy has been working so very hard. I would have crumbled long ago-but he keeps chugging away.
Another thing-I am amazed at how differently Matt handles stress. At one time in our marriage, his stress would become a dividing factor for us-I would try to be a sounding board but he would get upset at ME to vent his anger toward others. But now, it is almost as if he depends on me during stressful the only place he finds comfort is here. What a wonderful difference and I can only account it to spiritual growth.
Finally, in hard times-without a doubt...Most of the burden is placed on certain individuals. Undoubtedly, in any situation, the go-getters lead and are thus forced to do the most. Matt and I have seen it these past few months with his work-and now with the church. It is a shame that everyone is not willing to get their hands dirty for the "cause". So many excuses drive those who are responsible to MADNESS. And those who are lazy find solace in the fact that it WILL get done because so-and-so is such a hard worker. I look longingly at the Amish culture and the unity among all. They are tremendously hard workers who care about their "family" of Amishmen. They know the value of hard work and do what must be done. They are wise enough to realize that though sometimes unpleasant, many hands make light work and strong ties. Oh-we have so much to learn. We have so much potential for growth. If only people would get there eyes turned toward the good in others...or even better, to the truly perfect example of our Heavenly Father. Why are we so foolish? Why are we so prideful and arrogant? Why do we care more for ourselves than for all of our Christian brothers? Why do we cut down on other denominations because of certain things they do instead of learning from their good. We are not perfect! We are not where we should be! We need as much help and growth as any others! We should be ashamed of ourselves, just ashamed.
I am an able bodied person and was anxious to do my part-but I had no one to watch Corynn as her Grandma Newman threw out her back. So I met my sister and my mom and we went shopping together. Boy do I feel like a bump on a log. All day my hubby and who knows how many others have been working hard-and I have been just twiddling my thumbs... I have been thinking of them all day-but what good does thinking about them do? Everyone assures me I shouldn't be there, that it is best that the "menfolk" deal with this mess until it is cleaned up a bit more. Maybe it's best...but it just doesn't feel right. Next weekend, regardless of what is "suggested", I am GOING to be there-working along side my husband to help get our church back to where it once was.
Anyway-thinking on these things and seeing this past week unfold, I have come to some conclusions.
For one thing...I think that men have a better tolerance for stress than women. My hubby has gone to work at 3 or so in the morning each day this week, has been gone until four or later most days, is home for just a few minutes and then heads to the church to work until long after dark. The minute he comes home, he can't rid himself of the situation because people call in order to find out details and ask questions. The poor guy has been working so very hard. I would have crumbled long ago-but he keeps chugging away.
Another thing-I am amazed at how differently Matt handles stress. At one time in our marriage, his stress would become a dividing factor for us-I would try to be a sounding board but he would get upset at ME to vent his anger toward others. But now, it is almost as if he depends on me during stressful the only place he finds comfort is here. What a wonderful difference and I can only account it to spiritual growth.
Finally, in hard times-without a doubt...Most of the burden is placed on certain individuals. Undoubtedly, in any situation, the go-getters lead and are thus forced to do the most. Matt and I have seen it these past few months with his work-and now with the church. It is a shame that everyone is not willing to get their hands dirty for the "cause". So many excuses drive those who are responsible to MADNESS. And those who are lazy find solace in the fact that it WILL get done because so-and-so is such a hard worker. I look longingly at the Amish culture and the unity among all. They are tremendously hard workers who care about their "family" of Amishmen. They know the value of hard work and do what must be done. They are wise enough to realize that though sometimes unpleasant, many hands make light work and strong ties. Oh-we have so much to learn. We have so much potential for growth. If only people would get there eyes turned toward the good in others...or even better, to the truly perfect example of our Heavenly Father. Why are we so foolish? Why are we so prideful and arrogant? Why do we care more for ourselves than for all of our Christian brothers? Why do we cut down on other denominations because of certain things they do instead of learning from their good. We are not perfect! We are not where we should be! We need as much help and growth as any others! We should be ashamed of ourselves, just ashamed.
Wednesday, April 06, 2005

This picture is for Abby, the idea snatcher. I took this picture today to prove that Matt is a lot of talk. The first thing we do when the weather is nice (Corynn and I, that is...) is free our feet. Matt joined in. Unfortunately, I was beat by the quick as a whip Abigail Owen who posted similar (and adorable) pictures. But at least I have proven a very important characteristic about Matt. When it comes to barefeet, deep down inside where he lives, he likes 'em.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005
Monday, April 04, 2005
Long ago, in a far off place lived a boy....
This boy knew not his purpose in life or even had decided his goals. He was merely content to play, and to walk on the wild side, and to work with his hands. Each day he entertained himself by imagining himself to be a soldier, or a cowboy, defending his family. He would build things for hours-first with legos and then with stones. He would spend hours working to rebuild a lost legacy by building a stone wall out of stones found on his parents' land. He was content to be alone. He didn't need to have constant company as so many today. He used his time alone for contemplation and growth. Each day he did these things, joyously unaware and unconcerned about growing up. But he did indeed, grow up. Days passed into months, then years and those things he spent his time on as a boy shaped him as a man. This man, has become my husband, and while I may be partial...He is in my estimation the most respectable, most perfect man there could me...exercising not only book-learning and intelligence, but wisdom, and practicality. He is able to talk and teach and work along side people. Each time we visit his parents, I am again made aware of what a unique individual he is. Truly one-of-a-kind. I see it in his actions, and as I flip through pictures of his childhood, and as we drive along side the stone wall that now baracades the house from the road. Matt has been many things in his birth, a two-pound miracle and now, as a man, a mighty Oak.
Here are some pictures of the boy that was shaped by the Lord Almighty to be the man that he is today. I hope you enjoy seeing a side of Matt you have never seen before.
Here are some pictures of the boy that was shaped by the Lord Almighty to be the man that he is today. I hope you enjoy seeing a side of Matt you have never seen before.
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