What you do in your house is worth as much as if you did it up in heaven for our Lord God. We should accustom ourselves to think of our position and work as sacred and well-pleasing to God, not on account of the position and work, but on account of the word and faith from which the obedience and the work flow. ~ Martin Luther

Friday, December 30, 2011

I am Listy, I know.

A few goals for the new year~ to keep me grounded and improving. I know they seem lofty, but I think they are attainable. And anyway, I always encourage myself thus~

If you shoot for the moon and still you fail, at least you will be among the stars.

(A poster that hung above my 12 year old bed and bizarrely, stuck with me.)

Here we go!


Every year we have a mortgage is a year that requires Matt to work at D.O. So until this thing is paid off, it will always be at the top of my yearly goals. The sooner we pay it off, the sooner we can try again at the home business thing. In the spring, we have to fix the foundation of the house and do some construction type things. So my financial goals are
  • to create a new (and relevant) budget for 2012
  • to pay off business debt
  • to buy and pay off a bigger tractor for Matt that can be used for the bigger projects to come.
  • to pay (at least) 10% of our mortgage off in addition to paying out of pocket for foundation work, repairs.
  • to earmark money from EACH paycheck for our savings, no matter how small.
  • to start a car fund as our paid off car is well over 100,000 miles now and inevitably, will need to be replaced at some point. Being prepared for that point can only be beneficial.
  • Start up my Etsy Shoppe again.

Hopestead Goals-

ahhh! We have a Place. A place where I can finally begin to grow a place of permanence. Like perennials! And fruit trees! And ASPARAGUS! The problem now is not trying to do it all at once. My goal here should be to be WISE in my planning and PATIENT in the results. But more tangible goals are:

  • To plant ONE particular type of fruit tree. (for now.) Cherry? Pear?
  • To plant garlic in the fall.
  • To plant potatoes in a just-for-them plot.
  • To add ONE perennial (unless I can get them for free or at yard sale prices~ then you KNOW I will go nuts.)
  • to find elderberries around the place.
  • To clean out the cow barn and fix it so we can get some animals in there.
  • To organize the granary.
  • To cull the old chickens in our flock and get chicks in spring.
  • to prune the very neglected rhodo., rose bushes and lilacs.
  • to harvest and dry more herbs.
  • To look into planting some medicinal herbs.
  • Do one house project each month, no matter how small.

Personal Goals~

  • to write a letter(s) on Sundays as a way of one-anothering one another ;-)
  • Send Opa (my grandfather) mailings TWICE each month. At LEAST.
  • A new twist in the whole "Christmas in July" bit~ I want to have half of my Christmas gifts made/prepared/bought by July. I am going to shoot for at least ONE homemade gift per month.
  • To drink 60 ounces of water a day BEFORE I drink anything else.
  • To exercise in some form 3 times a week.
  • cut WAAAAY back on sugar
  • One family read aloud each month.
  • Scripture memorization once a month. For ME.
  • Going through a devotional each day. Perhaps this one?
  • Catechism questions for the children.

If you thought I was listy yesterday I am sure I proved it today. But wait! I am not yet done! Stay with me as the Listyness goes insane!

I think the key to success in resolutions in threefold:

1) Little, shorter term goals pave the way for yearly resolutions.

2) Keeping your eyes fixed on your resolve


3) evaluating your success/where you need to improve often.

To that end, (and this is where Listyness Goes Wild) I intend to post an update on my progress at the end of each month. Never done that before and perhaps it IS a bit O.C.D., but I think it just might be helpful. I have a terrible memory so if I forget and you remember (as if you care), please do hold me to it! And if (more likely) you hate all these lists and public notes-to-self I put on my blog, stay far far away from Renaissance the last day of each month! ;-)

I wonder~ does anyone else do resolutions each year?

{ quote photo by Home Sanctuary via Pinterest}


Terri said...

I do very specific goals in the a lot of the categories you listed. So I don't really think of them as resolutions but as goals (which is probably the same thing). I like yours and I did the same thing last year (or I started to until we moved and I got distracted) of evaluating them each month.

Catie said...

Did you take that picture!? LOVE IT! REALLY!

Also--I'm a LIST LOVER (I throw "love" around a lot, I know.) so bring on the lists!!! I may have to copy you and post something similar on my blog. ;) I really love the idea of setting goals like this. It's great motivation and keeps us focused.

Regina said...

I sooooo know what you mean about lists! I have a 5 page shopping list so I don't forget anything! As I type this, I have a list of things to do for tax season. Lists help me to "not" forget! Whew!

As for planning, I am a planner. I plan for everything under the sun, with few exceptions. When it's hubby's turn to plan our date nights, I sit back and relax. LOL ...which is usually what he'd planned to do all along. LOL

Planning for years down the road...yes, we're doing that too. LOL

And, I don't mind your lists. ;)

btw...I'm in the process of moving my blog over here from xanga. I don't know if I'd told you or not. ;)

Thanks bunches for sharing!


Bonnie said...

Alastair Begg was/is a pastor at a church not far from here (read within an hour). When I was a teen, one of the girls who had been in our youth group before they moved was killed in an icy road car wreck. They were attending Alastairs church at the time, and he gave the funeral sermon. I noticed he wrote the forward to the devotional which is why I bring it up. Very good lists, I've been mulling over mine, which are now being somewhat revised since there is a little person on the way. post eventually. Probably.

Unknown said...

I love lists...right now I just have one item on my list. Have baby! ;) I have been praying about what my "resolutions" or "goals" should be for the new year. I hope to post them soon!

Anonymous said...

BONNIE are you near cleveland??? me too!!! i know many who attend alistars church!

Rebecca thank you for your inspiring list! mine consist of a list of many things to do before feb(take advantage of nesting!!!) : ) thats when i get to learn to be a mommy of 2, a 14 month old and newborn! eekk!!! But i do like the goal of one house project a month, and bugeting, we need both!

-bobbi : )

oh and my sister gave me a self pollinating peach tree called a reliance peach last year its planted on our lil city property, im purchasing a self pollinating cherry for closer to the house we need some shade!

Bonnie said...

Bobbi~ : D not real near, we're further southeast, but a lot of my extended family is in the cleveland area

Anonymous said...

aaahhh i grew up on the east side and now live by the zoo... hi neighbor! : )
Happy New year EVeryone!

Mary said...

Happy New Year. Can readers request posts ? If so, can I please request some chicken and other farm animals posts.

Rebecca said...

Actually Mary, I have been meaning to do a CHICKEN post for a very long time. I have had quite the chicken milestones happening as of late.

As for other farm animals~ we are at a standstill until we get some better accomodations for them since we have recently moved. But I am sure you will be getting updates as we work on those accomodations.

Thanks for your requests. I don't mind requests at all-gives me a good excuse. ;-)

terricheney said...

I LOVE lists. I like making lists about all sorts of things, so list away. I have shopping lists, housekeeping lists, menu lists and to do lists, and dream lists and project lists too...

I also make resolutions and I do those in NOVEMBER so that I can be certain of what direction my new year will take. And I make monthly goals to try and accomplish something towards those resolutions every month.


Mar said...

Love the lists - lists are the only way I can keep track of what I need to do and want to do. The picture of the bird is amazing - that should be on a card or a nature magazine cover.

What will you be selling in your etsy shop?

Louise said...

On lists -
If I do complete something that wasn't on my original list, I add it and check it off proudly! :-)

On chickens - Ours all got eaten last fall while the family was away... We suspect one rather overweight racoon... So we'd love to see pictures of yours!

Marg said...

This is so cool....I live in Canada and listen to Alistair Begg every morning! And I love lists....I just started making monthly goals, so I found your list quite interesting!

Jinger said...

Since you are taking requests...
I've been meaning to ask you if you would share your pizza dough recipe for ages now, but didn't want to bother you during your move.

And I second the chicken posts! We just got some laying hens.

Thanks for the lists. They are inspriring.
