My last soapbox post has spurred me to write a little qualifier here on the blog lest my blog be taken wrongly. Bear with me. Unlike the start of this blog, I most often post little trifles and lots of pictures, sharing the moments of my days~ less often I write of the deep churnings of my mind. The reasons for this are varied: from lack of time, to lack of wit, to almost always getting myself into trouble in some way; it can be just easier and SAFER to post trifles. Nevertheless, this blog is my own personal record and a record for my children and so I continue, every so often, to write a little truth in a whole lot of words. So that my children might know me. So that I might know myself.
I can plainly see how easy it could be, especially for those friends and family with whom I have contact on a daily/weekly basis, to read what I write here on my blog and to link my words with them, wondering if I might be writing subtle messages for them to hear and so forth. The last post had that effect (and as a result, hurt feelings) and many a soapbox before that, so I think now is as good a time as any to clear things up.
The fact is, when I write here on my blog, I am writing about things that are happening within ME and things that I am directly or indirectly, pleasantly or unpleasantly, learning about myself, my heart and my own growth (or lack thereof.) The tangents I go on from time to time (though admittedly less these days!) are my way of working through my own weaknesses, struggles and less occasionally~ moments of clarity. They are, in effect, me giving myself pep-talks to becoming the godly woman I really long to be. I write them down to cement them in my mind and to one day, perhaps, show my children the deep pieces of who I am/was.
When I am talking about the short-comings of people, I am almost always speaking from my own personal experiences and never have anyone except my very own self in mind. If you think I don't struggle with the things I write about, it is simply a matter of me not showing you the 100 million convoluted characteristics in my soul that I like to keep hidden from view. If you happen to be struggling with the same things that I am struggling with, then praise be-we can struggle together! But the fact is if my writings poke you, call it the Holy Spirit, because I wrote it to poke me.
I love your soap boxes because they are ALWAYS thought provoking. And maybe you should put " If my writings poke you, call it the Holy Spirit, because I wrote it to poke me" as a quote in your side bar. Because it's a perfect disclaimer, and fantastic quote to boot.
No "apologies" necessary.
Sorry, I posted my comment twice
I understand, Rebecca. I'm a pastor's wife and one of the things I kind of regret doing is letting those within my church start reading my blog. I feel like I have to really watch how I word things now because I don't want anyone to think it's directed at them! More often than not, it's stuff the Lord is working on in my own life that I write about.
I am in agreement with Bonnie! :0)
I understand, friend. I rant and rave at MYSELF all the time on my blog... ;)
One of my favorite sermon illustrations has always been "if you throw a rock into a pack of dogs, the one that yelps the loudest, is the one who got hit". The Holy Spirit does lay words on our hearts to help ourselves and others going through the same stuff. I so appreciate who you are and your sharing yourself so openly with the rest of us! Keep on keeping on!
Blessings always,
When we speak or write the truth of God's often more times than not someone else who hears or reads is struggling with the same things. Sometimes this causes tension in relationships. Keep preaching, I know I'm not the only one who is edified and yes, even sometimes convicted from your writings but I'm thankful!
In my every-so-humble opinion ;), the offended person's reaction serves to prove your point to a tee, hit the nail on the head so to speak. When a person gets to the flip side of pride (and I've been there), they develop the gall to take things that have absolutely no reference to them as a personal offense. For them to think that you would take the time to write an entire post just to point out their particular fault. Wow. Think alot of yourself, much?
Thank you for all your encouraging words everyone and for the time you gave me in typing them. I love your feedback-especially when it makes me feel so nice! ;-)
You are right on target Rebecca. I also think about myself in ways that I can improve and your blog stated things that I actually struggle with for myself, not with others. So those who took it personally, well, maybe they need to look at themselves for thinking you had another objective. You give so many people inspirations because you are not afraid to be truthful. Maybe some of the people really need to hear the truth who don't want to face it. Blessings to you always my blogging friend!
Keep writing, sister. I've been there too, like you, with misunderstandings in posts, but 1 Cor 1:13, "There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man," I believe can help all of us on this subject. Everything we see in ourselves can usually be found in most people, and when we take things personally, we might as well be truthful and go all of the way - and admit that EVERY sinful thought, word, or deed, is (or easily could be on any given day) indeed true of my heart, but I appeal to the Gospel, and my savior who washes me clean of all my sins, known and unknown. My sin is worse than I ever thought, but Jesus is far better than I ever dreamed! That alone is my hope each and every fresh morning.
Sorry for going on and on. I too have a tendency to preach to myself. :P
Great post Rebecca. Many times we are "offended" because we know that someone speaks of our own ways, and we don't want to be "that" person. We must honestly examine ourselves and be thankful that we have a conscience that is pricked. That pricking can cause change when we are willing to take the first step.Please continue to be yourself and stay strong. Love, Mrs.Clark
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