Hello All. Time for a Tuesday debriefing. :-)
Besides the whole right side of my lower jaw hurting terribly because of an incoming wisdom tooth, my day has been very good. I just finished making two boxes of newborn-3/6 month clothes; one for a boy and the other for a girl. It was fun looking at all the clothes, but at the same time-disappointing. Much of my clothes-especially for a boy, are not only second hand (which isn’t a bad thing-most of what I have is second hand) but LOOK second hand…many having lots of stains, fading and such. Many were given to me because I had NOTHING, or were swiftly put in the shopping cart because they were 15cents at Salvation Army or something and once again…beggars can’t be choosers.
They will certainly come in handy, but I look forward to replacing them with NICE things as yard sale season and ‘end of the season’ clearance sales roll around. Besides…I may not even need to use them. If I have a girl, I am free and clear! I guess I just get nervous about having a pauper boy since my sister has a little boy who looks ready for a magazine cover every time I see him. :-) No pressure there! hehehe
My next project for the afternoon is to move furniture around in the living room to make room for our Christmas tree. We will be putting it up this weekend, hopefully, along with our other decorations. This week, the weather is so warm, it is ideal to put the outdoor lights up soon. Today was high of 66! That is just NOT normal! I am very anxious for Christmas decorations to go up, sweet smelling candles to burn, and for it to SNOW!
Yesterday was a shopping day for Corynn and I. Man-was it exhausting! We went to five stores and got 4 Christmas gifts done, one baby shower gift done, a few stocking stuffers, and groceries (not nearly enough if you ask me!) We didn’t get home until 4:30 and Corynn missed her nap all together. She fell asleep in the car on the way home, but everyone who is a parent knows sometimes a short nap is worse than NO nap. She was a basket case!
I have so much more shopping to do, too! I am already getting overwhelmed. Sometime this week I will go (with my sister, maybe) to get some more done-especially for Matt and Corynn…hopefully I can get a lot accomplished by then. It is a hard (but very important) thing to find the balance of finding gifts (or gift ideas to make) that people will enjoy without going overboard and spending lots of money you don’t have. I am also racking my brains for ideas for Corynn to make the grandparents’ this year. The first year I made an ornaments by embossing her foot print in gold, attaching it to a clear, flat ornament and decorating around it. (She was only 4 months old at that point!) Then last year she ‘helped me’ make cookies and candy tins. On the tins I put a picture magnet of her while she was licking the beater along with a short poem. Any ideas for this year would be very appreciated. I MAY do gingerbread garlands since I have lots of gingerbread ornaments left (and she cut them all…)
Well, if I want to get the furniture moved and everything cleaned along with it, I had better hop to it. I will leave you with a few photos from Thanksgiving at my mom’s house…
Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Here is the youngest generation(s) of Cantrell. I say generationS because the three on the far left are actually 'aunts' and 'uncles' to the rest! On Top from L to R: Cameron C., Hannah C., Wayne B., Samuel B. and big sister Samantha B. On Bottom from L to R: Adrianna C. and Corynn N (my little girl...)

Sunday, November 27, 2005
Warming the Insides on a blustery day....
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving this past week! Ours was good, if not busy. We had a great time visiting with my bro. and sis-in-law as they came down for two days. We even went bowling on Friday night-which Matt and I haven't done in....years! I took lots of pictures which I plan to get developed on Monday and I will post a few here at that point. But before I did that, I wanted to post these pictures I took last night. We came home from our Thanksgiving weekend to a drive through inches of snow. It was blustery and cold-a real winter day. So, when we got home, we made grilled cheese and tomato soup and we all had hot cocoa. Then it was naps for two little mice in the house-but the mother mouse had laundry, dishes, and other not so glorious tasks at hand. I was able to sit down for a while and write in Peanuts' journal-something I have not been doing enough of.
Today, after church, we will head out to Grandma and Grandpa Newmans' house, since they didn't get to see us for Thanksgiving. And at that time, we will also pick up Corynn's sled. It looks like we will be needing it now! :-)

Yesterday was a cold and snowy day here-the perfect time to introduce Corynn to Hot Cocoa. She has seen us drink it before, but this is the first time Mama ever made some for HER. She felt very proud. It really made her day!
Today, after church, we will head out to Grandma and Grandpa Newmans' house, since they didn't get to see us for Thanksgiving. And at that time, we will also pick up Corynn's sled. It looks like we will be needing it now! :-)

Yesterday was a cold and snowy day here-the perfect time to introduce Corynn to Hot Cocoa. She has seen us drink it before, but this is the first time Mama ever made some for HER. She felt very proud. It really made her day!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
RRecent Happenings, Ramblings, and Recipes
Last night I meant to post-but by the time 7:30 rolled around I was feeling ill and decided to head to bed for some rest. I didn't go to sleep (although it wasn't long before I did) but just laid there-wishing myself to feel better. I spent the entire day yesterday cleaning and organizing, unloading the car-repacking craft stuff, mopping, sweeping, dusting, and doing all the things I have been WANTING to do for two or three weeks now. Deep cleaning. I even washed the cupboards, wall, and furniture in my kitchen with bleach! And while I don't usually 'enjoy' cleaning-I did yesterday. Perhaps it was because I had been feeling guilty about it for so long-or perhaps it was just a welcome reprieve from doing 'crafts'. The most remarkable difference, as always, is the mudroom. It is the first place to get junked up and the last place for me to worry about. It is now organized, orderly, and hopefully WILL be for a while. I took quite a bit down to the basement that we have filled to brimming....oops.
I still have much to do-like take care of 'hot spots', do more laundry, and move some dining room furniture around-but it will get done today. No pressure. I always feel so bad for women who have full time jobs. There are many disadvantages to speak of-but one that may sound silly is that it is impossible to keep up with the house (keeping it clean NOT just tidy) just on weekends or evenings. After a long day of work-who would want to clean after making supper and trying to spend a smidgen of time with your husband and kids. I certainly don't envy that lifestyle..and truly do pity it. My heart goes out to women who work outside of the home and I am reminded how blessed I am not to have to.
The craft show on Saturday was BORING , to put it bluntly. I made a bit of money-but only because of one particular lady who bought several more expensive items. I was very thankful for that, but bored out of my skull the rest of the time. There just didn't seem to be many people out or interested to buy. Three down....one more to go.
I spent some time on Sunday looking through some cookbooks for some interesting new additions to the Thanksgiving feast of all feasts. We are celebrating with my parents this year-much to my in-laws regret. I plan to take some sweet potatoes, a cinnamon candy salad, and a pumpkin ice cream pie. I have also been requested by my hubby-to try my hand at those delicious creme puffs on Abby's site (shotsnaps). I have posted two of the recipes here for any who might desire them.
Cinnamon Candy Salad
1 pkg. cherry gelatin
1/4 c. red cinnamon candies
1 c. chooped apples
1 c. chopped celery
1/2 c. chopped walnuts
~Dissolve gelatin in 1 cup hot water. (Stir candies into 1/2 cup boiling water until dissolved then add cold water to equal 1 cup liquid.) Stir liquid into gelatin; chill until partially set. Add apples, celery and walnuts. Pour into mold and chill until firm.
Pumpkin Ice Cream Pie
1 c. pumpkin
1/2 c. sugar
1/2 t. salt, ginger and nutmeg
1 qt. vanilla ice cream (softened)
1 baked pie shell
~Mix first 5 ingredients; add to vanilla ice cream. Pour into pie shell and freeze. Top with whipped cream mixed with cinnamon.
Now-I haven't ever made these things before so I won't vouch for them, but they did sound good to me.
Today I must go and pick up the OTHER crafts I had placed in a home show over the weekend. And then it is off to the doctor's for my 20 week appointment and ULTRASOUND! Yippee! Not only am I half way through, but we get to see little peanut again! He or she moves around all day long-I fear this one may not sleep at all! I wonder if I might have a boy this time around. Or course-don't put any stock in my opinions because I had a feeling Corynn was going to be a boy! We have named picked out-but as always, we are 'mom's the word'-ing it until the big announcement when the baby is born. We won't be finding out the gender until the doctor announces it-so it makes for TWO surprises in one! Tonight I will post some recent pictures of my loves...mi familia.
Today they are calling for snow...and I hope it comes. Though-not so much that it is dangerous to travel...we have the ultrasound appointment, I have to pick up my crafts, and I have to go grocery shopping-we will be driving a LOT today. All on top of dropping off and picking up Corynn at Elizabeths' and Bobs'. She was kind enough to take care of Corynn while we had a two hour appointment today-naturally, right in the middle of nap time.
Hope every one is well! Have a good day!
I still have much to do-like take care of 'hot spots', do more laundry, and move some dining room furniture around-but it will get done today. No pressure. I always feel so bad for women who have full time jobs. There are many disadvantages to speak of-but one that may sound silly is that it is impossible to keep up with the house (keeping it clean NOT just tidy) just on weekends or evenings. After a long day of work-who would want to clean after making supper and trying to spend a smidgen of time with your husband and kids. I certainly don't envy that lifestyle..and truly do pity it. My heart goes out to women who work outside of the home and I am reminded how blessed I am not to have to.
The craft show on Saturday was BORING , to put it bluntly. I made a bit of money-but only because of one particular lady who bought several more expensive items. I was very thankful for that, but bored out of my skull the rest of the time. There just didn't seem to be many people out or interested to buy. Three down....one more to go.
I spent some time on Sunday looking through some cookbooks for some interesting new additions to the Thanksgiving feast of all feasts. We are celebrating with my parents this year-much to my in-laws regret. I plan to take some sweet potatoes, a cinnamon candy salad, and a pumpkin ice cream pie. I have also been requested by my hubby-to try my hand at those delicious creme puffs on Abby's site (shotsnaps). I have posted two of the recipes here for any who might desire them.
Cinnamon Candy Salad
1 pkg. cherry gelatin
1/4 c. red cinnamon candies
1 c. chooped apples
1 c. chopped celery
1/2 c. chopped walnuts
~Dissolve gelatin in 1 cup hot water. (Stir candies into 1/2 cup boiling water until dissolved then add cold water to equal 1 cup liquid.) Stir liquid into gelatin; chill until partially set. Add apples, celery and walnuts. Pour into mold and chill until firm.
Pumpkin Ice Cream Pie
1 c. pumpkin
1/2 c. sugar
1/2 t. salt, ginger and nutmeg
1 qt. vanilla ice cream (softened)
1 baked pie shell
~Mix first 5 ingredients; add to vanilla ice cream. Pour into pie shell and freeze. Top with whipped cream mixed with cinnamon.
Now-I haven't ever made these things before so I won't vouch for them, but they did sound good to me.
Today I must go and pick up the OTHER crafts I had placed in a home show over the weekend. And then it is off to the doctor's for my 20 week appointment and ULTRASOUND! Yippee! Not only am I half way through, but we get to see little peanut again! He or she moves around all day long-I fear this one may not sleep at all! I wonder if I might have a boy this time around. Or course-don't put any stock in my opinions because I had a feeling Corynn was going to be a boy! We have named picked out-but as always, we are 'mom's the word'-ing it until the big announcement when the baby is born. We won't be finding out the gender until the doctor announces it-so it makes for TWO surprises in one! Tonight I will post some recent pictures of my loves...mi familia.
Today they are calling for snow...and I hope it comes. Though-not so much that it is dangerous to travel...we have the ultrasound appointment, I have to pick up my crafts, and I have to go grocery shopping-we will be driving a LOT today. All on top of dropping off and picking up Corynn at Elizabeths' and Bobs'. She was kind enough to take care of Corynn while we had a two hour appointment today-naturally, right in the middle of nap time.
Hope every one is well! Have a good day!
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
THANKSGIVING is but a week away!
It was a rainy day today-but very mild. In the 50's...hard to believe it is the middle of November! I have been tediously working (yes, it has become tedious!) on all the things that I have been wanting/needing to do for the craft shows. This past Saturday I cut and pieced 12 more buntings...needing only to blanket stitch them. I have completed over 14 buntings with a few more to do before my show on Saturday. I made enough so that I would have a few to take with me to work on at my show on Saturday. I dropped off half of my florals, buntings, ornaments, and potpourri burners today at the home show I am doing-freeing up some much coveted space in the house. Matt and I were both getting sick of seeing the dining room table cluttered with crafts-in-process. I decided that I would put it ALL away-put a nice cloth table cloth on the table, some candles and a quilted table runner...making our table look back to normal-and festive for the upcoming holiday. What a difference even a table cloth and candles make! It actually looks fancy in there again!
I will continue to work on my crafts-but only in small increments now and I will try very hard to get it all completed and put away before Matt gets home. Right now, a lot of organizing is taking place-taking inventory, pricing, sorting, and making lists for things to take. I hope to make a good profit at this show-because I FINALLY figured out what I want to get Matt for Christmas...and it is, as always, expensive. I always like to use my 'own' money to buy his gifts so he doesn't get upset to get the things I get him (knowing how much they probably cost.) .
Thanksgiving is almost here! Yippee! This year is my parents' year, so I am trying to figure out some yummy new recipes to try. I also hung up a bulletin board in the kitchen for Corynn and her 'schooling'. Each day we have been working a little bit on colors, numbers, letters, and especially Thanksgiving related activities. Tonight she painted THREE Thanksgiving coloring sheets. I plan to send one to her Grandma and Grandpa, her Oma and Opa, and her Nanny and Poppy. That is one great way to encourage her in her endeavors while not becoming overwhelmed with artwork!
I think I told you all before that we have been working with Corynn and teaching her the Lord's prayer. She could say all the 'big' words and KNOW what they were before we said them by the time she was two. Now, I am working with her to say ALL the words and she is doing very well. And I have sung her the Lord's Prayer song each day for the last few days. This evening, as Matt and I were playing SKIPBO-we heard her under the table SINGING 'For thine is the kindgom, power, GLOOOORY" It was so cute.
I will try and post some new pictures soon. Maybe tomorrow. I am almost burnt out with the whole crafting 24-7 thing, so I may take a much deserved break and relax until the show. Of course-these are big words for me considering I can never sit back and ignore things that I want to do. But-a short break is very doable.
Here are some fun links to go to for some great preschool and school-age crafts and activities-especially for Thanksgiving....
First-School has coloring pages, crafts, activities, and information about the turkey-including a hearable turkey call.
Scholastic is for older children but offers a virtual tour of the Mayflower, life as Pilgrims, life as the WAMPANOAG Indian, daily life in 1621, etc.
I hope everyone is having a good week and looking forward with eager anticipation to the upcoming holiday. After all-it is only ONE WEEK away! :-)
I will continue to work on my crafts-but only in small increments now and I will try very hard to get it all completed and put away before Matt gets home. Right now, a lot of organizing is taking place-taking inventory, pricing, sorting, and making lists for things to take. I hope to make a good profit at this show-because I FINALLY figured out what I want to get Matt for Christmas...and it is, as always, expensive. I always like to use my 'own' money to buy his gifts so he doesn't get upset to get the things I get him (knowing how much they probably cost.) .
Thanksgiving is almost here! Yippee! This year is my parents' year, so I am trying to figure out some yummy new recipes to try. I also hung up a bulletin board in the kitchen for Corynn and her 'schooling'. Each day we have been working a little bit on colors, numbers, letters, and especially Thanksgiving related activities. Tonight she painted THREE Thanksgiving coloring sheets. I plan to send one to her Grandma and Grandpa, her Oma and Opa, and her Nanny and Poppy. That is one great way to encourage her in her endeavors while not becoming overwhelmed with artwork!
I think I told you all before that we have been working with Corynn and teaching her the Lord's prayer. She could say all the 'big' words and KNOW what they were before we said them by the time she was two. Now, I am working with her to say ALL the words and she is doing very well. And I have sung her the Lord's Prayer song each day for the last few days. This evening, as Matt and I were playing SKIPBO-we heard her under the table SINGING 'For thine is the kindgom, power, GLOOOORY" It was so cute.
I will try and post some new pictures soon. Maybe tomorrow. I am almost burnt out with the whole crafting 24-7 thing, so I may take a much deserved break and relax until the show. Of course-these are big words for me considering I can never sit back and ignore things that I want to do. But-a short break is very doable.
Here are some fun links to go to for some great preschool and school-age crafts and activities-especially for Thanksgiving....
First-School has coloring pages, crafts, activities, and information about the turkey-including a hearable turkey call.
Scholastic is for older children but offers a virtual tour of the Mayflower, life as Pilgrims, life as the WAMPANOAG Indian, daily life in 1621, etc.
I hope everyone is having a good week and looking forward with eager anticipation to the upcoming holiday. After all-it is only ONE WEEK away! :-)
Friday, November 11, 2005
Everyone knows I am crafty, but did you know Matt is too?
It seems every season is busy-in different ways-for those who embrace it anyway. In the spring, there is planting, clearing out the woods, cleaning, packing winter things away, logging; in the summer there is growing and harvesting, fruit and flower picking, canning and preserving, brush to burn; in the fall there is hunting and gathering, preserving, projects to prepare for winter, craft show season (for me), Christmas planning and preparing, splitting wood; and in winter there are fix it projects around the house, holidays, more hunting, snow plowing, and finally maple syrup to make. Matt is always busy-even when he doesn't have to be, he finds things to work on-projects to do, things to learn how to do, projects to try. This season is pretty busy for him so far...he has been making cider out of his ears. He is now working on making buckskins from deer hide-and has three other hides to do (so far!), not to mention he is soon going to start his projects for Christmas presents. Here are a few pictures of his recent activities...

Matt stitching up some holes...well, starting to. He ended up bending some of my sewing needles so he skipped it until he can get heavy duty ones.

Matt stitching up some holes...well, starting to. He ended up bending some of my sewing needles so he skipped it until he can get heavy duty ones.

Apple season was a FLURRY for Matt, who pressed bushels upon bushels of apples! Here are about 13 gallons of cider that he is fermenting into hard cider...we enjoyed lots of fresh cider, and he and his brother have made many gallons of cider that they are turning into brandy. The last number I got was 8 gallons, but that was before their last pressing of crabapples-which was probably 5 or 6 bushels. I don't what the total number is by now. Next year, Matt is already talking about making a press (he used one that a guy at church had) and is going to try his hand at making apple syrup and apple cider vinegar next year.

An apology and review....

CURRENTLY READING: The Fruit of Her Hands~Respect and the Christian Woman by Nancy Wilson
I don't have much time today to write, but I thought it important enough to do so. The other day I opened up this book, that my friend Michelle loaned to me, and really felt ashamed! In one section (Chapter four) it identified the difference of Principles and Methods and spoke volumes about women being at peace with one another and the importance of not being overzealous and putting undue pressure on other's who may not disagree.
This really made me step back and think about my last post about scheduling. My intent was not to put pressure on other ladies or to be on a 'moral crusade' , and I certainly don't want to suggest that "I am right and you are very wrong-do what I do if you want to be a good mother." I am afraid though, that it might have appeared that way and for that insensitivity, I am sorry. All of you are friends and so it is good to talk among friends-but I may have taken advantage of our 'friendships' by assuming no hard-feelings or bad feelings would occur.
I am the mother of only one child, that breathes air anyway, and so I wil not claim to be an expert on ANYTHING related to parenting. Maybe I was an expert with Corynn, but my next child could be completely different-and so, I still have a lot to learn. I think I have the principles down as I think you all do to, but my methods may change per child. Who knows? Principles are what should be dictated, and those ONLY from Scripture. Methods are up to the individual family-and no one else.
I still believe that any topic should be discussable-but I also see that perhaps the way I 'discussed' my method was more critical than necessary and may have not been written in the way of kindness and love. I look forward to posting other somewhat 'contraversial' topics in the future, but I do commit to doing so with a greater care for the way my words sound and with other parties in mind.
So-for all of you that know me and didn't take offense, I am grateful for our friendship but will not take advantage of it in the future by assuming anything I say will be taken as it should be, and for those of you who were offended, my deepest apologies. As Nancy Wilson put in her book, "We ought to rejoice in a common commitment to biblical principles and in the variety of methods God's people employ." We may not agree with one another's ways of doing things....but since when are we in charge of raising other peoples' kids? We are in charge of our own-SO, why should we have an opinion about what so and so is doing with theirs and how? We are all mothers commited fully and completely to raising our children in the way of the Lord and that is what draws us together-not who breastfeeds and who bottle feeds-who comfort nurses and who does not, who schedules and who does not. Let's embrace that commitment with vigor and tread lightly on those methods which are for our own discretion. :-)
Monday, November 07, 2005

Here are some of the ornaments. I made them of potpourri, rose petals, mini roses, pinecones, feathers, all sorts of stuff....I REALLY enjoyed making them. I just had a brainstorm this year to make something similar-and I love them so much, I can pretty much say they will be a permanent addition to my craft tables from henceforth.

Took a break....
It was that last post of mine...and the stream of comments flowing in-that tired me out enough that I needed a reprieve! :-)
No...Actually, I didn't post at all this week-in fact, I didn't even turn the computer ON this week because I have been spending all of my free time working on my craft stuff. I was able to complete some painting, 12 floral ornaments, seven floral arrangements in the form or wreaths and swags, I cut and sewed 6 more buntings, and blanket stitched four of them. It was a very productive week and I am happy with the results. I am especially proud of the dried florals and ornaments because I used all materials I dried myself-roses, mini roses, rose petals, hydrangea, greenery, herbs, and all sorts of other flowers and wildlife I could get my hands on. (So-Abby, my shutter drying rack is now pretty much empty...) I hope to have a cutting and herb garden when we get our abundant acreage of our dreams...so I can dry much of it for florals and enjoy the rest myself. It is so neat to make something so wonderful by yourself...and much cheaper-dried florals are EXPENSIVE!
I have a lot more work ahead of me as this is the last week of the countdown. The beginning of next week I can devote to pricing and doing inventory-then, I have to pack up and move out! :-)
I picked up my craft stuff from Iron Kettle Farm this week and got paid...I made over $100.00 with them-but had to pay them their due too-which gave me $78.60 to put in my 'business' account. I was pleased with the outcome-and plan to do it next year, perhaps with my buntings...maybe boosting my profit even more. It couldn't be more family-friendly. Drop it off, forget about it, then get paid. Wow. What a deal!
Matt has agreed to extend the internet until December, so I can try my hand at selling these buntings on ebay. I hope to not only 'reimburse' us for the cost of internet, but to make a bit of profit too. I will start THAT project after my first two shows-which will be November 19th.
I probably won't post often until that date is done and over with...just because there seems to not be enough time in the day these days. AS for crafts-here is a question for you...I hope someone might be able to help. I am looking for a recipe for the hard kind of gingerbread that you can make into ornaments-and seal with something to make them last. I have an evergreen tree wall hanging that I got at a yard sale this year, and I wanted to decorate it with some gingerbread ornaments, cookie cutters, ribbon, cinnamon, and some dried florals-but I don't have a clue as to the gingerbread. I remember doing it in school-but those days are far from me these days. :-)
In other news...I have felt "Peanut' move around for 2 1/2 weeks now. At first it was sporatic....several days would pass before I would feel it again, but now I feel the baby move every day. What a joy it is. You always forget how wonderful it is until it happens again. Oh-and even more special was that this Friday, Matt felt the baby move. I was fast asleep when he woke me up and told me that he had felt him/her. He was so excited-and I was so asleep that I didn't rejoice with him more than a "wow-that's great...Snore..." It is very exciting. Yippee.
That is about it. I have to run-hop into my warm bed and start stitching! Have a great night! (I promise to check up on everyone elses' blogs as soon as I can!) :-)
No...Actually, I didn't post at all this week-in fact, I didn't even turn the computer ON this week because I have been spending all of my free time working on my craft stuff. I was able to complete some painting, 12 floral ornaments, seven floral arrangements in the form or wreaths and swags, I cut and sewed 6 more buntings, and blanket stitched four of them. It was a very productive week and I am happy with the results. I am especially proud of the dried florals and ornaments because I used all materials I dried myself-roses, mini roses, rose petals, hydrangea, greenery, herbs, and all sorts of other flowers and wildlife I could get my hands on. (So-Abby, my shutter drying rack is now pretty much empty...) I hope to have a cutting and herb garden when we get our abundant acreage of our dreams...so I can dry much of it for florals and enjoy the rest myself. It is so neat to make something so wonderful by yourself...and much cheaper-dried florals are EXPENSIVE!
I have a lot more work ahead of me as this is the last week of the countdown. The beginning of next week I can devote to pricing and doing inventory-then, I have to pack up and move out! :-)
I picked up my craft stuff from Iron Kettle Farm this week and got paid...I made over $100.00 with them-but had to pay them their due too-which gave me $78.60 to put in my 'business' account. I was pleased with the outcome-and plan to do it next year, perhaps with my buntings...maybe boosting my profit even more. It couldn't be more family-friendly. Drop it off, forget about it, then get paid. Wow. What a deal!
Matt has agreed to extend the internet until December, so I can try my hand at selling these buntings on ebay. I hope to not only 'reimburse' us for the cost of internet, but to make a bit of profit too. I will start THAT project after my first two shows-which will be November 19th.
I probably won't post often until that date is done and over with...just because there seems to not be enough time in the day these days. AS for crafts-here is a question for you...I hope someone might be able to help. I am looking for a recipe for the hard kind of gingerbread that you can make into ornaments-and seal with something to make them last. I have an evergreen tree wall hanging that I got at a yard sale this year, and I wanted to decorate it with some gingerbread ornaments, cookie cutters, ribbon, cinnamon, and some dried florals-but I don't have a clue as to the gingerbread. I remember doing it in school-but those days are far from me these days. :-)
In other news...I have felt "Peanut' move around for 2 1/2 weeks now. At first it was sporatic....several days would pass before I would feel it again, but now I feel the baby move every day. What a joy it is. You always forget how wonderful it is until it happens again. Oh-and even more special was that this Friday, Matt felt the baby move. I was fast asleep when he woke me up and told me that he had felt him/her. He was so excited-and I was so asleep that I didn't rejoice with him more than a "wow-that's great...Snore..." It is very exciting. Yippee.
That is about it. I have to run-hop into my warm bed and start stitching! Have a great night! (I promise to check up on everyone elses' blogs as soon as I can!) :-)
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