Monday's are usually shopping days for me, and today was no exception. Although~ I managed to squeeze in a doctor's apt. also. It was one crazy weekend-one that I am still recovering from. I wonder if shopping and going to the doctor office for a routine prenatal apt. was such a great idea. I am super-duper tired and will probably lay down here in a few minutes.
This weekend we had a suprise 50th birthday party for my Dad. We have been planning it for weeks, but I couldn't write about it just in case Dad checked my blog. It was a smashing success, I think, but it really took a lot out of me.
Friday Matt had off of work so he went to his 'rents house to work on some stuff and took Corynn with him so that I could work on a slideshow for my dad. I worked from sunup until sundown on that slideshow. Then, about 9:30pm I finished that and started on the food. I made a roaster oven full of ziti and some cupcakes. During that time, I had only one bowl of ramen noodles-oh so nutritious. I went to bed at midnight.
Saturday morning I woke up early to make a banner for the party, and to finish up last minute details, load the car of all the paper products and food stuff, and head out. We got there around 11:45 and worked like ants until 3:00 (when the party started) and beyond. Dad was really surprised and very happy, I think. There was PLENTY of food, MORE than enough (which is my fault because I expected more than double the amount of people who showed up-so I kept pushing MORE food...MORE FOOD! Oops.) Because I am so tall, the only pants I have are this weird length between normal pants and capri's....basically, high waters. I was embarrassed to be seen in them so I decided to wear a dress...and the only shoes that matched were my dress boots. Needless to say-I was in serious pain before the party had even started. Foolish me. Anyway-I have two pairs of pants that fit now and one that doesn't so I am going to cut the ones that don't and add length to the ones that do. Maybe then I will feel more comfortable wearing the pants that I have. That is a priority this week. I don't look or feel nice in the jeans that I have and that makes me sick. Back to the party: By the time the party was over-we still had to clean up the place and so we didn't get home until about 7:30/8:00. During that time, all I had was a meal at around 4:00. Not so great considering pregnant women are to have 3-5 small meals a day.
Sunday morning I woke up in pain. My feet were KILLING me all night long, and my belly felt so tender and sore. I almost didn't even want to go to church. But I did. Unfortunately. During the service I started having a hard time breathing, like an elephant was on my chest. I wrote Matt and little note and he was just like..."Well. Take deep breaths." A few minutes later I got real pale, started squirming a bit-then swaying. Then, it all went black. Matt threw Corynn at the people behind us and caught me as I went down. Thankfully, I was sitting so no harm came to me or my little Peanut on a fall. I had no control over my body and Matt says I was out for a few minutes. He says I was like a ragdoll-my head kept flopping everywhere. He was panicked ( especially since I had preecclampsia with my first pregnancy) and couldn't feel a pulse and couldn't see me breathe so he told a friend to call an ambulance. Soon after, I took a big breath and eventually came back around. I thought, since I had 'come to' inMatt's arms with my head in the crook of his neck, that no one had noticed (after all-it was all during the sermon when everyone was sitting...) but apparently, everyone saw everything. So, at first I was scared (because I had never passed out before) then I was embarrassed. My last thought before it all went black was-what if I have ecclampsia and they have to take the baby NOW? It was really scary. The ambulance came, I was checked out, and everything seemed okay. I am not sure what happened exactly, except that maybe my exhaustion and horrible diet (or lack thereof) this weekend finally caught up to me. Coincidentally, I had a routine doctor's apt. today and everything checked out. My blood pressure was actually LOW, so still no concern for precclampsia. My weight gain so far is 19 pounds. Not bad. Not bad at all.
I am not sure if the experience got to me or if I am just still recovering from a very busy weekend, but I am very exhausted and get weak easily. I am going to be taking it much easier in the next few weeks. I think Sunday's scare has both Matt and I more cautious.
Anyway-I am okay. Peanut is great. So-onward ho. I will write more interesting stuff some other time. Right now I need a nap. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Monday, January 30, 2006
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Welcoming Baby and My "Before Peanut" List
After reading a similar post on the subject of 'welcoming baby', I thought I would expound personally on what I do to welcome our babies. It is hard for some to understand how having multiple children would be more than a nod and sigh after a while, but each child is precious and a miracle in itself. As such, each child should be welcomed and made to know the love that surrounds them from the beginning. I know that as time goes on, I may change up a little depending on my interests and such-but I have firmly vowed to myself, that time will NOT hinder me from showing my child love through the memories that I have created. Since many of you know I am a photo FREAK, you can pretty much guess that photographs are going to come into play in a BIG way. My mom seems to think that with each child, photographs will be less and less but I wholeheartedly disagree. I was the fourth child and I have all of three baby pictures (and they were all taken on the same day!) No exaggeration here. Now I realize-by the time the fourth had come, this young couple who had married BROKE now was even more financially stretched with four little ones so film was not really an option. (And I fully admit to spending more than I should on film developing...which is why I would LOVE a digital someday...) But by having only three pictures of me, I grew up feeling like I was the 'reject' child. I hate not having any baby pictures and I refuse to do that to ANY of my children. 1st or 15th-they will all have plenty of pictures of themselves to look back on and show their kids.
So-here is my list of things I do to welcome baby-and will continue to do for ALL of our children!
~From the time I learn I am pregnant, I start a journal of all the things I think about, anticipate, and go through during pregnancy, the feelings I have for the wee one, and later my observations of the child and his/her antics. I will continue to write in this journal until they are grown and on their own. I think I will probably give it to them on their wedding days. This journal is, as time progresses, written in less and less-and eventually only written in on special occasions or at certain times-but I think it will be a blessing indeed for my children to realize all that I feel for them.
~I scrapbook a baby album for each child with pictures from birth-1 year. I also include pregnancy pictures and baby shower photos...although I doubt all my babies will have shower photos.
~I have a 'baby box' for each child that includes a first diaper, a first outfit, the newspaper clipping of the birth, his/her birth announcements, a first toy and anything else I think to put it in. This is where the journal is also.
~I make the birth announcements myself. I will do this for all my children because I enjoy making cards and because it will show ALL the people who receive them that this baby is not 'just number ______' but a special and much anticipated reason for celebration!
~Starting with Peanut, I will make a baby quilt for him/her. Corynn never got one because at the time I was too afraid to even attempt making a quilt. I plan to make her a twin-sized one for the bed she should soon be receiving. (It will probably not be right when she gets it though.)
~Matt and I usually make something for our 'children' when we find out about baby. With Corynn-he made a cradle and I made the bedding and mattress for it. With Peanut, he plans to make a changing table and I will make a pad. As time progresses and we have all that we need, it may go from large things like bookcases and a high chair, etc. to smaller things like step stools and rocking horses. But I hope the tradition keeps up.
Anyway-that is what I do. At least, all I can THINK of right now.
On to a similar yet different subject....
Only 11 weeks to go! Sometimes I feel like it is a terribly long time to wait but most of the time I am thinking-how will I get this all done before Peanut arrives?!?! It doesn't seem so far away when you add my "Before Peanut Project List" to the mix.
This weekend is a busy and special weekend (I will explain later), then February 18th will be my shower (not so far away), sometime after that Matt will be going to Guatemala for 2 weeks or so, then in March there is another baby shower for a lady at church. With just the 'activities' in the next few months I will be busy. But here are the things I am working to accomplish before baby Peanut arrives.
Before Baby Peanut I need to:
*Switch Corynn's bed to twin-size and move out the youth bed.
*Change the childrens' room to accomodate the cradle and Peanut's arrival.
*Get caught up with my family scrapbook-meaning scrapbook all past photos that have not yet been, sort through the rest, put some away for Corynn and clear out the rest. That will free up my picture drawer and my TIME to scrapbook to oodles of baby pictures I will be taking of Peanut.
*Start a scrapbook for Peanut and before (s)he arrives, scrapbook shower photos, pregnancy photo's, and ultrasound photos.
*Make a quilt for Peanut.
*Prepare the birth announcements and finish (without the stats) by the time Peanut arrives.
*Sort through, organize, and set aside toys, clothes, and other various JUNK to sell at the yard sale I will having (probably May.) I want to get a head start on THAT project since it is a BIG one.
*Take a pile of books to a used book store and see if they will buy them from me. (I have never done this before...I don't even know if they do that...)
*Get the changing table and pad done and put into place.
*Finish all the blocks for my first queen size friendship quilt and start putting it together. (This might not get completed by the time Peanut arrives but I WOULD like to be pretty far along on it.)
*Make a cover for our down comforter (which now has several teeny holes so that when you sit on it, feathers fly all about...)
*Refinish dresser Matt bought at an auction for $5.00
*Switch most winter clothes to Spring (while still keeping a few warm things out) so when the baby comes I don't have to do that job right away.
*Inventory our cupboards and get stocked up on things so I can send Matt to aldi's for milk and eggs and such instead of making huge shopping trips right away.
*Have Corynn potty trained... please, PLease, PLEASE?!?! (BTW-she is in big girl panties all the time at home now-that does not mean they stay dry-though she is showing improvement. I am feeling very much like the cloth diaper days, except NOW you have to pull them down and off which adds another level of skill to the mix.)
Well, if I finish all that it will be a miracle but I KNOW I will be adding to the list as time progresses. Anyway-if anyone wants to share what they do to welcome baby, please do! That goes for project lists to get done before spring also. ;-)
So-here is my list of things I do to welcome baby-and will continue to do for ALL of our children!
~From the time I learn I am pregnant, I start a journal of all the things I think about, anticipate, and go through during pregnancy, the feelings I have for the wee one, and later my observations of the child and his/her antics. I will continue to write in this journal until they are grown and on their own. I think I will probably give it to them on their wedding days. This journal is, as time progresses, written in less and less-and eventually only written in on special occasions or at certain times-but I think it will be a blessing indeed for my children to realize all that I feel for them.
~I scrapbook a baby album for each child with pictures from birth-1 year. I also include pregnancy pictures and baby shower photos...although I doubt all my babies will have shower photos.
~I have a 'baby box' for each child that includes a first diaper, a first outfit, the newspaper clipping of the birth, his/her birth announcements, a first toy and anything else I think to put it in. This is where the journal is also.
~I make the birth announcements myself. I will do this for all my children because I enjoy making cards and because it will show ALL the people who receive them that this baby is not 'just number ______' but a special and much anticipated reason for celebration!
~Starting with Peanut, I will make a baby quilt for him/her. Corynn never got one because at the time I was too afraid to even attempt making a quilt. I plan to make her a twin-sized one for the bed she should soon be receiving. (It will probably not be right when she gets it though.)
~Matt and I usually make something for our 'children' when we find out about baby. With Corynn-he made a cradle and I made the bedding and mattress for it. With Peanut, he plans to make a changing table and I will make a pad. As time progresses and we have all that we need, it may go from large things like bookcases and a high chair, etc. to smaller things like step stools and rocking horses. But I hope the tradition keeps up.
Anyway-that is what I do. At least, all I can THINK of right now.
On to a similar yet different subject....
Only 11 weeks to go! Sometimes I feel like it is a terribly long time to wait but most of the time I am thinking-how will I get this all done before Peanut arrives?!?! It doesn't seem so far away when you add my "Before Peanut Project List" to the mix.
This weekend is a busy and special weekend (I will explain later), then February 18th will be my shower (not so far away), sometime after that Matt will be going to Guatemala for 2 weeks or so, then in March there is another baby shower for a lady at church. With just the 'activities' in the next few months I will be busy. But here are the things I am working to accomplish before baby Peanut arrives.
Before Baby Peanut I need to:
*Switch Corynn's bed to twin-size and move out the youth bed.
*Change the childrens' room to accomodate the cradle and Peanut's arrival.
*Get caught up with my family scrapbook-meaning scrapbook all past photos that have not yet been, sort through the rest, put some away for Corynn and clear out the rest. That will free up my picture drawer and my TIME to scrapbook to oodles of baby pictures I will be taking of Peanut.
*Start a scrapbook for Peanut and before (s)he arrives, scrapbook shower photos, pregnancy photo's, and ultrasound photos.
*Make a quilt for Peanut.
*Prepare the birth announcements and finish (without the stats) by the time Peanut arrives.
*Sort through, organize, and set aside toys, clothes, and other various JUNK to sell at the yard sale I will having (probably May.) I want to get a head start on THAT project since it is a BIG one.
*Take a pile of books to a used book store and see if they will buy them from me. (I have never done this before...I don't even know if they do that...)
*Get the changing table and pad done and put into place.
*Finish all the blocks for my first queen size friendship quilt and start putting it together. (This might not get completed by the time Peanut arrives but I WOULD like to be pretty far along on it.)
*Make a cover for our down comforter (which now has several teeny holes so that when you sit on it, feathers fly all about...)
*Refinish dresser Matt bought at an auction for $5.00
*Switch most winter clothes to Spring (while still keeping a few warm things out) so when the baby comes I don't have to do that job right away.
*Inventory our cupboards and get stocked up on things so I can send Matt to aldi's for milk and eggs and such instead of making huge shopping trips right away.
*Have Corynn potty trained... please, PLease, PLEASE?!?! (BTW-she is in big girl panties all the time at home now-that does not mean they stay dry-though she is showing improvement. I am feeling very much like the cloth diaper days, except NOW you have to pull them down and off which adds another level of skill to the mix.)
Well, if I finish all that it will be a miracle but I KNOW I will be adding to the list as time progresses. Anyway-if anyone wants to share what they do to welcome baby, please do! That goes for project lists to get done before spring also. ;-)
Friday, January 20, 2006
Bellyaching, Books, Bottling and Blocks...
Currently Reading: Tasha Tudor’s Heirloom Crafts by Tovah Martin and photography by RichardBrown.
I am not feeling too well these days. My upper left wisdom tooth is on it’s way out, and is wrecking havoc on my mouth in the process. Pain is radiating from the tooth area down to my tongue and to the bottom of my jaw also. It hurts to open my mouth up more than a crack-and eating. Well. Eating is a chore. On the bright side is the fact that I can unapologetically make myself fruit smoothies (fruit, milk, vanilla, ice cubes, etc.) and I even got a tiny thing of sherbert. ‘Cold’ and ‘Hot’ seem to make it feel better, at least while the cold or hot things are in my mouth.
I have also noticed that my body is giving out on me more this pregnancy. I have dealt with several pulled muscles, leg cramps and spasms and for the past few weeks lower back/right side hip pain has convinced me to shy away from stairs and other unnecessary walking. Thankfully, though the sharp hip pains are terribly painful and debilitating, they come and go pretty quickly. I can have it for a day and then not get it again for a few days. I am not sure what it is that ails me-but it is making me feel like an old woman-and walk like one too! And yet-this afternoon, because my hip was bothering me, I was able to sit on the couch and read the above book without feeling the slightest bit of guilt for being lazy.
I am really enjoying the book and the photographs. Yet, while I read, I am absolutely astonished at the constant vigor and all-consuming projects she willingly takes on each and every day. Because she enjoys it. I mean-WOW. She has a stamina in her ‘aged and frail’ state that I have NEVER had or probably will have. The book covers so many topics of interest to me-cooking, gardening, canning, cider making, soap and candle making, herbs, dried flowers, flax, wool, dying, weaving, linen, basketry, woodworking, pottery, quilting, sewing., lace-making, toys, dollhouses and the list goes on! She makes linen from flax, sheers sheep for wool-then dyes it, spins it, and uses it to make beautiful things. Cuts trees to get the wood soaking for basketry. Interestingly, there is no topic on watercolors (as you may know, she is a children’s author and illustrator) which was her ‘profession’. The photography is beautiful, too. I am always delighted to find and read books that cover the vast spectrum of duties people once had, the thriftiness and great ability to make use of every piece of everything that they did, and the value in all their work.. (A great children’s story that is very much that way is The Ox-Cart Man, one of my very favorite books. It was introduced to me when Linda brought out the children’s books she had and there it was-signed ‘For Matt Love Grandma and Grandpa. 1981’)
Corynn has a book by Tasha Tudor called A TIME TO KEEP. In it, each month is given proper due as she reminisces the activities she would do as a child within each month. In January, she writes of “January sixth-that’s twelfth night-the children took out the four goat sleighs and had races. It was great fun. There was a prize for the winner. In the evening everyone dressed up and played charades.”
My personal favorite though, would probably have to be…June. “Midsummer’s Eve comes in June. That’s when we had a marionette show. There were many, many rehearsals-marionettes to make, scenery to paint, and programs to print and color. The play was at night in the carriage shed. Grandmothers got the very best balcony seats Refreshments were served at the intermission and everyone had a wonderful time.” Now-who ever heard of such a thing today? I remember going all out with things like that as a child, but forgive me for the pointed opinion-but it seems most children today don’t even know how to entertain themselves, let alone a large gathering of people! And the artistry of many of today’s kids lacks tremendously in patience and vision. Well worth mentioning, however, is T.T’s portrayal of August and the coming of her mother’s birthday. A magical time where they had a party in the woods and floated the birthday cake down the river. Can you imagine floating a birthday cake down a river? What a lovely idea! Of course, if I were to do that today-the only ‘river’ Candor holds is the ‘River Dumb’.
Last night, Dave came over and helped Matt bottle up the cider. While Dave was the ‘pourer’ and Matt was the ‘capper’, I was just the ‘bottle-handler over’ and of course-photo historian’. I was glad they let me do something though. I love to be around when Matt is working on his projects. To see pictures of the process, you can check his blog here. Within the next few days, I am sure he will posting the pictures. He was so excited last night, I am willing to bet it will be this afternoon when he returns from work.
Finally and best of all…. (worst for first, best for last was a chant I would always say to my friend Josh when he would always insist on being FIRST with everything) Yesterday in the mail, I received my very first quilt block and was SO pleased with it, I am going post it’s picture here on my blog. If any of you missed the post I made and therefore, don’t understand what is going on. Check here. It is a quilt block exchange. Since I got my first one. I need to start working on making one to send out. I hope to make a different one for each person sending me one-thus giving me lots of practice making different designs and maybe finding some I really like. And while I make one for the individual person, I will make the same one for myself, since I am not going to have nearly enough blocks to make the top just from ones people have sent (which I didn’t anticipate anyway.) Anyway. The block I received was from Mrs. Johnson and has little red buttons sewn on the tree for apples and a little green button on the handle of the door. I couldn’t be more pleased. Even Matt was excited for me (he originally thought my idea was dumb.) So anyway. In the coming months you will be seeing more photo’s of quilt blocks that I receive and that I make-hope you don’t get bored but just LOOKING at quilt blocks gets me all excited! :-)
I am not feeling too well these days. My upper left wisdom tooth is on it’s way out, and is wrecking havoc on my mouth in the process. Pain is radiating from the tooth area down to my tongue and to the bottom of my jaw also. It hurts to open my mouth up more than a crack-and eating. Well. Eating is a chore. On the bright side is the fact that I can unapologetically make myself fruit smoothies (fruit, milk, vanilla, ice cubes, etc.) and I even got a tiny thing of sherbert. ‘Cold’ and ‘Hot’ seem to make it feel better, at least while the cold or hot things are in my mouth.
I have also noticed that my body is giving out on me more this pregnancy. I have dealt with several pulled muscles, leg cramps and spasms and for the past few weeks lower back/right side hip pain has convinced me to shy away from stairs and other unnecessary walking. Thankfully, though the sharp hip pains are terribly painful and debilitating, they come and go pretty quickly. I can have it for a day and then not get it again for a few days. I am not sure what it is that ails me-but it is making me feel like an old woman-and walk like one too! And yet-this afternoon, because my hip was bothering me, I was able to sit on the couch and read the above book without feeling the slightest bit of guilt for being lazy.
I am really enjoying the book and the photographs. Yet, while I read, I am absolutely astonished at the constant vigor and all-consuming projects she willingly takes on each and every day. Because she enjoys it. I mean-WOW. She has a stamina in her ‘aged and frail’ state that I have NEVER had or probably will have. The book covers so many topics of interest to me-cooking, gardening, canning, cider making, soap and candle making, herbs, dried flowers, flax, wool, dying, weaving, linen, basketry, woodworking, pottery, quilting, sewing., lace-making, toys, dollhouses and the list goes on! She makes linen from flax, sheers sheep for wool-then dyes it, spins it, and uses it to make beautiful things. Cuts trees to get the wood soaking for basketry. Interestingly, there is no topic on watercolors (as you may know, she is a children’s author and illustrator) which was her ‘profession’. The photography is beautiful, too. I am always delighted to find and read books that cover the vast spectrum of duties people once had, the thriftiness and great ability to make use of every piece of everything that they did, and the value in all their work.. (A great children’s story that is very much that way is The Ox-Cart Man, one of my very favorite books. It was introduced to me when Linda brought out the children’s books she had and there it was-signed ‘For Matt Love Grandma and Grandpa. 1981’)
Corynn has a book by Tasha Tudor called A TIME TO KEEP. In it, each month is given proper due as she reminisces the activities she would do as a child within each month. In January, she writes of “January sixth-that’s twelfth night-the children took out the four goat sleighs and had races. It was great fun. There was a prize for the winner. In the evening everyone dressed up and played charades.”
My personal favorite though, would probably have to be…June. “Midsummer’s Eve comes in June. That’s when we had a marionette show. There were many, many rehearsals-marionettes to make, scenery to paint, and programs to print and color. The play was at night in the carriage shed. Grandmothers got the very best balcony seats
Last night, Dave came over and helped Matt bottle up the cider. While Dave was the ‘pourer’ and Matt was the ‘capper’, I was just the ‘bottle-handler over’ and of course-photo historian’. I was glad they let me do something though. I love to be around when Matt is working on his projects. To see pictures of the process, you can check his blog here. Within the next few days, I am sure he will posting the pictures. He was so excited last night, I am willing to bet it will be this afternoon when he returns from work.
Finally and best of all…. (worst for first, best for last was a chant I would always say to my friend Josh when he would always insist on being FIRST with everything) Yesterday in the mail, I received my very first quilt block and was SO pleased with it, I am going post it’s picture here on my blog. If any of you missed the post I made and therefore, don’t understand what is going on. Check here. It is a quilt block exchange. Since I got my first one. I need to start working on making one to send out. I hope to make a different one for each person sending me one-thus giving me lots of practice making different designs and maybe finding some I really like. And while I make one for the individual person, I will make the same one for myself, since I am not going to have nearly enough blocks to make the top just from ones people have sent (which I didn’t anticipate anyway.) Anyway. The block I received was from Mrs. Johnson and has little red buttons sewn on the tree for apples and a little green button on the handle of the door. I couldn’t be more pleased. Even Matt was excited for me (he originally thought my idea was dumb.) So anyway. In the coming months you will be seeing more photo’s of quilt blocks that I receive and that I make-hope you don’t get bored but just LOOKING at quilt blocks gets me all excited! :-)

Each of her pats of butter she makes ornate with her butter presses. And don't think she only does that for special occasions. They only use homemade butter. The same is true with candles, laundry soap, gardening soap, and pretty much everything else. I think the world could fall down around her, and she would be fit as a fiddle and happy as a clam.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006
No real theme to these thoughts...pretty mcuh just ramblings.
It is already Wednesday and this is the first day I have been home for the whole day since Friday! It feels good. I celebrated by making Maple Oat cookies.
Monday, Linda invited us ‘girls’ to her house for a luncheon. It was nice having lunch with six other interesting ladies (and Corynn). I enjoyed myself but since Monday’s are also my GROCERY day, I had to go out AFTER that which was during Corynn’s nap. We left home at 9:30 and didn’t get home until 4:45.
Tuesday, Corynn and I drove out to Elmira to meet with and spend time with Mom. That too, was nice, but tiring. Mom cut my hair, something that has been needing to be done for longer than I want to admit. The last time I got it cut, the lady either did a horrible job or since then, I have ahad a chunk pulled out-because the back of my hair was uneven by about 4 inches. My mom was shocked. It was like a hunk was cut out of it or something. So, she evened it up as best she could without cutting all the length off of it. It is still not perfect but definitely more camoflauged and the ends are much healthier. By mistake, she cut the sides super-duper short but I actually like it. I hope having short sides will discourage me from tucking my hair behind my ears like a teenager-a habit that I have been trying to break, to no avail.
During my visit, my brother Jonathan stopped by as he was passing through on his delivery route (he delivers flowers all the way out here from SYRACUSE!) and gave us a bunch of reject flowers he would have thrown away. A ‘bunch’ does not DESCRIBE the mass beauty brimming out of a bucket in my mom’s kitchen. There were probably 25 ‘bunches’ of flowers (mostly carnations, a couple roses, and a couple bouquets of ‘mixed’ flowers) wrapped in cellophane. I wish I would have had my camera. Anyway, since Jonathan has been spoiling Mom with the ‘rejects’ for a few weeks now, I was able to take a good share of them myself! I then split them up and gave some to my sister, and even gave two bouquets to our landlady before I made two arrangements for myself. One of just carnations and the one pictured below…with three red roses, white carnations (mini and regular), and some purple statis. I can’t tell you how that made my day. If only I could have fresh flowers in my house every week!!! OH-that would be such bliss! I SERIOUSLY feel so much better throughout the day when I can look at fresh flowers from time to time and smell my yummy smelling candles burning. I guess I am either a real romantic or just a girlie-girl to the core.
This weekend Matt didn’t end up working on the changing table, other than picking out 2 inch lumber that needs to be split into thinner boards. He DID do lots of wonderful stuff for me though-without my asking, which was a nice surprise. He and his Dad worked on setting up a lathe that Gary had. When they got that set up, they made a wooden piece that I needed for a food mill type thing I got at a yard sale. The one they made they were not happy with, so they will make me another one (apparently so the ball on the end is bigger to fit my hand better?!?!) but I was very impressed with their workmanship. You wouldn’t believe how SMOOTH the wood feels in your hand. I think the lathe is my favorite woodworking tool thus far. I am already thinking of all sorts of great projects you could do! :-)
The other project they worked on was the BEST ever. Bob (my BIL) wound up with the winning bids for two different camera tripods on ebay. One he gave to my sister for Christmas…what a guy! (That is one thing I wanted for Christmas this year too.) The other, was missing the most important piece (a piece that holds the camera to the tripod). Without it, the thing is unusable. It is an older model (but SUPER nice)so you can’t order the part or anything. So, he gave it to Matt and I, saying if Matt could make a piece for it, it was ours. (Again I say, What a guy!) Well. Leave a challenge like that to Matt and it will probably get done. He gets THAT from his Dad. When his Dad saw the tripod, he nearly popped with delight. I could see the wheels in his head spinning and the twinkle in his eye forming. (This is the man who made a perfectly functioning wood splitter from the engine of a lawn mower!) Within a few hours, they had the finished piece made and tested to perfection. I couldn’t be more thrilled. I have wanted a tripod for….well, since I got my camera!
So that is about all that is new and exciting. I got permission to post some pictures of Mandie’s newest Christmas present so I will post my favorite picture of them, along with a few random snapshots.
I have been on a VERY limited grocery budget for a few weeks so I am using this time as a perfect opportunity to clear my freezer of things, especially meats. Which-is now nearly done. :-) I was feeling pretty desperate and unsure of, well, everything!-and then I opened up a drawer where I keep old letters and such and found one from you, Abby. It was from November ’04 and it spoke volumes of today. It is amazing how the messages in letters can speak to you years later and how the wisdom is prevelant regardless of the day. (So-a year later, just as a year before, your words are a constant encouragement to me and you teach me and help to strengthen me, and help me to refocus. Your friendship and wisdom is just invaluable. Precious and rare. Thank you.) I am now trying to be positive about the whole thing, viewing it as a fun challenge rather than something that needs to be worried about. Interestingly, I am finding joy in prioritizing our needs and watching every penny. Now the challenge is being creative with the resources at my disposal. Last night I made sausage gravy and biscuits with an orange, pinapple, and apricot fruit salad for supper. (Oranges are suddenly my thing…I can eat three or four of them a day and want MORE!)
What’s on the menu for tonight? German Potato salad, either chicken breasts or kielbasa, tossed salad, lemony brussel sprouts; strawberry, banana, and pineapple fruit salad and of course, Maple Oat cookies for dessert.
I have to find something great to make with a chuck roast (or several meals). Don’t know what. Any suggestions would be a welcome treat! :-)
Thanks for ‘listening’ to me ramble. :-)
Monday, Linda invited us ‘girls’ to her house for a luncheon. It was nice having lunch with six other interesting ladies (and Corynn). I enjoyed myself but since Monday’s are also my GROCERY day, I had to go out AFTER that which was during Corynn’s nap. We left home at 9:30 and didn’t get home until 4:45.
Tuesday, Corynn and I drove out to Elmira to meet with and spend time with Mom. That too, was nice, but tiring. Mom cut my hair, something that has been needing to be done for longer than I want to admit. The last time I got it cut, the lady either did a horrible job or since then, I have ahad a chunk pulled out-because the back of my hair was uneven by about 4 inches. My mom was shocked. It was like a hunk was cut out of it or something. So, she evened it up as best she could without cutting all the length off of it. It is still not perfect but definitely more camoflauged and the ends are much healthier. By mistake, she cut the sides super-duper short but I actually like it. I hope having short sides will discourage me from tucking my hair behind my ears like a teenager-a habit that I have been trying to break, to no avail.
During my visit, my brother Jonathan stopped by as he was passing through on his delivery route (he delivers flowers all the way out here from SYRACUSE!) and gave us a bunch of reject flowers he would have thrown away. A ‘bunch’ does not DESCRIBE the mass beauty brimming out of a bucket in my mom’s kitchen. There were probably 25 ‘bunches’ of flowers (mostly carnations, a couple roses, and a couple bouquets of ‘mixed’ flowers) wrapped in cellophane. I wish I would have had my camera. Anyway, since Jonathan has been spoiling Mom with the ‘rejects’ for a few weeks now, I was able to take a good share of them myself! I then split them up and gave some to my sister, and even gave two bouquets to our landlady before I made two arrangements for myself. One of just carnations and the one pictured below…with three red roses, white carnations (mini and regular), and some purple statis. I can’t tell you how that made my day. If only I could have fresh flowers in my house every week!!! OH-that would be such bliss! I SERIOUSLY feel so much better throughout the day when I can look at fresh flowers from time to time and smell my yummy smelling candles burning. I guess I am either a real romantic or just a girlie-girl to the core.
This weekend Matt didn’t end up working on the changing table, other than picking out 2 inch lumber that needs to be split into thinner boards. He DID do lots of wonderful stuff for me though-without my asking, which was a nice surprise. He and his Dad worked on setting up a lathe that Gary had. When they got that set up, they made a wooden piece that I needed for a food mill type thing I got at a yard sale. The one they made they were not happy with, so they will make me another one (apparently so the ball on the end is bigger to fit my hand better?!?!) but I was very impressed with their workmanship. You wouldn’t believe how SMOOTH the wood feels in your hand. I think the lathe is my favorite woodworking tool thus far. I am already thinking of all sorts of great projects you could do! :-)
The other project they worked on was the BEST ever. Bob (my BIL) wound up with the winning bids for two different camera tripods on ebay. One he gave to my sister for Christmas…what a guy! (That is one thing I wanted for Christmas this year too.) The other, was missing the most important piece (a piece that holds the camera to the tripod). Without it, the thing is unusable. It is an older model (but SUPER nice)so you can’t order the part or anything. So, he gave it to Matt and I, saying if Matt could make a piece for it, it was ours. (Again I say, What a guy!) Well. Leave a challenge like that to Matt and it will probably get done. He gets THAT from his Dad. When his Dad saw the tripod, he nearly popped with delight. I could see the wheels in his head spinning and the twinkle in his eye forming. (This is the man who made a perfectly functioning wood splitter from the engine of a lawn mower!) Within a few hours, they had the finished piece made and tested to perfection. I couldn’t be more thrilled. I have wanted a tripod for….well, since I got my camera!
So that is about all that is new and exciting. I got permission to post some pictures of Mandie’s newest Christmas present so I will post my favorite picture of them, along with a few random snapshots.
I have been on a VERY limited grocery budget for a few weeks so I am using this time as a perfect opportunity to clear my freezer of things, especially meats. Which-is now nearly done. :-) I was feeling pretty desperate and unsure of, well, everything!-and then I opened up a drawer where I keep old letters and such and found one from you, Abby. It was from November ’04 and it spoke volumes of today. It is amazing how the messages in letters can speak to you years later and how the wisdom is prevelant regardless of the day. (So-a year later, just as a year before, your words are a constant encouragement to me and you teach me and help to strengthen me, and help me to refocus. Your friendship and wisdom is just invaluable. Precious and rare. Thank you.) I am now trying to be positive about the whole thing, viewing it as a fun challenge rather than something that needs to be worried about. Interestingly, I am finding joy in prioritizing our needs and watching every penny. Now the challenge is being creative with the resources at my disposal. Last night I made sausage gravy and biscuits with an orange, pinapple, and apricot fruit salad for supper. (Oranges are suddenly my thing…I can eat three or four of them a day and want MORE!)
What’s on the menu for tonight? German Potato salad, either chicken breasts or kielbasa, tossed salad, lemony brussel sprouts; strawberry, banana, and pineapple fruit salad and of course, Maple Oat cookies for dessert.
I have to find something great to make with a chuck roast (or several meals). Don’t know what. Any suggestions would be a welcome treat! :-)
Thanks for ‘listening’ to me ramble. :-)
Friday, January 13, 2006
All is Well-except for the blasted dishes.
Good Morning!
I am feeling much better today which is cause for writing, I suppose! Yesterday morning Corynn and I read EVERY SINGLE library book story she had. She sat with me and read about 13 story books in a row. And they were STORY books-not baby books. She has such a great attention span for reading! Reading whittled away most of the morning-and at nap time we BOTH slept for three hours. (That is the first nap I have taken in a VERY long time. I NEVER nap. Ever!) I am really glad I did, though, because that is what I needed. I woke up in a much better frame of mind and felt much less 'SICKLY'. Or maybe it wasn't the nap at all but rather, because we got a very special package in the mail AFTER nap from Mandie-with pictures and presents! She sent me an indoor growing hyacinth kit (which are one of my favorite flowers!), some notecards, and some spring kitchen towels and oven mitt! And Corynn received the sweetest book ever called "God Gave Us Two", about a polar bear family who is expecting their second baby. The older sister asks her Mama and Papa all sorts of questions about the coming baby and all their replies are godly and sweet. I loved it as much as Corynn did! Corynn even had Papa read it to her AGAIN at bedtime! (Thank you so much Mandie-for making my day!) We even went outside to play, take care of FooFoo-and when Papa came home, we all went for a walk. Corynn in her pink muckboots, pushing her baby in a stroller, made sure to splash in EVERY puddle and even found a yellow tennis ball treasure! Not pushing a stroller myself allowed for Matt and I to walk hand in hand. It was so nice. I have to snatch opportunities like THAT while I can get them!
Today, despite my growing displeasure in doing the dishes every night (last night I didn't feel like it so they are all there this morning...I end up doing the dishes two or three times a day on days that I DON'T do baking-those days I do even more!- and it is driving me crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), I am feeling perfectly fine.
We are heading out to G&L's tonight and Corynn has already packed what she wants to take. She has her purse filled with a dolly, two horses, a phone, a book, and some tissues flung on her one shoulder. In her other hand is a magic wand, her horse stable, and some random PIECE to another toy. And then hanging on for dear life are her THREE dolls which are at this moment suffocating in her chest. Maybe I won't tell her she can't take all that stuff just YET. I hope that this weekend will be a perfect opportunity for Matt to start on the changing table he is building for baby Peanut. I may even work on sanding down an old dresser he got at auction for $5.00 since Peanut will be needing that also. I plan to take a portion of my mending pile along with me too-and MAYBE, just maybe, I will get that under control!
Today is high of 58 degrees! Corynn and I will walk to the post office so I can mail some bills before we head out to G&L's tonight. Since the weather is so nice, I am also going to take down our outdoor Christmas lights. I wanted Matt to do that-but since that isn't happening, I will do it myself while it is WARM and not have to freeze my patutti off when the weather turns cold again. Now off to conquer those pesky, offending mounds of crusty food that drown out my nice clean counter. Again. Just to clean off my counter for MORE stupid dirty dishes. grrrrrrrrrrr.
I am feeling much better today which is cause for writing, I suppose! Yesterday morning Corynn and I read EVERY SINGLE library book story she had. She sat with me and read about 13 story books in a row. And they were STORY books-not baby books. She has such a great attention span for reading! Reading whittled away most of the morning-and at nap time we BOTH slept for three hours. (That is the first nap I have taken in a VERY long time. I NEVER nap. Ever!) I am really glad I did, though, because that is what I needed. I woke up in a much better frame of mind and felt much less 'SICKLY'. Or maybe it wasn't the nap at all but rather, because we got a very special package in the mail AFTER nap from Mandie-with pictures and presents! She sent me an indoor growing hyacinth kit (which are one of my favorite flowers!), some notecards, and some spring kitchen towels and oven mitt! And Corynn received the sweetest book ever called "God Gave Us Two", about a polar bear family who is expecting their second baby. The older sister asks her Mama and Papa all sorts of questions about the coming baby and all their replies are godly and sweet. I loved it as much as Corynn did! Corynn even had Papa read it to her AGAIN at bedtime! (Thank you so much Mandie-for making my day!) We even went outside to play, take care of FooFoo-and when Papa came home, we all went for a walk. Corynn in her pink muckboots, pushing her baby in a stroller, made sure to splash in EVERY puddle and even found a yellow tennis ball treasure! Not pushing a stroller myself allowed for Matt and I to walk hand in hand. It was so nice. I have to snatch opportunities like THAT while I can get them!
Today, despite my growing displeasure in doing the dishes every night (last night I didn't feel like it so they are all there this morning...I end up doing the dishes two or three times a day on days that I DON'T do baking-those days I do even more!- and it is driving me crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), I am feeling perfectly fine.
We are heading out to G&L's tonight and Corynn has already packed what she wants to take. She has her purse filled with a dolly, two horses, a phone, a book, and some tissues flung on her one shoulder. In her other hand is a magic wand, her horse stable, and some random PIECE to another toy. And then hanging on for dear life are her THREE dolls which are at this moment suffocating in her chest. Maybe I won't tell her she can't take all that stuff just YET. I hope that this weekend will be a perfect opportunity for Matt to start on the changing table he is building for baby Peanut. I may even work on sanding down an old dresser he got at auction for $5.00 since Peanut will be needing that also. I plan to take a portion of my mending pile along with me too-and MAYBE, just maybe, I will get that under control!
Today is high of 58 degrees! Corynn and I will walk to the post office so I can mail some bills before we head out to G&L's tonight. Since the weather is so nice, I am also going to take down our outdoor Christmas lights. I wanted Matt to do that-but since that isn't happening, I will do it myself while it is WARM and not have to freeze my patutti off when the weather turns cold again. Now off to conquer those pesky, offending mounds of crusty food that drown out my nice clean counter. Again. Just to clean off my counter for MORE stupid dirty dishes. grrrrrrrrrrr.
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Grump Grump Grump.
Corynn is sick. I am sick. I thought we were done and over with it all two days ago when Corynn started feeling, acting, and looking better. Boy was I wrong. Last night I didn't get any sleep. Corynn was up coughing so much last night-I gave her medicine but still she coughed. Right about the time I was about to get up, lay a blanket on the floor of the bathroom with the hot shower running-she finally fell back asleep. I was saved from a night on the bathroom floor, but not saved from a night of lack of sleep. My throat hurt so I sucked on Halls in bed and I was exhausted-but Matt kept turning and wiggling and taking the covers away so I got no sleep at all. I woke up with (and still have) an excrutiating headache. I was hoping since Corynn was so awful last night, she would be just as tired and ready to be lazy in bed as I am-but NO! She is the same perky girl as any other day. I just want to sleep.
I know a vaporizer would help Corynn-but ours is at Gary and Linda's-never got moved I guess. So we will have to wait. Elizabeth is probably groaning out loud by now-since we were over to her house last night for homemade pizza night. I swear-I had no idea sickness lingered. Corynn seemed BETTER and I was fine...until bedtime. Please don't hate me!
The sun is shining in a beautiful way outside-and if it was anything like yesterday probably nearly 50 degrees out. I can't bring myself to go outside, though the fresh air would no doubt do me good. But-I can't hardly bring myself to sit or stand erect. So-today will probably pass by without a notice.
I need to go uptown to do banking, get that vaporizer, and go to the post office for some 39cent stamps. Another day perhaps.
Corynn is sick. I am sick. I thought we were done and over with it all two days ago when Corynn started feeling, acting, and looking better. Boy was I wrong. Last night I didn't get any sleep. Corynn was up coughing so much last night-I gave her medicine but still she coughed. Right about the time I was about to get up, lay a blanket on the floor of the bathroom with the hot shower running-she finally fell back asleep. I was saved from a night on the bathroom floor, but not saved from a night of lack of sleep. My throat hurt so I sucked on Halls in bed and I was exhausted-but Matt kept turning and wiggling and taking the covers away so I got no sleep at all. I woke up with (and still have) an excrutiating headache. I was hoping since Corynn was so awful last night, she would be just as tired and ready to be lazy in bed as I am-but NO! She is the same perky girl as any other day. I just want to sleep.
I know a vaporizer would help Corynn-but ours is at Gary and Linda's-never got moved I guess. So we will have to wait. Elizabeth is probably groaning out loud by now-since we were over to her house last night for homemade pizza night. I swear-I had no idea sickness lingered. Corynn seemed BETTER and I was fine...until bedtime. Please don't hate me!
The sun is shining in a beautiful way outside-and if it was anything like yesterday probably nearly 50 degrees out. I can't bring myself to go outside, though the fresh air would no doubt do me good. But-I can't hardly bring myself to sit or stand erect. So-today will probably pass by without a notice.
I need to go uptown to do banking, get that vaporizer, and go to the post office for some 39cent stamps. Another day perhaps.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Babies Babies Babies....and other less exciting things
Not much is going on these days here but something WONDERFUL is going on to some friends!
First of all, some friends from Connecticut welcomed their first and much anticipated child into the world on December 16th-just in time for the holidays! Baby Cayden is so beautiful-no big surprise, given the parents! I am sure there could never be a more wonderful blessing than the blessing of a long-awaited child~ and no better present to receive at Christmas! :-)
Then, my dearest friend Mandie gave birth to a healthy and BEAUTIFUL baby boy on Christmas EVE! I want to post a picture, but am not sure whether she would like that or not-so I will err on the side of caution. Congratulations to you Mandie-and I think David looks so much like YOU! Shortly after I fell in love, she fell in love. Shortly after I got married, SHE got married! She got pregnant shortly after I did with Corynn and then had a girl who she named Dabney and then I got pregnant shortly after SHE did and she had a boy who is David James. So-if we are to continue shadowing each other-baby Peanut needs to be a boy. :-)
Michelle, a friend from church, is due THIS week-on Saturday (I think!) . LOTS of people are anxiously awaiting her announcement-and to think, we may not see them on Sunday because she has a new little one! I can't WAIT to be that far along! And I am sure, SHE can't wait to be DONE and over with it!
As far as Peanut is concerned:I can't contain myself this time around. I REALLY don't know HOW I will be able to wait until APRIL-(ugh! That seems like lightyears away!) to finally get to see this wee one. I wasn't even this attached with CORYNN. I think it was because with Corynn, my first time baby, I was nervous at how life was going to change-and I had never been a parent before so I was a bit scared of that too. With Peanut-my life has ALREADY evolved into one of parenthood and I HAVE done it all before (so I KNOW I can do it...) so this time I am just READY! There is rarely a time when Peanut does not move. (I thought babies in-utero were supposed to SLEEP much of the time? Well, apparently, no one told Peanut!) On Sunday at church, Corynn was sitting on my lap squirming and Peanut was inside me squirming and it was just too much. TWO little squirmy-worms in church? Argh!) I was looking online and found a 4D ultrasound photo of a little in-utero babesy so I had to share. I love to look at 'real pictures' instead of just drawings.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ON TO OTHER LESS EXCITING THINGS-though no less important~~~~~~
* Corynn's runny nose (since Christmas) has joined forces with a newcoming cough. Poor thing. I keep shoving the vitamins into her and pouring O.J. down her throat. Actually-she begs me for vitamins and cough medicine saying "Please Mama...feel better?!?!? Need special medcine feel better!"
* Stamps have gone up 2cents. While I will not refrain from my fair share of groaning about that, I will also note that .39cents is STILL a heck of a lot cheaper (and more fun-in my opinion) than 3___ cents per MINUTE on the tele. I will forever be a letter-writer and forever NOT be a tele-person.
*Speaking of letters-Els and Falko. I know you read this blog and I am thankful for that-since we lost your email and I have no other way to reach you. Mom says you have moved and so we no longer have EITHER current address-"snail' or 'e'. Would you please email us and give us your new address? We have some things we would like to send-INCLUDING about a bazillion stamps we have been saving for you!
*I have FINALLY started doing some 'scrapping' again...that is, scrapbooking. I have completed probably nine pages! I plan to do some more tonight. Leah is coming over so she might get some done too. I found a GREAT way to be able to scrapbook with Corynn awake. (Before I was limited to her bedtime-but by then I wanted to be in bed!) I just give her a few scraps of paper, some markers, a few stickers, and (here is the MOST important thing!) scissors. She happily snips away for an hour or more-cutting pieces into smaller and smaller pieces with the occasional "OW!" just to freak me out. It works heavenly! And as far as clean-up, she is just as anxious to clean up the pieces with a dustpan and broom as she is to MAKE the mess! :-)
* Well. That is it. Told you my life is pretty boring these days. Guess I should go rearrange more furniture! :-)
First of all, some friends from Connecticut welcomed their first and much anticipated child into the world on December 16th-just in time for the holidays! Baby Cayden is so beautiful-no big surprise, given the parents! I am sure there could never be a more wonderful blessing than the blessing of a long-awaited child~ and no better present to receive at Christmas! :-)
Then, my dearest friend Mandie gave birth to a healthy and BEAUTIFUL baby boy on Christmas EVE! I want to post a picture, but am not sure whether she would like that or not-so I will err on the side of caution. Congratulations to you Mandie-and I think David looks so much like YOU! Shortly after I fell in love, she fell in love. Shortly after I got married, SHE got married! She got pregnant shortly after I did with Corynn and then had a girl who she named Dabney and then I got pregnant shortly after SHE did and she had a boy who is David James. So-if we are to continue shadowing each other-baby Peanut needs to be a boy. :-)
Michelle, a friend from church, is due THIS week-on Saturday (I think!) . LOTS of people are anxiously awaiting her announcement-and to think, we may not see them on Sunday because she has a new little one! I can't WAIT to be that far along! And I am sure, SHE can't wait to be DONE and over with it!
As far as Peanut is concerned:I can't contain myself this time around. I REALLY don't know HOW I will be able to wait until APRIL-(ugh! That seems like lightyears away!) to finally get to see this wee one. I wasn't even this attached with CORYNN. I think it was because with Corynn, my first time baby, I was nervous at how life was going to change-and I had never been a parent before so I was a bit scared of that too. With Peanut-my life has ALREADY evolved into one of parenthood and I HAVE done it all before (so I KNOW I can do it...) so this time I am just READY! There is rarely a time when Peanut does not move. (I thought babies in-utero were supposed to SLEEP much of the time? Well, apparently, no one told Peanut!) On Sunday at church, Corynn was sitting on my lap squirming and Peanut was inside me squirming and it was just too much. TWO little squirmy-worms in church? Argh!) I was looking online and found a 4D ultrasound photo of a little in-utero babesy so I had to share. I love to look at 'real pictures' instead of just drawings.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ON TO OTHER LESS EXCITING THINGS-though no less important~~~~~~
* Corynn's runny nose (since Christmas) has joined forces with a newcoming cough. Poor thing. I keep shoving the vitamins into her and pouring O.J. down her throat. Actually-she begs me for vitamins and cough medicine saying "Please Mama...feel better?!?!? Need special medcine feel better!"
* Stamps have gone up 2cents. While I will not refrain from my fair share of groaning about that, I will also note that .39cents is STILL a heck of a lot cheaper (and more fun-in my opinion) than 3___ cents per MINUTE on the tele. I will forever be a letter-writer and forever NOT be a tele-person.
*Speaking of letters-Els and Falko. I know you read this blog and I am thankful for that-since we lost your email and I have no other way to reach you. Mom says you have moved and so we no longer have EITHER current address-"snail' or 'e'. Would you please email us and give us your new address? We have some things we would like to send-INCLUDING about a bazillion stamps we have been saving for you!
*I have FINALLY started doing some 'scrapping' again...that is, scrapbooking. I have completed probably nine pages! I plan to do some more tonight. Leah is coming over so she might get some done too. I found a GREAT way to be able to scrapbook with Corynn awake. (Before I was limited to her bedtime-but by then I wanted to be in bed!) I just give her a few scraps of paper, some markers, a few stickers, and (here is the MOST important thing!) scissors. She happily snips away for an hour or more-cutting pieces into smaller and smaller pieces with the occasional "OW!" just to freak me out. It works heavenly! And as far as clean-up, she is just as anxious to clean up the pieces with a dustpan and broom as she is to MAKE the mess! :-)
* Well. That is it. Told you my life is pretty boring these days. Guess I should go rearrange more furniture! :-)
Saturday, January 07, 2006
Spring Cleaning the NEST
I have been busy busy busy this week. Of my own doing. Wednesday I took down the tree and put away all the Christmas decorations. Then, since I had to move the sewing desk back to it's orginial spot (where the tree was) I decided, HECK! Why don't I just move the WHOLE living room around?!?!? And so began my two day saga of cleaning, sweeping, caring for the newly acquired zoo of dust bunnies, and trying to make the living room look nice given the change of scenery. Matt had mentioned moving the computer desk, I ALWAYS like to change things up, and this layout is more conducive to baby Peanuts' arrival. Though I don't like is AS MUCH as before, it will work better for us in the future and by taking on such a task, I was able to REALLY deep clean. What I accomplished includes but is not limited to...
~Moving ALL pieces of furniture in L.R. to a new location with the exception of the large couch and one bookcase.
~Swept the floor like a gazillion times-each time I moved something, before I replaced something, and then a few times when it was all done.
~"Spot" mopped.
~Cleaned walls, ceilings, and corners of dust and cobwebs.
~Dusted all hanging wall decor, pictures, window frames, and clock.
~Washed and replaced all fabric runners, doilies, etc.
~Dusted and cleaned ALL shelves AND knicknacks before replacing them.
~ Dusted, cleaned, and organized the computer desk (this INCLUDED taking the computer OUT-dusting the desk AND the computer.)
~Taking the garbage out.
~Furniture polished all furniture.
~Watered, trimmed, and moved plants to different locations.
~Added a light downstairs (from upstairs-I was hoping to get a floor lamp for Christmas but did not, so we will just make do with a small lamp on the nightstand of our room.)
~Dusted all picture frames on desk.
No-I don't think the living room could be any more clean than it is now. At least until Corynn comes down from her nap or the dust settles again.
Since I had to move OTHER furniture to and from other rooms, I ALSO changed things up in the DINING room and other rooms of the house. Though not as impressive as the living room, I was able to...
~Move Corynn's teeny tiny homeschool cabinet into the dining room along with our phone and answering machine.
~Add pictures to a now-covered cubby.
~Swept and spot washed the stairs.
~ Dusted all the bookshelves
~Made a special place for our tower of library books that is as hidden as it CAN be.
~Changed the dining room tablecloth and centerpiece from CHRISTMAS to more wintry/Valetine's Day.
I am really glad I did all that stuff. I just couldn't BELIEVE how dirty everything was! Now that THAT is done, probably around February or March I will be changing Corynn's room around. Matt's parents' have offered to give us a twin bed for Corynn (what a blessing and surprise THAT was!) so I have to not only find room to put the cradle and a new dresser up there, but ALSO make room for a TWIN bed instead of a toddler bed. I am not sure how I will do it yet but I have time to think about it. After all, I need to save SOME projects for later months to keep me occupied! Once Corynn's room is complete, Baby Peanut's arrival couldn't come fast enough.
Today's project that is now complete is of the top-secret sort but involved some mass-produced handmade cards. I will post a photo probably the beginning of February of that. I hope to post some photo's of our house too. We'll see what I get to. I have to work on the church newsletter this afternoon and I really would like to do some scrapbooking this evening so that will all take precedence.
Have a great weekend!
~Moving ALL pieces of furniture in L.R. to a new location with the exception of the large couch and one bookcase.
~Swept the floor like a gazillion times-each time I moved something, before I replaced something, and then a few times when it was all done.
~"Spot" mopped.
~Cleaned walls, ceilings, and corners of dust and cobwebs.
~Dusted all hanging wall decor, pictures, window frames, and clock.
~Washed and replaced all fabric runners, doilies, etc.
~Dusted and cleaned ALL shelves AND knicknacks before replacing them.
~ Dusted, cleaned, and organized the computer desk (this INCLUDED taking the computer OUT-dusting the desk AND the computer.)
~Taking the garbage out.
~Furniture polished all furniture.
~Watered, trimmed, and moved plants to different locations.
~Added a light downstairs (from upstairs-I was hoping to get a floor lamp for Christmas but did not, so we will just make do with a small lamp on the nightstand of our room.)
~Dusted all picture frames on desk.
No-I don't think the living room could be any more clean than it is now. At least until Corynn comes down from her nap or the dust settles again.
Since I had to move OTHER furniture to and from other rooms, I ALSO changed things up in the DINING room and other rooms of the house. Though not as impressive as the living room, I was able to...
~Move Corynn's teeny tiny homeschool cabinet into the dining room along with our phone and answering machine.
~Add pictures to a now-covered cubby.
~Swept and spot washed the stairs.
~ Dusted all the bookshelves
~Made a special place for our tower of library books that is as hidden as it CAN be.
~Changed the dining room tablecloth and centerpiece from CHRISTMAS to more wintry/Valetine's Day.
I am really glad I did all that stuff. I just couldn't BELIEVE how dirty everything was! Now that THAT is done, probably around February or March I will be changing Corynn's room around. Matt's parents' have offered to give us a twin bed for Corynn (what a blessing and surprise THAT was!) so I have to not only find room to put the cradle and a new dresser up there, but ALSO make room for a TWIN bed instead of a toddler bed. I am not sure how I will do it yet but I have time to think about it. After all, I need to save SOME projects for later months to keep me occupied! Once Corynn's room is complete, Baby Peanut's arrival couldn't come fast enough.
Today's project that is now complete is of the top-secret sort but involved some mass-produced handmade cards. I will post a photo probably the beginning of February of that. I hope to post some photo's of our house too. We'll see what I get to. I have to work on the church newsletter this afternoon and I really would like to do some scrapbooking this evening so that will all take precedence.
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, January 05, 2006
So goes January
~Yesterday was spent taking down all the indoor Christmas decorations. That made me sad for two reasons.
1) It is a lot of work-work that I didn't feel like doing.
2) It leaves my house PLAIN looking once again. I would gladly keep up all that sparkle and shine all year long. I just LOVE glimmer!
~Before Christmas, nearly every night included a SKIPBO tournament between Matt and I. After Christmas, with the addition of THREE games, a rotation is played of ZIGGITY (a Cranium card game) and BOGGLE. The last few nights we have played BOGGLE. Matt never liked that game before but I think he is hooked. He is getting very good at it and is coming close to beating me. Coming CLOSE. ;-)
~I have been to town TWICE this week (for necessary but ridiculous reasons) and have been disgusted to see all the wonderful DEALS everywhere without the fundage to have a shopping spree. That kills me. Grrrrrrrr. I hate winter expenses. HATE them. HATE THEM!
~Of all those sales-I DID manage to buy Corynn a pair of rubber boots for $3.00 (they are size 9/10 so she swims in them-but that was the ONLY size they have and HEY! Maybe she can even use them TWO years!) and a pair of pants. She DESPERATELY needed a pair of pants.
~Foo Foo eats up all his food faster than we can give the little guy pellets and his water gets frozen every night. Poor little guy-his little rabbit counterparts are snug in warm little burrows and he is left to fend for himself in a wire and wood hut. I try to give him lots of food and straw-maybe getting him FAT will give him more INSULATION and the winter will be easier on him. :-)
~Pictures start to make HUGE piles in my craft cupboard, over my desk, and on the dining room table. Avalanches start to become a distinct possibility. I look forward to scrapbooking them all-but can not seem to find the time to do it so they continue to pile up, coming dangerously close to threatening our very lives.
~My mending box is starting to swell up with need-to-repair clothes. Now is the time to do it or it will soon POP leaving our bedroom covered in clothes that truly SHOULD just go to Salvation Army and be forgotten about. But, back to ~3, replacements cost more than repairments. :-)
~I have two winter jackets. One that is for BLIZZARD conditions and one that is more 'fallish' both of which are threatening to pop their buttons with my growing Peanut. (On a side note: Corynn informed me the other day of the gender of Peanut. We were sitting on the couch with my shirt up watching Peanut's kicks deform my belly in alien-like ways when she looked at me and said, "Mama-Baby Peanuts' girl. Peanuts' Crynnie Sister. Yes! Crynnies' sister!" So there you have it. She is reliable one. I have trained her not to lie. Peanut must be a girl. You can trust a two-year old. :-)
So goes January. ONWARD HO! And a Boggle competition awaits...
1) It is a lot of work-work that I didn't feel like doing.
2) It leaves my house PLAIN looking once again. I would gladly keep up all that sparkle and shine all year long. I just LOVE glimmer!
~Before Christmas, nearly every night included a SKIPBO tournament between Matt and I. After Christmas, with the addition of THREE games, a rotation is played of ZIGGITY (a Cranium card game) and BOGGLE. The last few nights we have played BOGGLE. Matt never liked that game before but I think he is hooked. He is getting very good at it and is coming close to beating me. Coming CLOSE. ;-)
~I have been to town TWICE this week (for necessary but ridiculous reasons) and have been disgusted to see all the wonderful DEALS everywhere without the fundage to have a shopping spree. That kills me. Grrrrrrrr. I hate winter expenses. HATE them. HATE THEM!
~Of all those sales-I DID manage to buy Corynn a pair of rubber boots for $3.00 (they are size 9/10 so she swims in them-but that was the ONLY size they have and HEY! Maybe she can even use them TWO years!) and a pair of pants. She DESPERATELY needed a pair of pants.
~Foo Foo eats up all his food faster than we can give the little guy pellets and his water gets frozen every night. Poor little guy-his little rabbit counterparts are snug in warm little burrows and he is left to fend for himself in a wire and wood hut. I try to give him lots of food and straw-maybe getting him FAT will give him more INSULATION and the winter will be easier on him. :-)
~Pictures start to make HUGE piles in my craft cupboard, over my desk, and on the dining room table. Avalanches start to become a distinct possibility. I look forward to scrapbooking them all-but can not seem to find the time to do it so they continue to pile up, coming dangerously close to threatening our very lives.
~My mending box is starting to swell up with need-to-repair clothes. Now is the time to do it or it will soon POP leaving our bedroom covered in clothes that truly SHOULD just go to Salvation Army and be forgotten about. But, back to ~3, replacements cost more than repairments. :-)
~I have two winter jackets. One that is for BLIZZARD conditions and one that is more 'fallish' both of which are threatening to pop their buttons with my growing Peanut. (On a side note: Corynn informed me the other day of the gender of Peanut. We were sitting on the couch with my shirt up watching Peanut's kicks deform my belly in alien-like ways when she looked at me and said, "Mama-Baby Peanuts' girl. Peanuts' Crynnie Sister. Yes! Crynnies' sister!" So there you have it. She is reliable one. I have trained her not to lie. Peanut must be a girl. You can trust a two-year old. :-)
So goes January. ONWARD HO! And a Boggle competition awaits...
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