What you do in your house is worth as much as if you did it up in heaven for our Lord God. We should accustom ourselves to think of our position and work as sacred and well-pleasing to God, not on account of the position and work, but on account of the word and faith from which the obedience and the work flow. ~ Martin Luther

Monday, August 04, 2008

Wheels are spinning...

IMG_2757, originally uploaded by sgrbear724.

My camera lies dormant in its bag, memory card full with hundreds of photos and I am doing a photo REPOST! Oh the irony. Though, honestly, had I remembered I have a few photos on Flicker that are accessible to me, I might have done LOTS of reposts!

A trip down memory lane: I made this photo to tell everyone the news of Bunkin. The oldest child looks the same. The younger one looks entirely different. More boy. Less hair (WHEN did he have that much hair?!?) Blonder. MUCH blonder. How can a baby change so much is such little time? What has it been 6 months?!?

I have seriously been about to lose my mind, not being able to see and share my photos with everyone. It goes against my very nature. I have discovered a dangerous addiction and therapy is not going so well...

Good news though. It is short-lived. I'll have my precious internet connection and all the necessary, functioning installed hardware by the end of next week! Photos again! HURRAH! I can't wait to see what my camera has in store for me-saved in its memory the last month!

I also wanted to thank those several people who have given my blog awards recently. I try VERY hard to just write and post, for my own sanity and the sake of our family memoir-but even with that in mind, I found myself wondering if anyone would want to visit me here anymore since I have been so unfaithful with posts and photos.

Your awards gave me hope that I haven't lost EVERYONE-and that even in down time, there are people out there who visit and support me. So-thanks to all who have continued to faithfully visit every now and again, and offer support even in the midst of this boring blog time.

Trust me-my life is boring for ME. I know just how devoted you are to still be visiting me. I would have stopped visiting me LONG ago...

PS. Tomorrow is the big day. Murky water is in the toilets, but it is water nonetheless. A working toilet was my only stipulation for moving in, so we are doing it! Tomorrow we are going in the midst of the chaos and living happily in our home, in the one room that is available-the master bedroom. It will be an adventure-and one that I will GLADLY share more faithfully about next week when photos and updates will once again become more plentiful!


Mom2fur said...

Well, best of luck in your new home, murky potty water and all! I bet the kids will think it's a grand adventure!

Terri said...

Rebecca, I'm glad some progress is being made, albeit slow. I have not commented recently because we personally moved to a new home and we had to move our church to a new location the same week (dh is a pastor). So I have been swamped, but I have been reading your posts.

I look forward to seeing some pictures.


Grandma Bibby said...

How exciting that you are moving so soon. I can't wait to see pictures. Happy Move!!

Anonymous said...

All the best :-)

And you haven't lost your readers - it would take more than that :-)

Cheers, Wilm

Bonnie said...

Hooray! I am so glad you are able to move now! Watch out for bears
(oh my, those are sightings that happen once in a blue moon here, so you seem quite brave to me LIVING so near to them), and keep loving on Shirley, I think the kids might especially cheer her up!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your new adventure.....and keep us posted! Please oh please.

Crystal in Pahrump