Good news! Since Matt got compost yesterday for me, I woke up with Matt this morning to put the garden in before the blazing sun was at it's hottest. While it WAS nice and cool, the bugs were HORRIBLE! I have no complaints though. I am just so happy to finally have it all in. I got all of it in before Corynn woke up this morning, with the exception of the Habanero plants I got for Matt. I decided to be creative and try a layout that was functional as well as styled. I included some marigolds to add color and used shapes for dimension. Since it is just the three of us and we were already limited in space, I figured now was the time to have fun with it. I plan on doing some succession planting in the next few weeks for the lettuce, spinach, cukes, and beets. Not that I NEED to, I just want to try my hand at it.
In other news...WOO HOO! Matt gave me permission to get a rabbit. I have been longing for a pet but we are limited in what we can have. I just think it is so important for children (and me!) to have access to animals. Bunnies are clean, quiet, and loving. The part that is (hopefully) a seller is that if you weren't looking-you wouldn't even know they were there. I still haven't run it by the landlady-as you can tell. I am holding my breath. Please, please, please! But wait-there's more! Matt gave me permission for one bunny. The pet shops all want $30.00 for bunnies (which is RIDICULOUS!) Matt and I wanted to buy from someone local-to help them out AND us (with lower prices.) Just down the road, Matt spotted a sign for one and told me to check them out. This morning I went. I was so excited, I left right after Corynn ate her breakfast. Well, the poor lady had her pj's on....ooops. Anyway. It turns out-she supplies the local malls and Tractor supply stores with bunnies...they buy them from her for $10.00 and they sell them for $30.00! I fell in love with two of them. One is sandy colored and the other a grey color that goes from light to dark as you look from head to toe. Well, both were sweet and cuddled right into my neck and both were active when put down so I just couldn't decide which one I wanted. I asked her what gender they were, in hopes that that would help me make a decision. Both were boys as we found out (which didn't help me at all), but we found out something VERY important...that the gray bunny was missing a foot! The lady didn't even know that it had happened but apparently, the poor thing's foot got stuck in the cage and tore off at the joint! She said, "Well, I guess you don't want that one!" I said, "On the contrary-it makes me want it more!" I asked her if she would give me both bunnies for $15.00 (which is a bargain since she was going KILL the poor little guy!) and she agreed. I knew it would be nearly impossible for Matt to agree to Corynn and I getting two bunnies, but I called anyway. Do you know what? He said "Sure. If you want two bunnies, go ahead!!!!" I still can't believe it. I am in shock. Tomorrow, I go and pick them up. They will live inside until Matt can build them a hutch this weekend. And someone on freecycle has offered me a water bottle! Everything is coming together so nicely, I am floating on air. I just hope Jackie doesn't pop this balloon.
So-when Matt first said I could get a bunny-Corynn and I decided upon "Foo Foo" for it. There are TWO now, though, and I am faced with a predicament. I am going to pull a Scott, and though there is no soap in the bargain, I AM hoping for a good name for the other. I am not even sure which one will be Foo-Foo. If you can think of anything pertaining to three-footed-hey, that might be just the ticket!
Tomorrow I will post some pictures of our new favorite bunny babies....