What you do in your house is worth as much as if you did it up in heaven for our Lord God. We should accustom ourselves to think of our position and work as sacred and well-pleasing to God, not on account of the position and work, but on account of the word and faith from which the obedience and the work flow. ~ Martin Luther

Monday, August 08, 2005

The canyons all around the park were so incredibly deep. The site descriptions spoke of "millions of years ago, glaciers as high as cumulus clouds.." being the cause of such deep expanses, but as Matt put it, "It was carved out by God's finger." Posted by Picasa


Abigail said...

I like the imagery of Matt's comment.

Rebecca said...

I know. I was impressed too-this coming from the self-proclaimed 'man without imagination' or creativity or whatever. Did we ever establish the difference between the terms?!?!