For last year's words belong to last year's language
And next year's words await another voice.
And to make an end is to make a beginning.
~T.S. Eliot, "Little Gidding"
And next year's words await another voice.
And to make an end is to make a beginning.
~T.S. Eliot, "Little Gidding"
Just a few days until a new year begins. 2007. Wow. I remember as a little girl, thinking that when (and if) the world reached the years above 2000, people would be floating about in hovering vehicles and wearing silver and rainbow jumpsuits and dancing with holograms. (Perhaps too much Startrek!) Now, here I am in 2007, and it all seems pretty much the same. (Which is good, because I would much rather be dancing with Matt or my children than with holograms!) For fun, I took a peek at last year's resolutions post and not-to-surprisingly, found that my goals will be followed through with this coming year as well.
It was nice to gauge how well I did this past year. Here is an overview:
Healthy Living:
1) I have worked on this-but admit also to having eaten quite a LOT of pizza since we moved here. I would like to change that this coming year. Not so much pizza and continuing on in this goal! There is STILL lots of work to be done!
2) With Andrew and the move, I haven't been consistent here until Matt began his new job. I have now gotten into the routine (with the exception of a few days) to wake up with him, make his lunch and send him off, exercise, computer, devotions and shower before the kids wake up. I need to work on maintaining my focus though. Just in time to feel like I accomplished this goal a bit! :-)
Gaining Expertise:
1) I have experimented with alternate lighting situations, but am still not entirely happy with the results. I want to continue in this focus as well as on textures and architecture.
2) Regretfully, I didn't even TOUCH this one. Excuses can be made-and good ones. Rather, I will simply say that THIS year I will focus more on this one!
3) Slamdunk! I did TRIPLE the canning I did last year, experimenting with canning FRUIT (outside of jellies) and doing some different types of pickles and relishes. But there is LOTS more to do-even canning meats, which will be a VERY new thing to me.
4) Well, one out of two ain't bad...right?
Responsibilities to Matt:
1) I need a lot of help here...but now is the time to REALLY buckle down. Especially with the dream of purchasing a home. At least we have been able to reestablish a small 'nest egg'.
2)I have been packing his lunches but have fallen short in dinner preparations. (See:pizza.)
1) Ba humbug. I guess I had entirely forgotten about THIS one, because no organizing plan has been put into action. But, it is a GOOD goal-and so I am not giving up on it yet!
Christian Strength-Training
1) Well, I have failed MISERABLY on this one so in the coming year, I can only get BETTER, right?
That is how I *did* last year. Some areas show real progress-some need some serious help. But ALL need work-even still. But you know what? Life would be SO BORING and mundane if I were where I needed to be. Right? So, these focus goals are on my list this year as well, with special focus on those things that I BOMBED last year.
Matt works this weekend and so we are going to stay home from New Years. Just as well, too. Tonight we are heading uptown to stock up on candy goods because this week (probably New Year's Eve) we are going to have our annual Gingerbread decorating contest...and guess who will be the judges?!?! YOU WILL! :-) How's THAT for pressure! So come back next week so you can judge for us!
Then, on New Year's Day I will be putting the Christmas decorations away. I hate that. I really truly wish I could keep them up all year-or at least all winter. Probably it is a GOOD thing, not having an artificial tree-or I WOULD! After that, the birdies will be getting a special treat-which will be detailed next week as well so check back. I am VERY excited about this!
Well, that is all the news here today. Have a very happy and safe New Year's celebration! I thank God for the health, love, protection and happiness of the last year and praise Him for the gift of a new one!