What you do in your house is worth as much as if you did it up in heaven for our Lord God. We should accustom ourselves to think of our position and work as sacred and well-pleasing to God, not on account of the position and work, but on account of the word and faith from which the obedience and the work flow. ~ Martin Luther

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


"Announced by all the trumpets of the sky,
arrives the snow."~
Ralph Waldo Emerson

And so the snow arrives, lazily floating from the heavens to catch a glimpse of yuletide cheer.

I don't know how much will lay or if it will accumulate at all-but it has Corynn in quite a tizzy about wearing her snowboots (like something as trivial as SNOW has stopped her from wearing them before!) and being pulled in her sleigh.

Last night's dinner went well, despite some changes of plans. When Nancy caught wind of the fact that we had someone to stay with the kids, she called immediately and insisted we bring them. Sometimes I wish I could be a bit less of a pushover. So, I canceled the sitter (because she said she would be offended if I didn't...) and hoped for the best. And the best is what I got. The children were marvelous-especially since they stayed up nearly two hours past their bedtime. They did nothing that wouldn't make me proud. I always exasperate myself with what-ifs...time and time again in this life o' mine. You would think I would learn. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. SHAME on me! I am so thankful and proud of my children-and LOVE them, flaws and all (as I have a perfect example to look to in our Heavenly Father...) but I do so thank the Lord that those times are few and far between-especially when dinner and antiques swirl into the picture as well!

Last night, as Matt snuggled nestled in his bed, with visions of sugarplums dancing in his head, I poured over my Christmas books to look for some craft and decor inspirations. I will be sharing a few of the GREAT ideas in the coming days (and weeks) before Christmas. What a wonderful thing a blog is-a one stop shop for me. A way to look back at my thoughts from years past, photos of big ones as teensie ones, a recipe sorter, an idea organizer, a communicator among friends. I love it. To think, I once snubbed my nose up to the whole idea!

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Wendy said...

I am glad that your dinner went well! I received a wonderful book in the mail from a wonderful person!! I still love Anne Geddes and looked through it right away with Esther...what a thoughtful gift...thank you so much :)

Beemoosie said...

This is a beautiful blog! I look forward to more visits!

Rebecca said...

Wendy! I am glad you liked it. Did you notice the full length CD?!?! I can tell you-it was only five bucks for that beautiful book and wonderful CD! Can you believe it?!?! I thought of you instantly.

Beemoosie~Thanks for making yourself known! I love to find new readers, and friends! Come again!