What you do in your house is worth as much as if you did it up in heaven for our Lord God. We should accustom ourselves to think of our position and work as sacred and well-pleasing to God, not on account of the position and work, but on account of the word and faith from which the obedience and the work flow. ~ Martin Luther

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

That didn't work like I thought it would...

We were outside the other day and Corynn went to the back of the house while I was playing fetch with the pupper. A few minutes later, this is the girl that was coming toward me. She was crying and crying and telling me she was wet. She has been potty trained for many months so I thought perhaps she had fallen into a puddle or something. But then she told me that she had tried to go potty outside like Papa does...

cough, cough.

Well, I suppose I should tell her the difference between girls and boys. OR perhaps I should tell Matt to nilch the whole 'outdoorsy' personality. Nah-THAT would never happen! :-) Posted by Picasa


Christine said...

What a riot... she sure is a cutie. Motherhood is always a new adventure!

Mrs. H said...

Oh that is so funny. My dd is the youngest at almost 3 with three very boyish older brothers. We live out in the country so the boys have always used the great outdoors, but now that dd is here I've havinga hard time getting the boys to realize they can't do that in front of her! She is still in diapers, but I have caught her pretending to be like them.

BTW I have never posted, but I have been enjoying your blog for a few months now. I love your pictures! I just got a camera and have been taking pictures like crazy - not as nice as yours though! Come check out my babies.

God bless.

Anonymous said...


Kelli said...

Oh, that is hilarious!! Poor thing! That face says it all!

Full of Grace said...

I couldn't help but also laugh about Corynn's innocent incident- Poor Girl! :) You could sideswipe the situation by just saying that you "mama" go potty inside because you are a LADY, and Corynn is a lady too! Only boys and daddy's go outside sometimes because they are BOYS :) hahaha

Morgan said...

That is too funny! I had to nip that in the bud with my son. He was using the only tree we have in the yard...not much privacy! I had to explain why he could not do that.

Rebecca said...

This is one of those moments that was timed just right-because the story would be quite lacking without that expression!

Thanks for commenting Mrs. H! I love to find new visitors-and hey, if you take pictures...I guess I MUST! :-)

Abigail said...


Too funny.

I suppose you wouldn't want me to tell her that girls use the bathroom outdoors, too. How would I know this? I dunno...