What you do in your house is worth as much as if you did it up in heaven for our Lord God. We should accustom ourselves to think of our position and work as sacred and well-pleasing to God, not on account of the position and work, but on account of the word and faith from which the obedience and the work flow. ~ Martin Luther

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Baby prayers

Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing - Photo Books

Corynn learned the Lord's prayer, in baby form when she was two and those baby versions have long since disappeared. I always thought it was so dear to listen to it and wanted to video it, but I never did with her, since we didn't have any video capability. Now it is Andrew's turn to learn it, but this time, we DO have it!

We pray the Lord's prayer at breakfast every morning, so the repition is good practice and makes it easy to learn. Lunch time prayers are individual. First I pray, then Corynn, then Andrew. Corynn's are very elaborate and are often longer than MINE are-and always ALWAYS include health for Oma and Opa, and Andrew: his sound like this " Da Jeez fo yuv. A-bas" Translation: "Thank you Jesus for your love. Amen."

Dinner prayers are offered up by Papa.

I wanted the children to know the Lord's prayer and I wanted them to be comfortable praying aloud, something I never really was for a very long time (though I am getting better at it now that I do it with my kids.) This is why we have chosen to do it this way.

Very soon I would like to begin praying before bed too.

It is such a joy to hear my children praying. I LOVE lunchtime prayers, because I can learn what is on Corynn's heart. I often feel sorry for Matt that he misses hearing them. :-(

Anyway~this is Andrew. Up until about two days ago, he would just remain quiet while Corynn and I spoke the Lord's prayer. Then, I decided it was time for him to be included-whether he liked it or not, so we began waiting for him to say the 'last' words in the phrases. As you can see, he still doesn't get the concept of closing your EYES during prayer! As such: he was very curious what I was doing with a video camera, as you shall see.


Terri said...

That's too cute! Did he say, "Let's eat!" at the end? That's what it sounded like.

We taught our children to pray from the very beginning and it is so beautiful to hear those little baby prayers offered up.

Ann'Re said...

Oh! That is just precious! :D

Rebecca said...

Terri~ that is his way of saying "May I eat?" it comes out more like "I eet?"

Every single meal He does this...

Jean Marie Bibby said...

I am just learning to be comfortable in praying out loud, too. I have been so thankful for our monthly prayer meetings that last about an hour with singing as well.

How wonderful to hear His children speak to their Father.

My heart swells with joy for you!

Andie said...

I love that you are teaching the Lord's Prayer to your children. I began saying it to my babies as I put them down for the night. Eventually we added "Now I lay me down to sleep" and then we added "May God Bless Mommy, Daddy....etc to include the immediate family and grandparents, and then we always put on "and everyone else we love" or it would go on forever. Then my brother-in-law joined the army, so we added "And Please keep Uncle Nick safe." Western KS is VERY dry (drought for the past ??years) so we always pray for rain or snow..and then the kids add whatever is on their heart. When I was pregnant we would ask God to help our baby to grow big and strong. The kids pray for their friends, those who are sick (Abbie always includes Mrs. Wonderful)...our bedtime prayers can become quite lengthy, but they are learning SO much!
Bethany says it right along with us, usually just a syllable or so behind. On Easter Sunday she recited the prayer NICE AND LOUD during the sunrise service. I was so proud of her, she is not even 4, yet and knows the entire Lord's prayer enough to say it with our church family in worship.
There are so many children who don't know how to talk to our heavenly Father, I'm so thankful that ours do...it's so important!
Blessings to you and yours!
And may your baby continue to grow BIG AND STRONG! :o)

Mom2fur said...

What a big heart your daughter has! And little Andrew's prayer is great--short, to the point, and true! Can anything be more real and honest than the prayers of children?

Abigail said...

Millie always asks if "Mrs. Newman has put any new videos up." She'll be very pleased to hear that you've been dutiful!