I have already shown you most of the Easter photos I took (see below). These are the few leftovers from the day.
Not pictured is the spiffy looking congregation greeting us at church, a lace lined feasting table with wine and handfuls of bread as was done so long ago, the picturesque asparagus spears (SOOOOO de-lish), the beautiful outdoor table settings, the tulips on the tables, the drink trolley and food table, the smiles as grown-ups chatter and laugh, white breeze-blown tablecloths, a gorgeous handmade picnic table for children, men playing baseball and dirt pile stunts on kids' bikes. Not pictured is the handfuls of eggs just tossed every which way for children to pick up. Or the chocolate covered carrot cake balls. Or the pasta salad that I ate three plates of. Or the bazillion children running around.
Easter was a wonderful day for all the things NOT pictured.
Mom, who is wearing a leg cast with strict orders to sit down and rest: obviously NOT sitting down and resting....
A girl, decidedly UNinterested in egg finding....
A boy, who made up for his sisters' lack....
PS. Is it weird that the boy has a tan on April 5th? nah....
PPS. Notice the sweat/dirt streaks from his forehead. yeah. I warned you about the dirt!
Silly Putty would have been a fabulous idea. EXCEPT!!! All I could find was eggs with little holes in the top and bottom (WHY would they do that?!?) which were perfect escape holes for goo. So-that pretty much stunk. Goo escaped, mixed with dirt and then gooed other eggs in baskets. (yeah, not pretty.)
One more of her though because those pink flowered pigtails are just worth it....
Yeah, those pigtails crack me up!
What a bummer about the silly putty. The look on Corynn's face pretty much conveys everything!
So I was thinking, and I guess we are cut from the same shower curtain? Or sheet? ;o)
Love the shower curtain ensembles...haha! They looked beautious! I made a dress for my niece the night before which was fun and a little daunting at the same time.
Easter sounded lovely...lets get together again soon!
Drooling here.. :)
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