The beginning of spring and summer, one is SO utterly ethusiastic about every ounce of warmth the sunlight will shed (after having gone without for such a long snowy, frozen expanse of time), that people burst forth from their winters' inhabitants like bats at the setting of the sun. Adventures start and it doesn't take any convincing to drop your to-do list for a chance to be out of doors. For several glorious weeks, wherever you are, there are folks out and about, enjoying the weather just as you. Perhaps not the very same way, but certainly with the same results. Joggers, bicyclists, Moms at the park with their brood in tow, older folks on doesn't matter HOW one enjoys the sunshine-just that it is happening.
Then-the fullness of summer rolls in, and with it those welcoming bits of warmth on your skin turn into over-bearing, dangerous rays of heat and light. Those weaker vessels (who have the luxury of cool air within and the opportunity to laze about in it) withdraw themselves (smartly) in the coolness of their home. Others trudge along, aloof and crabby-doing what needs to be done-and not finding relief anywhere. Most people fit somewhere in the middle of both-making due with the freshness of air when they can, and making do without it IF they can.
Then, sweet blazes, SEPTEMBER arrives-and the air is not so burdensome. A breeze actually blows from time to time. It is a welcome sight to see a sunny day, because you know when you step outside-it will STILL be comfortable.
Windows can be left open ALL day long-and shades need not come down. Once again-the community at large seeks out opportunity to bask in the WONDERFULLY mild weather. Everyone knows deep down (but none will admit) that the opportunities to enjoy it are whittling away because very soon...the circle will begin again and mankind will, in their own way, go into hibernation mode.
We are no different. Well-perhaps the children are. The children would be up for an adventure even in the heat and humidity of summer days past. Unfortunately for them, their Mama was not so daring a soul. I am not so different.
Yesterday I put off ALL other responsibilities to show the kidlets a good time (and have one myself). I packed up the picnic basket incognito (do you know how hard THAT is with two little shadows?!?!) and headed out to a surprise destination. No surprise for me. It is our old haunting ground-the park.
But, even though we have been there countless times in the past, it STILL crosses way over that line between mundane and adventurous.
We parked ourselves right in our usual spot. The children head straight there, knowing it is eat first, then play. I do love this park.
You must have really enjoyed yourself in such a beautiful place.
I have a friend who takes mystery trips with her kids once in a while. She and her husband pack up the car, and they drive off without telling the kids the destination. It's always fun when they arrive!
How lovely. I enjoyed your blog.
Isn't it lovely to just throw in the routine and housework once in a while, and enjoy the beautiful day. We also do this occasionally, and have delightful days ... isn't it just the best thing in the world to have the time to enjoy these pleasures with your kids?
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