What you do in your house is worth as much as if you did it up in heaven for our Lord God. We should accustom ourselves to think of our position and work as sacred and well-pleasing to God, not on account of the position and work, but on account of the word and faith from which the obedience and the work flow. ~ Martin Luther

Friday, October 20, 2006


All through naptime, Corynn played in her room. Finally, she got up enough bravery and came out and was quickly shooed back into her room. I don't want to establish a precedence that when SHE is ready SHE can be done with rest, because rest time would be minutes! So, about ten minutes later I go and tell her that rest time can be over-and this is what I found. Posted by Picasa


Christine said...

Lily is always doing this too! It is funny because children at that age think that they don't need a nap, even though they desparately do! Isn't it a blessing when they finally succomb to the lure of sleep?

smilnsigh said...

Oh I am so happy to hear this, from a young Mom. And I see, from another one, in the comment above.

I always needed an afternoon rest and it was simple, when my 3 were little. {and later, when my Granddaughter was {little}, and stayed here while Mommy/Daddy worked]

But eventually, they all get to the point where they really don't sleep. But they can always have a Rest Time. Mainly 'cause Mommy/Nana _needs_ hers! :-)

So, they played, or colored or drew quietly in their rooms, for the hour which Mommy and then Nana needed. Simple.

1) Children follow/appreciate consistent "rules."

2)A Rest Time is always good.

3) I will stop now!!!!! :-)

Rebecca said...

4) AMEN!!! :-)

Plus-there is NOTHING wrong with encouraging a child (of any age) to quietly occupy him/herself with something for a while. In fact, I can't think of anything BUT good that could come from it!

(And as you said-that is when I can REALLY focus my time on other things-from fun 'me' things to important things like mopping a floor that won't get stepped on while wet....