What you do in your house is worth as much as if you did it up in heaven for our Lord God. We should accustom ourselves to think of our position and work as sacred and well-pleasing to God, not on account of the position and work, but on account of the word and faith from which the obedience and the work flow. ~ Martin Luther

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Fair is as fair does

First the important stuff: I had a friend ask me about this-I am not experiencing this problem but I was wondering if anyone ELSE having this problem?

"1. Did you notice you have to scroll all the way to the bottom of your blog to see the sidebar?"

If so, I will have to try and fix a problem I don't see, which will be an experience indeed!


Now that THAT is settled:


I am SUPER excited about that! I hope to get a taste of funnel cake today. I have been really patient all year long! :-) I didn't put anything in to be judged this year-but I enjoy seeing all the work that others contributed. I can't wait!


Matt declared that we don't have NEARLY enough salsa put up yet, so we may have to stop by the roadside stand for some more tomatoes. I was planning to stop for some huge pots of mums for $3.00 a piece anyway. I made Matt PROMISE that he HAD to help me make more salsa, if he wanted more. I just really want to spend some QT with him-something we haven't had in a while. And besides, the salsa is FOR him so he should be the one to make it spicy enough. I am still looking for a nice and hot recipe for him that I can go by-I have sort of been fudging my way through each batch. Some are very hot and some are not.

This week I will probably be plucking the last of our fruits from the garden. I want to get those green tomatoes done up so I can have a weeks rest from canning before the apples start up. Thank you BELINDA-for sharing a green tomato recipe with us. Matt hasn't GIVEN it me yet, but he said you sent him one! :-) Thanks so much!


Would you believe me if I told you I am going to be doing a craft show out here? I thought my craft show days were over-with two little ones and my sidekick too far. But-a lady from church asked me if I would join her and so I shall. Since I THOUGHT my craft show days were over, I gave much of my goods away or dropped them off at the thrift store-ANYTHING to avoid hauling them out here. So-now I BASICALLY have to start from scratch. YIKES! I am not quite sure when all of THAT stuff will get done when I am so busy with canning and stuff.

Oh-and by the way-remember when I said I was going to start setting aside some time each day for teaching Corynn? Ummm...gulp. Hasn't happened yet. If I can't handle an HOUR a day with ONE child-I wonder how I will handle teaching an ENTIRE curriculum with multiple children?

I won't think about those things now. I 'll think about them later.



Wendy said...

About the sidebar thing....that has happened to me sometimes, but it seems to correct itself...must be a blogger glitch...Ive seen it happen on some others too, I don't know if they correct it or not...but like I said, mine seems to correct itself.

Abigail said...

If anyone consistently has to scroll to the bottom to see the sidebar, the likely culprit is what resolution the computer is set to (says my husband). Computers set to the same resolution as yours will see the page set up the same way that you do, and vice versa.

Rebecca said...

Good deal. That makes me feel better. The other issues I tried to get worked out too-my friend ended up doing it. So-HOPEFULLY, all is well.