The Desperate Farmwives video below was compliments of my Mister. I don't know WHY he would feel the need to make one...and I have NO IDEA how that feedbag that he showed in the video became frayed. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it. You could tell it was him because the video was accompanied by a short succinct sentence. And OBVIOUSLY one sentence doesn't cut it for the likes of me. Chatty, I am.
I don't know what other videos he may make or when the next will appear...but I will be on the lookout same as you. I don't need an excuse to enjoy a good Mattie video. Isn't that eye twinkle something?
Our pumpkin/sunflower patch is pretty spectacular these days! |
Our nature table usually holds dead things (lets be honest) like fruit wasps and butterflies but when Andrew found a wounded bird, he put it inside our wicker cage and gave it a home on the nature table too. For a few hours. Before it was released into the woods far away from the cats and nearby the brook for water. |
When in the throws of canning, Mothers often allow their children to do crazy things- just to keep them occupied and OUT of the kitchen. Facepainting always works. |
Andrew is a Jersey cow chewing on daisies. In case you couldn't tell. |
I've been wondering where all our eggs are disappearing to these days- then I caught the culprits red handed. |
our first garden grown cantalope of the year! |
Morning in the living room. |
the cutting garden is providing me lots of bouquets. I am trying to soak them up for the flowerless winter ahead. I am not sure if it is the cold that makes winter so depressing- or the lack of flowers. |
The boys are digging up the sod and finding stone sidewalk. If you stop by- beware the little cars by the stoop! |
Remember I told you I wanted to do a colorful version of the blessing bonnet? Here it is! I decided on purple and green. |
Due to my unfortunate babyless situation, I must use Chrissy doll to model. |
I have so much to do in the kitchen today. The floor is filled with buckets 'o squash, the windows are lined with tomatoes that were plucked too early this weekend and are now prime for putting up and the garden hasn't been properly harvested from for several days which, during this period of intense ripening, is just asking for trouble. There will be buckets and bowls worth to fill the floor further, I am certain. And the milk-house fridge is FULL of milk because I have been too busy/lazy to do anything with it. This, too, is disastrous. Something must be done.
And yet the day is half over and the breakfast dishes are still waiting to be hidden in the dishwasher. That is what happens when I realize, a few hours before deadline, that a Schoolhouse Review is due by noon! And I certainly can't leave you all hanging with just a REVIEW post. ICK.
There was only one thing to do.
I simply HAD to sit here and show you some of the bright cheery things that keep my spirits up during these busy, fleeting September days.
May your day be cheery and bright, my friends.
I love Andrew's painted face; that was extremely creative! Zinnias and cosmos are among my favorites, but I don't have any of my own this year. Yours are gorgeous!
Beautiful flowers! I planted some for picking and I got one. One! One surrounded by lots and lots of weeds!
i cannot get enough of your photographs! ~ just so much beauty ~ your blog is a joy.
Love the colored version of the bonnet..So Pretty!! Got news that the possible new addition is hardly possible now.. And visits have increased to weekly. And now they will be in home rather than at the office.. Made me so sad..Just been an overwhelming couple of weeks and I am emotionally drained I suppose...But your flower pictures help a little, they are so cheery. Oh, and Andrews facepaint. That helped too.
Oh my - those flowers are just perfect! Thank you for sharing your beautiful pictures with us. I am eagerly awaiting when our flowers that are currently just seedlings are large enough to adorn my house!
I love your crochet projects. I've just got back into crochet and am enjoying it so much! Is the pattern for the bridal shawl online at all?
Have a wonderful day!
Tracy- wish I could send you a bouquet!
Miranda- that is so sad! :-(
Beth- you are one of the reasons I post my photos as often as I do- you encourage me so often!
Elizabeth- I can't really understand that veiled comment so I guess a call will be in order. So sorry for all you've been going through!
Renata- thanks! Yes, the bridal shawl is online- a free pattern on Ravelry. Are you on there? My name is sgrbear724- let's be pals. I'd love to see some of your projects! Here is the pattern link:
That basket of flowers!!! WOW!!! And the blue glass...faint!!! :D
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