What you do in your house is worth as much as if you did it up in heaven for our Lord God. We should accustom ourselves to think of our position and work as sacred and well-pleasing to God, not on account of the position and work, but on account of the word and faith from which the obedience and the work flow. ~ Martin Luther

Tuesday, April 30, 2024



That is how many photos of cows I found taken on a single day.  

Apparently, SOMEONE wants to show you our cows!

So here they are.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Leave it to the Professionals

The other day Moses said to me...

 "Mama- since you are so professional at cutting eggs, will you please cut these eggs for me?"

He's a charmer.  ;-)

Friday, April 19, 2024


The happy couple, up to their old tricks

 Ineke thought she hit the MotherLoad as she was opening up the largest of the eggs which was not only impressive in size but hanging from a tree and duct-taped to protect the immeasurable treasures within. Little did she know that it was filled with a crushed soda can, some empty wrappers and a single measly mini-kitkat for her efforts.  (No doubt the shenanigans of the conspiring boys above.)

(it was supposed to look like an Easter Egg)

"Resurrection Rolls" in which an empty tomb is revealed after baking a dough-wrapped marshmallow.  The marshmallow dipped in cinnamon was meant to represent Jesus' body, wrapped in spices.  We mustn't take the analogy too far though.  I can get behind an empty cavernous roll but there it must end as I am certain Jesus didn't ooze and puddle.

One "gift" middle age has given me in the last year or two is the inability to sleep.  Or should I say the ability NOT to sleep?  

(Even if I want to.)

It is a bane unless it happens around 2:30/3ish on Easter morning, leaving me time to finish up all the Easter things I had left undone the night before...like setting up the table, hanging the hanky bunting, making clues and going out with a flashlight in my robe to hide Easter treats.  

In these instances, insomnia becomes a superpower.  

Easter Egg stuffing elevated to a whole new level as I now have health conscious adult children. 

Pistachios, cashews, beef jerky and chocolate covered coffee beans rounded out the jellybeans and PEEPS this year- and the grocery budget barely recovered. 

With each stuffed egg, I felt my nose pointing upward more and more.  (What a snob.)

The Smooth Twin and his practically perfect wife.  And wonderful children.

The Hairy Twin, who it seems may have married a Cruella de Vil
Surrounded by wonderful children, nonetheless.