What you do in your house is worth as much as if you did it up in heaven for our Lord God. We should accustom ourselves to think of our position and work as sacred and well-pleasing to God, not on account of the position and work, but on account of the word and faith from which the obedience and the work flow. ~ Martin Luther

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Egg Roll Day

If kind, talented, and sweet Millie gives Corynn a homemade egg roll as a special treat- then I am going to have to steal a bite.

And if I steal a bite, I am going to have to beg Millie to come and make some for ME.

And if I beg Millie to make some egg rolls for me, Millie is bound to say yes, because she is kind and talented and sweet.

And if she makes egg rolls for ME, Andrew is absolutely going to love them.

And if Andrew loves them, he is going to ask for homemade eggrolls for his birthday feast.

And if he asks for homemade eggrolls for his birthday, he is going to GET them.

(Guess who is making eggrolls this weekend?!)

Friday, March 17, 2023

The Month That Was: February

Well, February zipped by, didn't it?  And March is following suit.  It is high time I blogged about February, but try squeezing a blog post around 3 children who all require the (single, solitary) computer for at least a portion of their schoolwork each day... when I have a free moment, there is usually schoolwork happening.  It ain't easy, my friends.

My February goals were intense (but necessary) which had the month fly by with barely a notice of the world around me.  We had two cows butchered earlier than expected and so the whole months' goals were surrounded around food: eating it, canning it, organizing it, making room for it, etc.

My goals were thus:

#1 Clean/organize basement  

#2 Empty out freezer.

#3. Do ZERO grocery shopping for the entire month.  This, in order to help me focus on emptying out the freezer and using up what I had. (The exception was the weekly run to my brother-in-laws for farm milk.)

Those are hardcore goals!  

 Every day I was making something yummy from something I had been hoarding for so long I had forgotten I had it in the first place.  The children didn't complain about the many muffin breakfasts or fruit smoothies.  Or soups for lunch or desserts like blueberry rhubarb crisp.  Often I was boiling soup bones to make bone broth and then canning it up.  I canned fruit jams.  I canned quarts (and quarts) of meat. 

I am quite sure my children love the No Grocery Challenge months more than any other time because…  soups and meat for lunch instead of sandwiches.  Meatloaf without feeling guilty from using all that meat!  Desserts! Generous heapings of vegetables in the stir fry! Oh, look!  A bag of french fries- let's eat them for lunch!

We literally had to eat (or can) through an ENTIRE CHEST FREEZER... it was nuts.

Somewhere around the food and freezer madness, we tore off socks and shoes on a 65 degree day and went to the creek just to put them back on a day later, in time for a few snowstorms.  Matt celebrated another birthday (like four times, because he is spoiled).  Aunt Holly treated some of us (non-working~ sorry, Corynn!) girls to a dinner-theater production of Cinderella, Valentine treats and cards were made and delivered, I was given a sourdough pet, we had an egg-roll making day (which deserves a post of its' own), Matt bought me flowers, and I was able to meet my exercise 3x/week goals every single week along with all the daily ones.

Overall, February was a very productive month.  Too productive, if you ask me.  

This month I've been taking it easy...

And it feels oooh, sooooooooooooooo goooooooooooooooooooooood.