Here is our Dining Room. This picture is pretty dark-sorry!
I usually change my tableclothes every week or two-most often using lace ones. I put this DARK one one because I thought it made the bright sunflowers stand out, but I can see now that it didn't help the clarity of the photo.
In this picture you can also see my very favorite part of the house. The huge window! This window has a Northern Catalpa tree just a few feet behind it. It is one of my favorite things to sit at the table and watch birds flutter by and see the beautiful blooms of the tree. Soon, Matt will be putting up a bird feeder right outside the window, hopefully encouraging even more visits from our feathered friends. I would really LOVE to be able to photograph birds upclose and personal.
I made these curtains for our first house together and as you can see, they just BARELY hang low enough on the window. Since being married, we have lived in three different homes and these have been in each and every dining room, so I am GLAD that they work!