Yesterday our neighbor stopped by to invite the princesses and princes of the house to a birthday party in her daughters honor this Saturday. Her daughter is two days older than Corynn, and so, her coming was a wake-up call as to my own Boo's birthday.
I didn't forget that my girl was soon going to have a birthday, mind you, I just tried to put it as far out of my head as possible. I mean, she will turn four. That just won't do! I am not ready for it. So maybe, if I don't pay attention, it won't happen?
I guess it is time to face reality that my baby is a baby no longer. She skipped from newborn to four in like a day. Not fair. I was JIPPED! Having a baby-giving birth for HOURS in excruciating pain should result in a childhood that LASTS LONGER. Geez. I am will be notifying the complaint department!
In all seriousness-since the time my belly started protruding with baby Boo, I have heard the advice of aged mothers over and over again. It was a broken record. "Enjoy these baby years-they are fleeting." "Baby years don't last long." "They grow up fast!" I was sick to death of hearing it before I even held my wee one in my arms!
Now, I am one of those broken records and even when I TRIED to slow down and truly cherish each and every moment, I look back and think. It is gone, forever, and I missed SO much! It wasn't enough! I didn't do a good enough job!
Ay yi yi.
Well, I am just gonna suck it up and pretend I am happy about it. Since the two things she has been adamently requesting for her birthday (since CHRISTMAS!) are a calf and a baby sister and I am unable to give her EITHER at this point, I guess I should go find a present for her that I CAN give her.