What you do in your house is worth as much as if you did it up in heaven for our Lord God. We should accustom ourselves to think of our position and work as sacred and well-pleasing to God, not on account of the position and work, but on account of the word and faith from which the obedience and the work flow. ~ Martin Luther

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Crafting On...


Terrible pictures of my newest project- but I figure, I'll have a chance to get better pictures of it in action.

I was given more fabric recently, which made me sort through stashes to consolidate for space and while doing so, I came across leftover fabric from a capelet I made last year for my niece.  It's been sitting around long enough and was enough to make another small one.  I decided it would be a good birthday present for Ineke.

I made it reversible using a colorful contrasting flannel that I already had on hand-with some trim that was given to me.  The problem is that her birthday is in late December- when the cold warrants a bonafide coat.  The weather is *just right* for a capelet now.  What to do...what to do...

While sorting fabrics and wondering what I should do/make to dwindle the fabric stores down, the mending basket sat staring belligerently at me from the corner, willing me to not start anything new until I lightened his load.   So I've been chipping away at that a little bit each week and I'm happy to say, I am almost all caught up.  Does that count as crafting?  I don't know.  But it is pretty satisfying.  I know that.

Adele's birthday is coming up.  Then Ineke's.  I thought about making some matching duds for Thanksgiving.  There is craft show the weekend after Thanksgiving that I could work on stuff for.  Then Christmas gifts.  The list of ideas is so long, it will probably cancel itself out under the time pressures and nothing will get done at all.  That's how I roll.  I am not sure what to do next and so, I do nothing!


For Halloween and for pleasure, I picked up Mary Shelley's Frankenstein- which I had never read but am really enjoying.  When I am not in the mood for Frankenstein, I pick up A Grief Observed by C.S.Lewis.   Harry Potter on audiobook for long car rides (pretty much every ride) and The Green Ember during lunch.  So you see, no matter where or when, there is SOME book waiting in the wings.  But they are all at the tail end of things- so it won't be long before I am wondering what to READ next too.

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