What you do in your house is worth as much as if you did it up in heaven for our Lord God. We should accustom ourselves to think of our position and work as sacred and well-pleasing to God, not on account of the position and work, but on account of the word and faith from which the obedience and the work flow. ~ Martin Luther

Wednesday, February 05, 2025

The Newman Campout

We returned from our Watkins Glen camping trip, and immediately repacked for the annual Newman Campout the very next weekend. 

It was coldish and rainy most of the time but we at least got one day in the water... and this year, that time was spent water-skiing.  Or trying to, at least.

Uncle Nathan doesn't try, he succeeds! 

(He's only been doing it since he was a kid...)

Uncle Nathan, trying to teach Adele' how to get up in the water.

She couldn't quite get it..  Judah couldn't either.  (There's always next year, guys!!)

And then Papa tried...

There was a whole lot of shenanigans and he drank quite a bit of water (which was hilarious to watch)

Eventually, he got there!

This was a particularly proud moment because this was the first time he had been water skiing since a very serious water-skiing accident when he was about 13 years old which nearly cost him his life and which branded him with a large "C" scar on his head ever since.

I've always looks at his "C" scar and reminded myself to celebrate his life... because God kept him on this earth as a boy for ME.  

Now, it stands for courage too.

David, water skiing for the first time!

The rest of the guys missed their chances by not being there at the right time.  :-/

JOBS.  Hmph.

A morning kayak ride by my lonesome.

And Funcle Nathan, the man who lives in Hawaiian shirts in the summertime, gets the "World's Most Fabulous Hawaiian Shirt" for his birthday.  
