What you do in your house is worth as much as if you did it up in heaven for our Lord God. We should accustom ourselves to think of our position and work as sacred and well-pleasing to God, not on account of the position and work, but on account of the word and faith from which the obedience and the work flow. ~ Martin Luther

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Wealth and Prosperity, Part 1

Okay-so with the ridiculous amount of worrying I have been doing about finances and heat this winter, I have thrown myself into thoughts, articles, and lectures about wealth and finances. I have also given great thought to the wealth I overlook everyday. So-this is not going to be eloquently said, I just don’t have the time to take time to write it. I have lots of things to do and little time to do it all. I have really wanting to write something of substance…so here goes. My plan is to write/outline some thoughts that were expressed through Doug Wilson’s lecture WEALTH AND PROSPERITY (Wealth God’s Way) today and then sometime later this week, write a bit about my thoughts on the current financial situations of believers.

Wealth and Prosperity are not things to scoff at. Rich people are not worse Christians than those ‘humble’ souls who live by mediocre means. The Lord blesses us PRACTICALLY and chastises us PRACTICALLY-and that includes by financial means. That said, there is a balance. Not all poor people are being chastised and not all rich people are being blessed, but that is the general rule of things.
Doug Wilson put together a list of biblical means of Prosperity and Wealth. A to-do checklist to get rich. Not really , but they are guidelines to be wise financially and by implementing them, your wisdom and discretion will be rewarded. We must be faithful stewards of God’s gifts, and while we may still die in a state unlike the great richness we see around us today, great will our reward be in heaven.

Wealth can be obtained God’s way by….
• Proverbs 8:21 While wealth can possible be a temptation for sin, it is not curse. Anyone who drinks alchohol, uses the computer, watches the TV, or participates in an inummerable number of everyday activities, knows that there is a level of liberty and a level of wisdom in so much of what we do. Wealth is not evil-or something to shy away from for the greater good no more than eating candy corn is sinful…we are told, “I will cause those who love me to inherit wealth.” As a general rule, those who love God are made prosperous.
• Proverbs 10:22

• Proverbs 22:4- Before humility and the fear of the Lord comes riches. We are not owed anything from God. We must remember Him in all we do- This includes remembering him financially in our tithes and offerings.

• Proverbs 11:25 “A generous soul will be made rich and He who waters will also be watered himself.”
• Pro. 11:24 “There is one who scatters and yet increases more, and there is one who withholds more than his right, and he comes to poverty.”
• Proverbs 22:9 “He who has a generous eye will be blessed, for he gives us his bread to the poor.”
• Pro. 28:27 “He who gives to the poor will not lack, but he who hides his eye will have many curses.”
We should share because we are grateful to God. We remember Him, we Fear Him, we are grateful to Him. It is better to GIVE than to receive. Many people are willing to take, take, take-figuring they deserve it or just being greedy-and yet are not willing to give half of what others have given to them. It is a selfish and greedy thing indeed, and it does NOT please the Lord to see His children taking advantage not only of the blessings He has already given to them, but of the kindnesses of others. It is better to GIVE than to receive. ANYONE can give SOMETHING to those in need-whether it is a loaf of bread or monetary gifts, or clothes, or a roof over their heads. If someone is in need-do NOT say, we are not in a position to give. You are lying to yourself, to the needy, and to God.

• Proverbs 14:23
This ethic is not something that you can suddenly attain as an adult. It is something that is learned and mastered as a child-with the help and instruction of the parents. Do not pick up after your children, or do everything for your children- teach them responsibilities, teach them to work-hard and with a joyful attitude. Christians should be known for their hard work-and by doing this, you will be making known a Christian-working generation of the future.

• Proverbs 24:4 “ By knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches.”
Knowledge IS power. Knowledge IS authority. Seek knowledge more than financial abundance. This is where I would submit-we must be every careful to open our eyes to the blessings the Lord has already given to us. If you have food in your cupboards, you are blessed. If you are warm in winter and cool in summer-you are blessed. You have much to be thankful for. We must be be knowledgable in our own situation, realizing our gifts, and being thankful to God for them.

Proverbs 28:20 “ A faithful man will abound with blessings, but he who hastens to be rich will not go unpunished.” Wealth, while we should seek it, does not mean we must become bewitched by it. You can’t take wealth with you-and if you could, what would you do with all that money in hell?

- Laziness - Proverbs 10:4
-Oppression - Proverbs 13:23
1)(PRIVATE)Free Enterprise Oppression-22:16 Oppressing the poor in order to increase his own riches.
2) (PUBLIC)Wicked Rulers 28:15
-Foolishness…..co-signing loans in one form of foolishness.
-Immorality- Proverbs 5
-Wanting to live beyond your means. Loving luxury when you can’t afford it. That means buying beer when you should be buying bread, that means buying burgers when you should be eating something homemade (finances are not the only thing that will be positively affected-your waistline might be helped too!), that means going to the movies when you should be using that money to buy clothing for winter. And-heaven forbid you actually start saving money instead of NEEDING to spend it when you have it.

I didn't touch at all upon savings-but of course, that should be the goal more than anything else. I am not sure why people feel the need to spend money as soon (or more often-BEFORE) they get it!

1 comment:

Abigail said...

Thanks for the thoughtful post, Rebecca.