What you do in your house is worth as much as if you did it up in heaven for our Lord God. We should accustom ourselves to think of our position and work as sacred and well-pleasing to God, not on account of the position and work, but on account of the word and faith from which the obedience and the work flow. ~ Martin Luther

Saturday, July 09, 2022

Funny Bunny


Why yes, that IS a Pull-up helmet on his head.

Well, you guys just don't know how much you made my day today as I read through all your comments on my last post!  I had no idea that so many people still popped over here.  None at all!  Thank you all for taking the time to say hello.

You kind of blew my mind.  And you really made me grin.  

In return, perhaps I can give you a grin or two.  Or at least, Moses will.  

Moses has a large vocabulary but he hasn't quite figured out how to use it well.  What results is a whole lot of word salads that make me laugh and laugh.  Many of them make no sense at all, as if he just wants to string a bunch of words together to see how it sounds.   And of course, he still replaces an 'r' sound with a 'w' which makes it all the more adorable.

It could be that all my children have done this but since my memory is so bad, it feels like the first time.  Many times his little diatribes make no sense at all and make me laugh.  

Sometimes, they make just enough sense to make me laugh harder.

On a recent walk:

~ We saw tracks in the mud leftover by a deer... I said "Hmmmm... I wonder what animal left these tracks, Moses?"  (It was a deer track.)

He replied "Dat not a animal...that was Mr. Owens foot."


Moses:  "I have hundweds of dollaws." 

 Mama: "You do?!?" 

Moses: "Yep.  I am going ta give it ta Darby so she can eat salad." (Darby is the neighbor's dog.)

Mama: "But why would you want Darby to eat salad?  Dogs don't usually like to eat salad".

Moses: "She can eat salad so she won't eat us."

Later still....

~ "A bunny cwossed the woad and went dat way..." (At this point I lose focus on what he is saying because he has been constantly chattering the whole time and I get lost in my own thoughts- but then I regain focus on his words just at the point when he says "and dare was lots of blood and batteries came out."

He ended the walk talking about how juicy the day was.  (?!?!?!)

Terrible twos?  I think not.  I think it is more like Terrific.


Terri said...

I've been reading your blog since Andrew was little and have always enjoyed your posts. They are such a mixture of beauty and inspiration so thank you for continuing!

Rebecca said...

I know- I love that you have, Terri. You are an old friend to me by now. Thank you for coming here over the years.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oops! That heart was from Terri!

Abigail said...

I love, love, love, love, LOVE your boy!

Do you remember how I would have powerful desires to steal Ineke for our own when she was his age? (Truthfully, still do.) IT'S THE SAME WITH MOSES.