What you do in your house is worth as much as if you did it up in heaven for our Lord God. We should accustom ourselves to think of our position and work as sacred and well-pleasing to God, not on account of the position and work, but on account of the word and faith from which the obedience and the work flow. ~ Martin Luther

Friday, January 03, 2025

A Narnian Halloween

Corynn had to get herself married and move away and Andrew is too old to dress up (still NOT too old to eat the candy though.)  That left a perfect Narnian Four.

and a Wicked White Witch

(Matt was supposed to be Mr. Beaver and even had himself some lovely ears and a tail- but he wound up coming home too late from work to don them.)


(I can't describe how elated Moses was when a friend loaned him a REAL SWORD for the occasion.)

(Thanks to the dollar store for giving me a break from cardboard helmet making.  Though seriously, whose head do they think will FIT that thing?! Not a Newmans', that's for sure.)


(The only suitable vile for Lucy's cordial was a glitter vile.  And her dagger was cardboard and kindling.  Use your imagination, people!)

(See all that red?!  I very nearly burned that red material up when cleaning the Granary this year.  (It had, apparently, been home to quite a family of rodents throughout the years...)  But it was such a large piece of fabric, that I decided to wash it up just in case I ever needed it for costuming.  And it was THE PERFECT SIZE for Lucy's cape and Moses' tunic/lion this year!  I love it when that happens.)

(This golden lion formed from bakeable clay was made in haste and broke almost immediately after these photos were taken.  But it was still my favorite part of Peter's ensemble.)

Judah makes a handsome Peter.  
(I am trying not to let the fact that his shoulder tips were turned in rather than out bother me.)

A borrowed sword.  Papa's flintlocking pouch.  I did have to buy that faux leathery fabric but it was under $5 at Hobby Lobby thanks to a perfectly timed sale/remnant.  

(It was 80 degrees this Halloween.  Not the greatest time to wear a fur blanket.  Just sayin'.)

The White Witch was looking pretty ruddy.


(We were going to use Adele's bridesmaids dress for her costume but we saw this dress on Shein for a song.  It did require her to meticulously paint every bright white pearl on the sides with nailpolish though.)  And because it wasn't a real bridesmaids dress, I felt like I could add green details to the sleeves and bodice without ruining it forever.  Arrows were made out of chopsticks and feathers, the quiver from a pringles can.)

It all looks so authentic until Moses lets the pizza box writing slip.  ;-)

(I found a pack of LED icicles at the dollar store which I affixed to an old bent up crown...by far the coolest part of my costume.)

Andrew showed up just in time to eat candy and photobomb me as I was trying to capture my glowing crown...

Andrew would have been a fabulous Mr. Tumnus.  But NOOOOOOO.  

If anyone wants to guilt him into costuming up next year, feel free to leave a comment telling him he must.  
(Maybe he'd listen to you...)


Anonymous said...

Um, I was waiting to post a comment until someone else did so I wasn’t hogging the comment space. Well, I waited.

Alas, didn’t want to wait forever, so: the narnian costumes were awesome and meant for such a time as this! So cool! Great job on the little bit of fabric. So awesome what can be done with remnants. Nothing needs to be a throwaway. I’m learning how to be more creative when I see stuff like this and not just “splurge” for the sake of splurging, but to ask myself, “what can I sew out of this?”. Sometimes, though, it is MUCH easier buying a cheap costume. I stink at sewing, but thrive on crocheting (my mom taught me and she is EXCELLENT). Maybe I should just enjoy other people’s costumes though and just call it even.

What’s not cool? That kid Andrew missing his chance to dive into Narnian garb. Yet, on second thought… maybe he’s really into it and just portraying an outstanding version of that party-pooper Eustace (or how Eustace was prior to the dragoning). My money’s on he was going for Eustace this time.

Thank you for sharing. Your every post really does help beavers in bad times.

A in WA

Rebecca said...

ha! Eustace! OF COURSE!!!! Thank you, A.

Mama to 12, so far said...

Lovely work!