Thanksgiving was nearly PERFECT this year. But it wasn't without its' stresses beforehand.
When the power was finally restored the previous week, we discovered quickly that the oven no longer worked. Matt, because he is a brilliant and handy man, diagnosed the problem and ordered the part- but it took a while to get to us. So I was without an oven for two weeks and HOSTING Thanksgiving!
I worked out a game plan: turkey in the roaster oven. (I made one a few days prior too, just to be warmed up.) Pies baked at neighbors. No rolls, after all.
The part came the night before and Matt installed it on Thanksgiving morning and I quickly mixed up the dough and got some rolls baking. WE HAD ROLLS!
Oh my, was I grateful for a working oven that day.

Speaking of rolls...
this year with the invites, I passed out rolls of paper instructing people to fill them out with things they were grateful for. Our family is a mixed political bag and with the election so close, I wanted to be sure Thanksgiving had the proper focus. God. Gratitude. Gifts.
(It worked like a charm. It happened to be my favorite part of the day.)

If you believed these nearly identical turkeys belonged to the same maker, you'd be wrong. The blue eyed turkey belongs to Moses and its' friend belongs to Ineke. |
I made those little mushrooms from dried clementine halves and cinnamon sticks. They were the cutest little ornaments, ifidosaysomyself. And made such a cute little garland until I could give them out as Christmas gifts.
The waiting and watching is the hardest part... |

Those little 'crackers' each held a chocolate truffle and a DAD JOKE to be read aloud, along with funny little punny pins I picked out for each person. |
John, Holly, David, CC provided some entertainment by reciting Psalm 100 which then inspired us all to SING it. |
Here are the "Thanksgiving Rolls" all hung.
Originally, the plan was for everyone to read through the lists and guess which list belonged to whom. But it actually was not hard to determine the author so there was no real winner.
But it was so, so wonderful hearing from each person what things they were thankful for. It helps you to get to know one another more deeply. And it was often hilarious too.
Corynn and Kemuel read the lists aloud so no one could cheat by recognizing handwriting. |

And of course... we sang Happy Birthday to our sweet Thanksgiving baby... Adele' is a gift that was written on my list that day and on my heart always.

The snow was falling, it was beautiful outside. The weather was cool enough to be refreshing but not freezing cold. Snowball fights ensued after dinner. And everyone gave me five minutes to get a Christmas card photo snapped. (Pardon the muckboots.)
Corynn and Kemuel were able to spend part of the day with us, which was a real blessing. I remember those early marriage days when you don't want to disappoint anyone and EVERYONE wants you! It is hard to stretch yourself to please everyone... so I tried not to put any pressure on them at all to come. But not only did they come for dinner, but they returned that evening for cold leftovers and a movie snuggle.
Truly, the best Thanksgiving ever.
I used to read all the time....then I got busy with nothing but raising the family. We used to be on a forum together...I don't remember if it was CMOMB or something else. I cannot believe you have a married kiddo! And seems you don't age nor Matt! You are an encouragement for keeping your blog up!
I mean, I used to read your blog all the time! LOL! I still read, books and stuff.
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