What you do in your house is worth as much as if you did it up in heaven for our Lord God. We should accustom ourselves to think of our position and work as sacred and well-pleasing to God, not on account of the position and work, but on account of the word and faith from which the obedience and the work flow. ~ Martin Luther

Monday, January 17, 2005

Wise cracks make Wise men?

I simply cannot stand when people tear you down to make themselves feel better. THis is just one example. There are several people who feel it is their duty to comment on the behaviour of Corynn at church, after the sermon is over. Without fail-if I had to scold Corynn...seconds after church ends I will hear about it. I wonder how much time they spend watching what is happening in our pew when they should be listening to the sermon.
Corynn is 16 months old and does remarkably well, if I do say so myself. She sits quietly on my lap (or daddy's sometimes) and looks at a book or plays with a puzzle. We don't let her turn around to look at people (even though she loves to look at Uncle Scott and make eyes at the boys), she must sit the whole time, and if she squirms too much-we put a stop to it. Sure, she has instances when she must be reprimanded but I rarely take her out anymore....most of the time a whisper in her ear and a stern look will do the trick. For goodness sake-she isn't even 1 1/2 yet! I am incredibly proud of her! I think that is pretty good. But apparently not for some. The irony is that they are pretty busy in their own pew-how do they have time to bother with ours?!?! Talk about seeing specks through logs.
I would feel truly blessed to have friends who were to openly give advice and counsel to us, confronting us privately about needs they have objectively seen. Unfortunately, we receive no such counsel or encouragement. Instead-we are told right after service in a voice for all to hear, "It will be better next week...at times like this I always say "Good thing it's the Lord's Day 'cause it sure isn't mine!" I am thinking to myself- "Gee wilikers! What did Corynn do that was so bad?!?! I can't think of anything...did I miss something?"
The problem is-the comments they make are not constructive. They are not to build us up or encourage us...or to help us when we falter. The comments made are made only to tear us down and to make themselves look better. I find that absolutely horrific given the character of Christians...or of the character Christians SHOULD possess.

"As an earring of gold, and an ornament of fine gold, so is a wise reprover upon an obedient ear." Proverbs 25:12

1 comment:

Leah said...

Rebecca, I just wanted you and others to know how well-behaved I think Corynn is during the worship service on Sundays. We have the wonderful privilege of sitting right behind you every week and I hardly ever hear Corynn making a fuss. I think she does much better than either of our boys do! You and Matt are doing a wonderful job teaching Corynn to be quiet and therefore respectful during morning worship! Keep up the good work!