What you do in your house is worth as much as if you did it up in heaven for our Lord God. We should accustom ourselves to think of our position and work as sacred and well-pleasing to God, not on account of the position and work, but on account of the word and faith from which the obedience and the work flow. ~ Martin Luther

Monday, August 08, 2005

Getting Real...back to the normalcy of life.

We are back from our vacation...and while I have TONS of stuff to do-I don't want to do it! Please don't make me do it! (I'm going to HAVE to do it...), I will ignore it just long enough to post here. Blogs can come in handy as far as convincing onesself to take a break through justification. Like you all are just DYING to hear of our trip...I am doing my duty to you all...right? :-)

Our trip was such fun! We all enjoyed ourselves immensely despite a few 'incidences." Matt got poked in the eye by a tree branch my brother was twirling around or something-and it jarred him so hard that it popped his contact out and cut his eyeball. He wore his glasses the rest of the trip and has a horribly red eye. Our inflatable air-mattress had a hole in it, so Matt took some time to fix it, just to realize after we had went to bed, it was not the only one. It was completely deflated and TERRIBLY uncomfortable. Corynn couldn't go to sleep because the shadows off of the side of the tent were making her nervous and she was unaccustomed to the sounds. When we went to bed, she was still awake, so we put her on our 'bed' where she talked our ears off for another hour or so. She didn't fall asleep until nearly midnight. Since this was my first camping trip and the weather has been so hot lately, I didn't pack ANY warm clothes. In fact, I even packed a tanktop for sleeping in! I only packed one blanket for each of us (no sleeping bags) and so it got VERY COLD! BY 6:30 in the morning, I was so cold and sore, I thought I would scream, so I got up, jogged aroung the campsite (you know I was in rare form if I choose to run for 'fun'-running is my LEAST favorite activity of all time!!!) My glasses broke in our uncomfortable squirms of the night, and my one contact was dry when I went to put them in. Since I am blind as a bat and my glasses were broke, I was forced to put it in anyway. Ouch! Then I took a HOT shower and just let the water run off me-soothing me into a better mood. Thankfully, not many people wake up that early on a campsite, so I didn't have to worry about water turning cold at the flushes of others, or sharing the water with other showerers.
Thus far, it sounds like the trip was horrible-but really, these things were all outweighed by the grand time we had. The first day we went swimming at the huge pool and ate ice cream, then we went to a Native American Story hour with all the kids and made cornhusk dolls, we had a bonfire and made smores, we had a cookout for supper, we enjoyed everyone's company so much. The next day, we much of the day hiking the beautiful park. It is over 1400 acres-you just can't imagine how HUGE this place was! The scenery was gorgeous-and it felt so good to hike! I was very glad we went, and look forward to going again next year if we can. Well, that was our trip. Now I mustn't dilly dally any longer-there are suitcases to unpack, food to put away, laundry to do, and a whole MESS of 'busyness' just waiting for my sluggish body to start working....


Abigail said...



It sounds like you guys had a great time! I'd love to duplicate the experience, minus the chills, eyeball nuisances, and backaches, of course.

Rebecca said...

CORRECTION: Add another zero and you will have the correct acreage of the park. 1,400 should be 14,000! I told you it was big!