What you do in your house is worth as much as if you did it up in heaven for our Lord God. We should accustom ourselves to think of our position and work as sacred and well-pleasing to God, not on account of the position and work, but on account of the word and faith from which the obedience and the work flow. ~ Martin Luther

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

The Science and Discovery Center

Good 'Ole State taxes and the NY library system allowed us to get into the Science Center for free.

Better still, it was after the public schoolers had already returned to school so we got the run of the place.

It was strange not having Corynn with us, I miss having the whole brood.  I was lucky enough to get Andrew to tag along.  

(Incidentally, he found an engineering/building station and had to be pried away at the end...so I think he had fun.)

Adele' tries to catch dropping balls from the ceiling.

Moses adores the duck races.  

Moses has an intense fascination with skeletons ever since we had a long discussion about how they are not scary (brought on by Halloween decor) but actually, gifts from our Creator to help us do fun things.

Now he is constantly thanking God for "his skeleton bones".

He was delighted to find a skeleton riding a bike and asked for me to take his picture next to it.

The girls play (or look elegant) in snow.

Judah plays church music on a PVC pipe organ

Ineke leaves her mark on the place

We discover the best sandbox ever...

and they make Lake Of Meadows

Andrew gets miniaturized like Mike TeeVee and has to go to the gum-stretcher room...

(Don't worry.  He made it out okay.)

Apparently this machine continues to collect the moments/days throughout the years... we were seeing footage from 2016.  Andrew said he wanted to remember the day so that he could come and look back at this very day years from now when he brought his children.

September 8th, 2023.

Don't forget Andrew!

This, too, feels like deja vu.  

Boys swear they have caught fish bigger than these

Moses thinks twice about swimming in the lake

And Adele' steals my camera for the rest of these:



Matt said...

That was like three posts in one! Thanks for the links to the oldies.

Els said...

The duck race is a keeper, so ancient that I remember our kids playing with it!

Rebecca said...

Els- wow! That duck race has made a lot of kids happy! I love that we have shared memories, even of so long ago. I am so glad the Lord put you in our path. Hope you are well!