More fuzzy pictures from my Camera. Grrrr. Yesterday I had the PLEASURE of meeting a 'virtual friend' in PERSON. This is Jen and her brood. What fun I had. And Corynn too! See? SOMETHING positive has come out of this move after all! :-) Notice the babies? Jen's little girl is going to be a year old in just a few weeks. Andrew is just now four months old. And yet-who is bigger? Andrew has relinquished his title of "Peanut" to Lydia (a much more deserving recipient) and will now, forever be known as the Panda.

I showed the kids the picture and they shouted "Hey let's go back to their house again today!" LOL! So I think they had a good time. I look fat in that picture though. You let me know when you want to do it again and we'll plan to come up (WITH the big box of stuff this time...LOL...chalk that one up to Mommy brain I think). I am cooking food for tomorrow's party today. Nathan wants you all to come to his party but I had to explain to him that it is a bit far to come for his party. Well back to the kitchen....Have a great day! ~Jen
You DO NOT look Fat. You COULDN'T look fat because you are NOT.
I hope your party went well and I look forward to reading all about it (and seeing pictures too!) soon.
Hey-if you are serious about coming up again soon. CORYNN is having a birthday on September 2nd and so on Saturday (the first) I am going to have a little party for her. I thought we would make this one extra-special since it is the first one in this house. I would LOVE it if you came then! I will email you with more details when I actually start THINKING about them! HA!
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