This is for you, Paula. The black background was simply a throw that I propped onto my sewing desk with a weighty book. It is black fur and I only recently purchased it from Target. It was discounted because it was out of it's original package. I got it for a little over $10.00 and I bought it purposely for pictures. Of course, knowing it would be a nice warm blanket for cold, cold nights helped too.
As you can see, the *lighting* needs a bit of help. Isn't that awful?!?!?

Is that Anne Geddes/Celine Dion Miracle Book?! do you love her work as much as i do? I LOVE BABY pictures and the newborns here are just so adorable....makes me want to have another little one to hold again...how bout you?!
It is! Would you believe, I got this book WITH the full-length MIRACLE CD soundtrack for under $5.00!!! I ended up buying two of them, one for myself and one for a friend. Someday, I hope to steal some of her ideas for myself! :-)
THIS IS JUST WONDERFUL! Girls, get dressed! Momma needs to goto Target! Oh I do hope we are able to find a black one like that, I just know hubby would LOVE it!! I will take pics of our makeshift studio and put it on our new blog (http://heartyworks.blogspot.com). I am not sure why HSB didn't mail me notifying me of your comment, but it was there and I read it. I will bless another friend in need with those clothes! :) But I am no longer blogging there and actually am blogging back on blogger (long story).
Thank you SO MUCH for these pictures!! It is really nice AND your shoot came out GREAT!!!! Wonderful pictures!!! You can see my little man on the new blog site (click on FAMILY under Works of Heart). Not as big as your little man!! :) But my they are both just as cute as ever! As for eating, YES! I have been told they eat like horses and especially so when teenagers. NOT looking forward to that! LOL!!!
Moving? Whereto? Did I miss that on your blog? We will be praying for you. I know that it cannot be easy moving twice so close to each other.
Take care and keep in touch! I think I am going to need to rely on your advice on dealing with boys as YOU go through it just shortly BEFORE me! LOL!!!
Paula-oh good-I am glad you got it. So MUCh to catch up on.
We don't actually KNOW where we are moving too yet just that we need to move in about...2 months. Don't ask. The stress level is TOO high right now! ;-)
I am going to check out your new blog right away! Yay!
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