I guess it is high time we add some boy clothes to the dress-up box...
To protect the shred of dignity my boy might someday have left, if he is lucky, I will not post the photo of the big poofy ballerina ensemble he sported the other day.
These pink heels say enough.
Spiderman and superman clothes are a hit for boys (and girls), and pirate and king costumes are easy to put together. That said, I adore seeing my little boy in a pink tutu!
Check out the garage sales for halloween costumes of the characters listed above. They would make wonderful dress up clothes for boys. But don't worry, Eric wore my curlers in his hair and he turned out just fine! After all, he was your prince for a while. :-)
ROFLOL!!!! That is too funny. Thank you for sharing, Rebecca. Don't worry, he won't be wearing pink tutus when he is a teenager :-).
LOL! Well, at least if some woman in the future insists he doesn't know what it's like to wear heels, he can say he does!
Hmmm...time to check the local thrift store for a cowboy hat and a stick pony! (You could probably make the pony for him!)
Phew! I am SO relieved that David is not alone!
MRs. B~ I thought it was Joey not Eric that was 'destined to be my Prince? And-if my memory serves me correctly...it was the two conniving MOTHERS who dreamed of the union. Not me. ;-)
I believe it was Eric. I remember you calling him your Prince Eric. That is partly why you were nervous to meet his wife!!! But as I knew you would, you get along fabulously. I am sure you had help from a couple of moms. But in the end, it all turned out for the best - you got your Matt, and Eric got his Jean, and I have you all!!
Ha! That is funny.
I don't remember at ALL that Eric was 'Prince Eric' and I can promise you I was not at ALL nervous to meet Jean because of that! ha. That is so funny...
Dear boy-- doesn't he know that one should never wear dress heels with a casual shirt? It ruins the whole ensemble.
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