What you do in your house is worth as much as if you did it up in heaven for our Lord God. We should accustom ourselves to think of our position and work as sacred and well-pleasing to God, not on account of the position and work, but on account of the word and faith from which the obedience and the work flow. ~ Martin Luther

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Man in the Moon


The sun has long since gone down and the moonlight only barely peeps through the cloudy, snow filled skies and yet-here I am. Wide awake and sitting at the computer.

I just finished the somewhat tedious process of writing our Christmas letter. We usually include one along with a Christmas card. But I wonder...how is one expected to write an entire years worth of news in a few paragraphs-especially a year so sorted as our2006? And then-to do so without boring the brains off of the reader, without sounding too robotic and without seeming self absorbed. This is the struggle. Of course, such is the nature of the beast. It obviously will be a bit self absorbed as you are only writing about your family. I do try to avoid the 'have no feelings and no regards for others' by writing personal notes in all the cards as well as sending a photo. I love to get a Christmas card with a photo and wish that everyone would live by MY rule. :-)

I will post the newsy letter here probably next week, after all the cards are sent out and (hopefully) received. At which time, I expect you all to be brutally honest as to whether it sounds idiotic or not. Of course, by then, it will be too late....


Tomorrow I have quite a bit of cleaning up to do and then packing because we are heading North this weekend for a much anticipated visit. I worry that it may be too much for Matt to worry about, Monday being his first day at his new job; Friday being his last at his old. But on the other hand, so far I have seen no better way for him to decompress than to be at his parents' house.


My heart jumped to my throat and has not returned ever since I found out and then went to see a house that just went up for sale. It is an old farmhouse with barns and 20 acres and I fell in love with it. JUST what we dream about. A place that Matt could find retreat at (much closer to home!) and could work on projects to his hearts content. A place where we could have animals-including Corynn's birthday wish for a calf. A place that we could establish ourselves and raise our family and never have to move again. And it is about 1/2 a mile away from here-a PERFECT location. The only problem is...YOWZA it costs a lot of money.


I keep telling myself that it is too much and that we couldn't afford it without a more sizable downpayment than the one we COULD give...but then I think-"What if we meet this family and they just think we are such a nice family that they throw their price quote out the window for the sake of knowing that their home will be taken care of and well loved. And what if they want to somehow help us to get established with our lifelong dream and are willing to overlook somethings for the sake of us getting in there?" I hear all sorts of stories like that really do happen. Never to us...but they DO happen. It COULD happen. I probably shouldn't hold my breath though.

But it WOULD be perfect!

I know...I am not thinking clearly. I best get to bed.


Anonymous said...

Never say never...My parents are living in a home that wasn't for sale...it was their dream home...They had gone to look at an old pedestal sink that the owners of the home had for sale & my Dad just jokingly said "so does the house come with the sink?"....And the owner said..."funny you should ask"...My parents have been the proud owners of that home for 5 years now.......So YOU NEVER KNOW what's in store for you... =)

Els said...

Rebecca, sounds so exciting!
You know, never stop dreaming..
and always ask, politely.
If you don't ask, you'll never know if there would be a possibility!
Have a nice weekend, talk it over with family and we will pray too!

Full of Grace said...

First let me say...AAAHHHH! :) What a surprize for you to be coming home this weekend! Does mom know, because she was planning on going to the church for a work day?! I hope that there will be a little time for us to visit, since I know your time here is so brief! I'll call you this am, just to hear a bit more about it :)

Also, great minds of sister's do think alike. I wrote my first Christmas letter about the goings-on of my family yesterday and was planning on posting a copy after all are mailed- talk about sweet irony!

Anonymous said...

Well don't give up on the dream of this house. If it's the Lord's will He will certainly make a way for you. Have a safe trip for your visit. ~Jen

Wendy said...

Rebecca, This is the exact story that my friend told a short while back...they fell in love with a farm not far from you...lots of Acreage...and it was not up for sale, but it was rented out, and she just had to ask. Well, the owner decided that yes she was willing to sell it..and when word caught on people made all kinds of high offers, but she turned them all down, because she wanted to somehow keep her memories alive of the place and new that they would have a family and enjoy it...They now own the home:) I don't know if you know where it is or not...She calls it "the Old Smiley Farm"...If I were you...I would ask if they were willing to except less because it is perfect for your family--even though you are aware it is worth far more than what you can pay...Sentiment goes far in my book :)

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