I was thinking, our poor 'platyduck' needed a pint size friend to play with, and I just HAD to try a mouse when I found this gray yarn in the bottom of one of my baskets. I will say this...using fun fur instead of regular yarn made it ten times more difficult to do! That is REALLY hard to work with! It does make for a very scruffy mouse though. I know precisely who will be the recipient of this mouse though... If I think of any more creatures to make, I will take pictures of the process so that those who are interested, can do them as well. IF I figure out any more animals to do....
Today we are packing up and shipping out for ONE more visit to New York as I have one more special treat for Matt's birthday in store for him. You'll find out all about it when I return! I am hoping this is the LAST trip to NY for a while, my goodness-it seems like we haven't been to our church for two weeks in a row in AGES. (I wonder if they still remember our names...) That means my day will be filled with...repacking clothes, snack bags, preparations for leaving, cleaning up as best I can, blah blah blah. Trips can be so much work-even weekend trips. The work just gets greater as we add children.
I can get so jealous of people who just live their lives day by day...without being uprooted every two seconds. People who stay put in one place and feel at HOME there. I just LONG to stay put somewhere, and live the rest of our lives planted in ONE spot. I wonder if that will ever be in my future? I am feeling abit down about it all.
Matt is going to talk to his former employer (our current landlord) about purchasing this house. It's a shot in the dark, but I would love it if by some miracle, Ed agreed. Even then, who knows how long we will stay here. After we find out about that, and depending on the outcome, we will be looking FERVENTLY for a place to live. The whole situation is coming to a head now and it is giving me the blues...
Hmmm-that turn of conversation wasn't expected...wow. Sorry for that...
Well-I guess that is all I have time for this morning. Have a wonderful weekend everyone and I will 'see' you all on Monday!
I LOVE your little mouse, he is SO adorable! He may have been more difficult to make, but his furry hair just makes him that much cuter!!! :)
See you Tomorrow :)
The little mouse is so adorable. You did a great job with him. I hope your family has a safe trip!
That mouse is so sweet! You did that freehand! Girl,you have talent!
Oh Rebecca, you KNOW what is coming next! "OH HE IS SO CUTE! I simply MUST have the pattern!" :D Honestly, he is too adorable!! And the platyduck (oh too funny). You are so talented!!! Hopefully someday, I can get there. Maybe you can share a bit a bout how you got there. :)
You have a perfect right to be a bit 'blue' in your own blog! Plus, maybe writing/typing it down, will clear the air. Hope it made you feel a bit better, to do so.
You _will_ eventually be settled somewhere. You will. Just have courage. :-)
Hugs, 'MN'
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