I took six votive holders, filled them with water then arranged them in a heart shape. I then cut blooms about 1 1/2-2 inches from roseheads and placed them in the water, making sure to distribute the colors evenly.
It was such a beautiful centerpiece and the hostess was very pleased when I told her she could keep it, along with the extra uncut roses. (I must say...it was hard to let such beautiful roses go after just buying them-I was only able to do it by convincing myself that Matt would get me some soon...I hope!)

Boy, this would be difficult for me to part with- it is so beautiful, and perfect for Valentine's Day :)
Beautiful job, Rebecca!
Michelle from MI
GORGEOUS...and soo simple!! you are soo creative..i admire you and you have great ideas!
It got a few ooh's and aahhs...of course-most of them were from me! :-)
this is SO BEAUTIFUL!! and I feel so stupid because I just cannot make it work! can you draw up a quick photo (you can take a digital pic of it so you don't have to scan it in) or do a step by step pic tutorial?? :) Mine just is NOT looking like this!! UGH!! I know it is some simple step I am missing (maybe not placing the votives in the right place. I am getting so frustrated! LOL!!
This is gorgeous. Well done, Martha!
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